The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 929: No one available, no goods available for

On April 17, after a night of incubation, Carrefour was panicked.


Carrefour Jiangsu and Zhejiang headquarters.

Many store managers in Carrefour are foreign employees.

The same is true of Lin'an headquarters, the store manager is an authentic French.

Early in the morning, the French store manager felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

In the past few days, because of the boycott, their business has plummeted, and their employees have been idle.

But a few days ago, although the employees were idle, they were usually under strict management. The employees were afraid to show their concerns, and would not run around.

But today is different. When the store manager patrols the store, he finds that many employees get together to whisper.

In the eyes of the store manager, he was unhappy because of the boycott.

When I saw that the supervisors who flattered him were whispering, he didn't notice him, the store manager couldn't hold back the fire, and roared: "You guys, what are you doing at work!"

His Chinese is not very good, but after all, staying here for a few years, it is also clear.

After shouting, the store manager continued to scold: "During work, leave the job and deduct wages!"

In foreign companies, strict enforcement standards and deduction of wages are common.

In the past, everyone was okay because of Carrefour treatment, even if they were deducted from their wages, everyone recognized it.

But the store manager obviously doesn't quite understand the current market, and may not even be aware of the Weibo and far-distance publicity published by Li Dong yesterday.

As soon as his salary deductions came out, a supervisor who was usually respectful to him couldn't help but say: "Mr. Valentine, there are no customers at all, and the company has never come up with any solution.

Now everyone is very worried about whether the store will be closed and whether we will be unemployed.

At this time, I think that deduction of wages will not solve any problems, but on the company's side, should we give us a peace of mind?

If we go on like this, we can't bear such great pressure! "

The store manager didn't expect that the usually docile employees would dare to refute himself, and immediately angrily said: "The store will not close down, and this is something that the headquarters should worry about, you can do your own work!"

"But we don't have any work to do now, and we can't achieve performance. We can only get basic salary.

In this way, you have to deduct wages, and then deduct various social security provident funds, can we get 1,000 yuan a month?

I do n’t think so. Mr. Valentin, if converted into the euros you use, we can only get a salary less than 100 euros for a month.

At this time, I feel that if I do not change the current performance model, I will solve the problem of no business in the store! "

After being run over several times in a row, Valentin was furious and blushed: "If you don't want to do it, you can choose to leave! And ..."

The supervisor said calmly: "No more, I chose to leave. I still have a family to support. I don't know how long the storm will last, or how long I can survive.

My family is counting on me to support me, and I still have to pay my mortgage every month.

Mr. Valentine, please help me with the resignation procedures. "


Valentin was stunned, apparently did not expect the other party will really choose to leave.

At this moment, several other supervisors looked at each other, and then also said one after another: "Mr. Valentine, we made the same choice."

They cannot be blamed for their unsympathetic sentiments. This time, the French government boycotted French goods, and the French government made frequent disturbances.

Seeing that the boycott is endless, it may even face failure.

Coupled with being scolded every day, these people are also under great pressure.

In addition, if the supermarket has no business, Carrefour will not feed them in vain, and the scarce wages will be scary, especially for their supervisors.

Fortunately, grass-roots employees have no performance requirements except for those promotions, but they are different. They have no performance without performance and no salary.

Coupled with the olive branch thrown at them from afar, the supervisors who had worked at Carrefour went to the distance, and the treatment was not bad.

There are so many new stores in the distance, and middle and low-level management is extremely scarce.

Compared to Carrefour, the channels for ascent in the distance are wider and the future is more impressive. It is not surprising that they made this choice.


On this day, the resignation did not happen in a store, the same thing happened in Carrefour China.

And far away stores not far from Carrefour stores, there is an additional recruitment desk at the door.

This recruitment desk is dedicated to recruiting Carrefour employees.

Many people couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene. From afar, they were determined to kill each other.


Far East Group, Li Dong everyone is happy.

Sun Tao was still worried about what Li Dong thought wrong, but he is extremely supportive of Li Dong's digging.

Really, people are needed in the distance, especially this kind of employee supervisor with foreign investment training is what they need.

In the past, people wanted to dig people from afar. It was too hard to dig one by one, and it was also very difficult.

The situation is different now. Carrefour was boycotted, and the employees were panicked.

At this time, it is not too easy to dig people from afar.

Sun Tao has rarely laughed because of his high position in recent years, but today Sun Tao is really happy.

