The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 935: 0 Billion Army


Carrefour headquarters.

Luo Guowei held the test report for a long time.

Although the test report of the professional institution did not come down, although the milk powder was not sold by his family, although ...

There are many reasons, and a lunatic is staring at them.

The test report was done internally by themselves, and it came out relatively quickly.

Luo Guowei usually does not smoke, but this time he couldn't help but light a cigar. This was the last time a friend of his came to China to see him.

For the first time, Luo Guowei was not used to it and choked several times.

After coughing for a while, Luo Guowei suddenly smiled and said: "Iris, do you say we are dead this time?"

Chen Ying was silent for a moment and nodded: "We, who are already at the forefront of the storm, may be really unable to pass this level this time."

"Haha, Shet, I should be able to return to my homeland!"

Luo Guowei laughed first, then burst into tears and said: "But what I want is the return of honor, and now it's all over! I suspect that if I go back, they will kill me!"

Why did Li Dong ’s madman stare at us!

We beat Wal-Mart in the European market, and we are not afraid of Wal-Mart worldwide.

But why can't we win a local company when we arrive in China!

Huaxia, I never want to come again in my life! "

Chen Ying calmly said: "Mr. Luo, now is not the time to consider these, we have to find ways to minimize the impact.

Carrefour can evacuate in China, but cannot evacuate with this reputation.

Being boycotted, and having management loopholes and letting the problematic product enter, these are two different concepts.

Once we are defeated because of this, the entire Carrefour Group will be hit hard. "

Luo Guowei said resolutely: "I know, but I don't know what to do now."

Yes, he really didn't know what to do.

It is not that he is weak, nor that he is incompetent.

On the one hand, the facts really exist, on the one hand, the distance has been staring at them.

Even if they want to calm down, the distance will not be ignored.

Luo Guowei could feel that the lunatics had not turned their attention.

At this time, it is wrong for them not to do it.

Chen Ying sighed slightly, and Chen Lang's smile flashed in her mind. After thinking for a moment, Chen Ying said: "Now we can only do our best.

First, we should not allow everyone to focus our attention on us.

Immediately let the public relations department take action. The supermarket selling these milk powders is not ours. All the others have to be pulled out.

In addition, companies such as Sanlu also had to pull out to block the gun for us.

Second, we cannot hide it, we must actively deal with it.

While a large number of test reports have not yet come out, and things have not reached their peak, we have to be courageous.

We can fail, but we want to let the world know that Carrefour is a company that dares to take responsibility.

We are all responsible for those children who have bought milk powder at Carrefour and thus caused illness.

In addition, we have to help them defend their rights and sue several dairy companies that have problems.

Third, to communicate with the local government, we are willing to contribute money to solve the problem, but they must control the development of public opinion, and they cannot let it be guided from afar.

Fourth, we have to talk to distant places.

Retreat appropriately to prepare for the withdrawal from China and prepare for the elimination of influence.

Do n’t they want to take over our store?

Yes, but only if they do n’t continue anymore. Nowadays, our employees are losing too much, and the performance is almost zero. This kind of situation occurs again.

I am worried that they will have other actions next.

Carrefour's reputation cannot be completely destroyed by us. President Luo, you should understand this. "

Luo Guowei was a little unwilling and a little angry.

But he understood that at this time, withdrawing from China was inevitable.

Although the headquarters has not yet made up their minds, they can wait a few more days for things to break out completely, and they will not retreat.

Once he withdrew, as Chen Lang said, he had to fight for Carrefour ’s best interests.

With a full expression on his face, Luo Guowei didn't hesitate anymore, and straightened his clothes and said, "Then follow Iris what you said, and prepare for a press conference.

This time, I failed.

I will take responsibility for my failure, but I will do my best to limit the influence of things to the China region.

In the distance ...

You go to contact, although I do not want to see those lunatics again, but I have to admit that at this time, maybe they are my life-saving straw. "

Chen Ying nodded, then a smile appeared on the old-fashioned face, "Mr. Luo, your Chinese is getting better and better."

"is it?"

Luo Guowei shrugged and said, "You are all forced, you Huaxia like to kill the enemy in words.