Early in the morning, Sun Tao broke into Li Dong's office and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, it's very popular, so popular!

I was still worried before, and this time I opened a lot of new stores. We have recruited a lot of newcomers and the trouble is not small.

I did n’t expect to do it with a single recruitment, although there are more than 10,000 people ... "

Before he finished speaking, Li Dong laughed: "Not many, we have a lot of stores to open next.

Moreover, we will expand in the second half of the year.

More than three or five thousand people, I feed them!

At most half a year, it ’s no big deal. I ’m paying for it in vain. The average salary of 3000 people is high enough. It costs 10 million yuan a month!

I can afford to spend 60 million in half a year.

It really takes 10,000 people to fill up. Almost all of Carrefour's employees have come. They have to close more than 100 stores!

If Carrefour is destroyed by tens of millions, then I really want to thank God, what do you say? "

Sun Tao thought about it, it was indeed this reason, and now he was not too much, he said with a smile: "It is this reason, and now Carrefour can not recruit people, unless their salary is higher than ours, otherwise this No one will go.

Every time they leave, they are one less.

There are really ten thousand people coming to us, ha ha ha, I can imagine their embarrassment.

Even if no one resisted then, they wouldn't be able to sustain it. Mr. Li, this trick was indeed clever. I didn't expect it before.

I knew it was like this, to Suguo ... "

Sun Tao knew that he wanted to turn around before he finished talking, which was really not good for Su Guo.

Moreover, Carrefour doesn't work at all. Only at this time, the whole country boycotts and the government is silent, which is what counts for the idea.

Changing a time and changing an opponent is useless.

Having figured this out, Sun Tao didn't talk about it anymore, but smiled with a big smile: "Mr. Li, I'm not here to tell you about this.

Do you know whose call I received last night? "

Li Dong laughed: "Looking at you so happy, have you received a call from your girlfriend?"

Sun Tao smiled bitterly and didn't sell the key anymore. He quickly said: "It was the previous phone call of the general manager of the Carrefour Provincial Company. At that time, it was the guy who pressed me that I had no choice but to leave.

Unexpectedly, now that causal circulation, that guy can't hold on.

He called me and asked me if I could recruit people from afar. You do n’t know, I almost laughed out loud at that time.

Very popular! "

Sun Tao was really happy, watching the adversary admit that he was at a disadvantage, although he is no longer as good as he was now, but he still feels extremely happy.

In fact, the general manager is not unable to find a job. As the general manager of Carrefour, it is not difficult to find a good job.

But on the domestic side, there are now three largest supermarkets.

Both Bailian and China Resources are state-owned enterprises.

Only from afar, soon after the rise, there is an urgent need for talents.

For the future, for the sake of benefit, choosing the distance is the best way out.

Moreover, he and Sun Tao are not in a deep hatred, normal job competition relationship, let alone, he also crushed Sun Tao that year, even more so that he is more powerful than Sun Tao.

In the opinion of the general manager, Li Yuan is in urgent need of high-end talents, and Li Dong once showed a desire for talent.

He came to a distant place, and it might not be impossible for him to achieve the level of Sun Tao in the future.

Seeing him happy, Li Dong laughed: "It's indeed very popular, or if you get him over, you will be more pleasant in the future."

Sun Tao shook his head with a smile: "Forget it, there is no need to be so disgusting."

Without saying anything about the general manager again, Sun Tao said: "Mr. Li, this is indeed an opportunity!

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed our approach last time, but this time will not be too long.

At this time, neither China Resources nor Bailian would dare to dismantle us.

Before the incident has subsided, we must seize the time and break Carrefour! "

Both China Resources and Bailian are state-owned enterprises. The superiors affirmed the practice of the distance, and they will not take risks against the distance at this time.

And there is another point, they are also difficult to pick up cheap.

After all, it's a state-owned enterprise, and you have to worry about the impact.

Whether the Carrefour can be defeated from a distance, or whether it can enjoy the results alone, depends on how long the event lasts.

The longer the duration, the greater the possibility of a single win in the distance.

Li Dong naturally understood the truth and nodded: "This is exactly what I want to say. This time it is no longer limited to the East China region. Nationwide, as long as Carrefour and us have overlapping business areas, we will all be in a promotional battle.

In addition, in the past few days, I contacted some channel suppliers to remove Carrefour products.

I want to make him unavailable and unavailable! "

Sun Tao did not expect that Li Dong had already been in contact, and immediately admired him.

No admiration, Li Dong will do the right thing at the right time every time.

Just like this boycott of the storm, who would have thought that Li Dong would choose to stand up and pick up the bargain at this time.

Not to mention, there is a high probability that this cheap one will be picked up from a distance.

Just when he thought about it, Li Dong continued: "Also, you and Mr. Chen will communicate to see if you have a chance to talk to Carrefour."

"Talking with Carrefour?" Sun Tao was surprised again: "What are you talking about?"

"Store transfer."

Li Dong calmly said: "Carrefour has more than 110 stores in China, and they are all large-scale shopping malls with complete facilities and okay decoration.

If we can take over some stores, we will open the national market immediately.

Their geographic location is also good, they are all in the center of the business district.

Especially in Shanghai, once we take over Carrefour ’s store, we will be able to gain a firm foothold immediately ... "

Sun Tao was stunned and said after a while: "Mr. Li, is this possible?"

Carrefour now faces such a dilemma, it can be said that it was all caused by a single hand from afar.

And Carrefour is strong, Sun Tao feels that they will not easily withdraw from the Chinese market.

Since they do not withdraw, how could they transfer the store to a distant place.

Li Dong said with a smile: "It's a matter of man-made, investment and income are not proportional to each other, and it's not surprising to withdraw from the Chinese market.

Their turnover in China last year was around 30 billion yuan, and their annual profit was 2 billion yuan.

You said that if there is a loss of several hundred million or even more than one billion this year, will they continue to persevere? "

Sun Tao understood what he meant, frowning: "You mean, if they don't agree, we will continue to chase down and fight hard?"



Sun Tao hesitated, but immediately said: "This is feasible, but there is one thing, we also need a lot of investment on this side.

Don't worry about the payment, Tengxiang gave us a three-month extension this time.

Carrefour won within 3 months, we should not need to invest extra.

However, Carrefour stores are large supermarkets, if we can take over, the price will not be small. "

"It's okay, and I didn't take them all. Of their 110 stores, I really have 20 or so.

A single store has more than 100 million yuan, and only 2 billion. It should not cost so much. You can talk about it. "

Sun Tao nodded and said: "Then I will discuss with President Chen and I can try it. But now I don't have to worry about it. I'm not afraid that they will be afraid of fighting.

It's really not good, and you can win the East China market.

In the East China market, we cannot simply end this time, we have to keep suppressing it. "

Li Dongdao: "This is what I wanted to do before. I have to say that this time the Paris government is very powerful. I hope they will make some big news."

Sun Tao laughed, but this possibility should be unlikely.

The remarks of the mayor of Paris completely ignited the Huaxia government, and then the French government will definitely bow its head.

Lao Mei and Hua Xia are against each other.

After all, it is a world power ~ ~ but France is still a bit short.

Yesterday, the mayor of Paris made a statement. The French president has begun to make up for the relationship. I heard that Mr. President is preparing to visit China recently.

Moreover, the ambassador to China also frequently met with various media in China to give interviews and explain the events.

Of course, at one-and-a-half, people will definitely not accept it.

What Li Dong needs to do is that during this period of time, the Carrefour fight has no power to fight back. After that, the advantage is laid and the other party is unable to return to the sky.

Before leaving, Sun Tao thought for a while and said, "General Li, after this time, our future international expansion may be difficult."

Li Dong shook his head and said: "You think too much. Foreign countries are talking about strength and capital. As long as we have strength, there is nothing difficult.

Normal business competition is nothing more, and we will only win their respect if we win Carrefour. The strong is the king, and it will work everywhere. "

Li Dong said again: "What's more, the international expansion has to wait until what year and month, I haven't won it in the country, how can I take care of the future.

The benefits of getting it are real. In the future, we really want to expand internationally, which shows that our strength is stronger.

At that time, others will only remember our strength, which would care if you had crushed Carrefour. "

Sun Tao said this indisputably, at this time he thought more.

In fact, at this time, many people in the domestic business community did not support Li Dong.

They felt that Li Dong's doing so completely cut off the future, and how to develop transnationally in the future.

But when Li Dong said this, Sun Tao suddenly felt that these people really wanted too much.

You can't even do well at home, and you have time to think abroad, and worry about eating salty carrots!

There are a few entrepreneurs who dare not show their heads, and they can really develop across the country.