I didn't understand much before, but now I understand. Language can really kill the enemy, and it is worth more than tens of billions of dollars.

Although I hate Huaxia, I will continue to work hard to learn Chinese when I go back.

Do you know what I want to do at the moment? "

Chen Ying echoed: "What do you want to do?"

"I want to stand in front of Li Dong and tell him aloud: Filsdepute!"

Chen Ying frowned: "Mr. Luo, cursing is a sign of poor quality."

Luo Guowei said indifferently: "I'm leaving anyway, and that madman is really annoying."

Chen Ying didn't say anything, just scold it, Li Dong didn't know anyway.

Besides, Luo Guowei was scolding here. It really came to Li Dong. If he dared to scold others, Li Dong did not understand it. Fortunately, she understood that Luo Guowei would be beaten into a pig's head.

The guy who wasn't good-tempered, Chen Ying secretly said.


On April 28, when the incident was still brewing.

Carrefour held a press conference.

At the press conference, Luo Guowei acknowledged that Carrefour had a loophole in its supervision and would hold several senior executives accountable.

In addition, Luo Guowei released a Carrefour internal test report.

According to the report, Carrefour inspected 16 milk powders, and there were not many batches of milk powder in question, only three.

These three models are all domestically produced milk powder.

And there are not many domestic milk powders sold at Carrefour supermarket, so his potential is to tell everyone that we are not the most serious problem among milk powder sellers.

Compared to Carrefour, it is other supermarkets that really sell the problem milk powder in large quantities.

In addition, Carrefour is willing to bear all responsibilities.

If Carrefour purchases milk powder at Carrefour and causes the baby to become ill, Carrefour will be held responsible and will never be blamed.

Finally, Luo Guowei said that Carrefour will pursue the legal responsibility of milk powder providers.

At the end of the press conference, Luo Guowei, who had always been stern, said suddenly to the camera: "Li, the distance will definitely become the first retail company in China!"

Leaving this, Luo Guowei depressed the depression in his heart, and left with some pride.


As soon as the Carrefour press conference came out, no matter whether the test report appeared or not, the Internet and the private sector were completely boiling.

For a time, countless people posted posts scolding major supermarkets and dairy companies.

Everyone shouting and playing is not enough to show everyone's anger, it is actually true!

And until now, except for Carrefour, no supermarkets and dairy companies have come forward to explain.

The crowd is very angry, parents are particularly angry!

The storm is getting bigger and bigger, and the China General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine conducted a full batch of quality inspections of dairy products in major supermarkets.

Including distant supermarkets, it is also within the scope of inspection.

Li Dong does not matter, since he is ready to attack others, he will not make such mistakes himself.

On the far side of the supermarket, Li Dongjian dispatched all the inspection departments, and hundreds of supermarkets all conducted quality inspections.

When it was found that there was no problem, Li Dong dared to make things worse.

Otherwise, he would not choose to break the news at this time, Li Dong will not do anything to ask for bitter taste.


Provincial Party Committee.

Shen Qian smiled bitterly: "You are famous again!"

Luo Guowei's last sentence at the press conference pushed Li Dong to the media.

Yuanfang will become the first retail enterprise in China, which is the conclusion given by the person in charge of the world's second largest retail supplier in China.

Suddenly, Li Dong became the public enemy of China Retail.

Especially for China Resources, Bailian, Gome and Suning, do n’t forget that the distance has n’t surpassed them at this time.

Li Dong lay on the chair and said lazily: "It's used to not being jealous is a mediocrity. Whether he says it or not is the same.

Moreover, it will be a matter of time before the distance becomes first.

Now he says that, but it makes the distance more famous, and there is nothing to worry about. "

Shen Qian sighed, a little speechless: "Li Dong, this year you are too shocked, this is not a good thing.

Think for yourself, how many things have happened since the beginning of the year?

It was less than three months after the Chinese New Year. The capital was harassed by you once, Sichuan and Sichuan were harassed once, and Carrefour was quarreled again not long ago.

Well now, in less than a month, you make a big noise again.

I am afraid the dairy industry now hates you, and so are the major supermarkets.

Not only they, but many local governments may also hate you for tickling your teeth.

How many people are supported by the dairy industry and how much tax are provided?

Li Dong, stop for a while, I am afraid of you. "

Li Dong said helplessly: "You can't blame me, it caught up in a hurry.

Besides, these times I have been standing at the commanding heights of justice. You see, I am now well received on the Internet.

Everyone is grateful to me, calling me a messenger of justice, a bright incarnation ... "


Shen Qian couldn't stand him a little and exhaled: "When I didn't say it, but I'm serious, you really have to stop.

Yes, these are not your faults.

But everyone has a different perspective and thinks differently.

Just like this time, you can do something low-key ... "

Li Dong shook his head and said: "Low-key is useless, really low-key, those people will not take it seriously.

Covering the lid is what everyone wants to do.

But I will not poke out this matter now, sooner or later it will be more serious, at least for now is the best ending. "

Li Dong's words were serious, because he poked it out in advance, and there were no cases of death, and things hadn't reached their peak.

At this time, the attack on the China Dairy industry was far less serious than in the previous life.

You should know that after this incident happened in the previous life, the dairy industry in the country has suffered devastating damage.

Because at that time, the dead!

Because at that time, the first to poke out is foreign-funded enterprises!

This time is different. This time, the Chinese people poke themselves out, and Carrefour and other foreign capital are involved.

In the previous life, everyone ignored these and pointed the finger at domestic dairy companies.

At that time, it happened that people died again, and things would develop like that.

Even Mengniu and Guangming have barely passed that level.

Especially Mengniu, if the classmates would not rescue, I am afraid it would really fall.

In this life, Mengniu also made some remedies, and recalled some products a few days in advance.

The impact should not be as serious as that of future generations. Lao Niu had to thank Li Dong for it.

Of course, these are all Li Dong's wishful thinking.

Now that the old cow saw him, it would be nice if he didn't hack him.

Li Dong felt that he had saved the Huaxia dairy industry. He had no doubts about his conscience, but also saved a lot of people.

As for what others think, he can't control it.

Who really wants to feel that he has hurt everyone and wants to fight against himself, then try it!

Chen Lang has continued to go to Shanghai to negotiate the acquisition of Carrefour. Once the matter is successful, the distance will soon be able to achieve greater development.

In addition, now that Distant has become the most famous and best-known enterprise in the domestic supermarket industry, there will be an outbreak next.

No. 1 in domestic supermarkets, Li Dong felt that this year should be no problem.

If he is the first in the industry, the annual sales of supermarkets exceed 100 billion yuan, and there are not many people who can move him in China.

The more he was attacked, the more Li Dong was going to do it.

As long as the gap between you and the other party is so great that these people cannot even think right.

Sometimes destroying the enemy doesn't mean you have to destroy it.

Spiritually and in terms of materials, the best solution is to attack the opposing party's courage to fight.

Seeing him like this, Shen Qian was too lazy to persuade him, and hesitated for a moment and then said, "My mother will come in two days and would like to invite you to dinner. Will you go?"

"go with!"

Li Dong did not hesitate and said with a smile: "This is the first time your mother invited me to dinner. It is an honour. It seems that Li Dong has finally counted in your mother's eyes."

Shen Qian rolled her eyes and said, "Shaohu, don't you have eaten with you before?"

"That's different. Your mother used to find faults. I don't think it's a fault this time ..."

Shen Qian glared at him ~ ~ too lazy to tell him more.

However, this time Shen Xuehua took the initiative to invite Li Dong to dinner, and his attitude really eased a lot.

Li Dong's business has really grown up to the point that even Shen Xuehua can't say "sand buns".

The current Yuanfang Group may have total assets of over RMB100 billion.

Of course, the net assets certainly do not have this number.

However, it should be possible to enter the Hundred Billion Group from afar, and maybe not now, no more than one year at most, Shen Xuehua thinks it should be almost the same.

By this time, who would say that the elders of a hundred billion group are always "sand buns"?

If you really want to say that, you are a fool.

A private enterprise has achieved this level, and dare not say that it is the first in the country, and it has at least reached the top level.

Li Dong took the distance to this point in four years, and no one would underestimate him at this moment.