The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 955: Always come

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the meeting continued.

In front of Shen Qian, she briefly reported on the affairs of the Foundation. At 14:20, Li Dong said to Bai Su: "You can connect to the video."

Bai Su got up and worked for a while, and the figures of others gradually appeared on the big screen of the conference room.

Li Dong glanced at the video, and both Fang and Wang Yue were there.

After sweeping around, Li Dong asked: "Everyone is here?"

Fang nodded: "It's all here."

"Well, the meeting in the morning was delayed for a little time. Next, you Zhao will report on the situation in Sichuan and Sichuan, and Mr. Wang. I will also talk about the situation in Shancheng later."

Li Dong said again: "When your report is finished, I have something to announce about the foundation."

Everyone naturally has no opinion.

Although they waited all morning, no one dared to express dissatisfaction with the employees underneath.

The specifications of this meeting were quite high. The chairman did not listen. They also saw other executives on the screen.

The foundation is so valued that everyone is too happy to be too late, and it does n’t matter if they sit all morning.

Fang cleared his throat and picked up the documents and was preparing to report. Although Yuan Chengdao and these people felt that Li Dong had some minor problems, they also prepared to listen carefully with their ears side by side.

At the moment, Li Dong did not put his mind on the report.

Li Dong frequently watched his watch, watched the pointer turn quickly, and a trace of sweat gradually oozed from his forehead.

At this time, other people didn't notice, but Shen Qian glanced at Li Dong with some worry. Was this guy sick?

When the time reached 14:27, Li Dong suddenly felt that he was a little breathless.

On the screen, Fang was still talking, but Li Dong didn't hear anything. He looked at the screen fixedly, and his whole heart mentioned his voice.


Fang hadn't finished reporting yet, and the screen suddenly flickered, and some snowflakes appeared.

Everyone didn't care too much. At this moment, the figures on the other side of the screen fluttered suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, someone from the Foundation shouted, "Earthquake!"

The video was suddenly disconnected, but at the moment of disconnection, everyone in Li Dong saw the meeting room opposite was shaking.

Far away meeting room.

Everyone is quiet for a while, and some are not refreshed.

Yuan Chengdao swallowed and was shocked: "This ... this is ..."

His words hadn't settled, and suddenly, the distant building shuddered slightly.

The tremor was not too obvious, and the water in the glass swayed slightly.

Reminiscent of what happened just now, many people's faces changed dramatically!

You know, Chuanshu and Jiangbei are thousands of miles apart!

Li Dong responded first and quickly got up and shouted: "Come on, continue to contact Chuanshu, and get communication with Chuanshu immediately!

In addition, immediately contact Shancheng and other places to determine what happened!

Start the emergency response plan, let others not mess up first, Mr. Yuan will carry out ... "

At the moment, Li Dong lost his previous confusion and nervousness.

Things have happened, and since they can't be changed, then do your best to do something that can be done.


Ten minutes later, Bai Su made contact with Chuanshu.

It was not a video. At the moment of the earthquake, Fang organized people to escape from the branch.

At that moment, they really panicked.

The phone turned on the hands-free, and Fang breathed a little: "Mr. Li, something happened, the earthquake! The earthquake was Sichuan and Shu. We haven't received the specific information, and Shudu was also affected by aftershocks.

Now Sichuan and Sichuan are in chaos, Mr. Li, what should we do? "

Li Dong looked heavy and immediately said: "You just need to find a safety zone to protect yourself and ensure smooth communication. I will immediately arrange an emergency team to rescue!

In addition, if the situation permits, President Wang can return to the mountain city while ensuring safety!

After returning to Shancheng, organize relief materials immediately, and let you call all the warehouse materials in Shancheng!

I will also give orders immediately for the relief materials in several places in the surrounding Hubei province, and they will be delivered to Chuanshu with the fastest speed!

For the time being, safety first, the specific things are still unclear, and I will make arrangements when I get specific information. "

"Okay, I know." Fang calmed down a little, and responded quickly.

The phone didn't hang up, Wang Yue answered the phone and said: "Mr. Li, I'm going to Shancheng immediately. The earthquake should be great, even ... not even smaller than that of Tangshan ..."

Wang Yue's voice was all crying.

Even the Shu capital is seriously damaged. There are panic crowds all over the street. There are many people crying and crying while calling, obviously things are much worse than they thought.

Li Dong's face was a bit ugly, and his throat was bitter: "I know, but don't take the risk first, the emergency team will take some time to organize.

First of all, be careful yourself. "

Li Dong hung up the phone and said to the others: "We will immediately liquidate all our materials, including bread, biscuits, mineral water, clothing, and tents!

Determine the specific information, organize the convoy and rescue team, go to Sichuan and Shu! "

The others answered with a heavy face, and went on to prepare.

Li Dong sat in the conference room without moving, and his mind was blank.

It ’s time to come!


At 14:40, the official website of the Earthquake Administration released the information.

At 14:28 in the afternoon, an earthquake of magnitude 8.1 occurred in Wenshan. At 15 o'clock, CCTV News Channel inserted a breaking news. The Wenshan earthquake, the specific damage and casualties have not been confirmed.

Soon after, CCTV News Channel launched a special live broadcast program "Focus on the Wenshan Earthquake". At 15:20, the program began to broadcast continuously ...

Less than an hour after the earthquake, all China and the world knew it.

Wenshan, this little-known county town, let the world remember him at this moment.

But this fame is not what Wenshan wants to see, or even what people all over the world want to see.

Everyone dare not imagine the 8.1-magnitude earthquake. Wenshan ... Is there any hope?

The Tangshan earthquake that year was not that big, but that time, the number of deaths and injuries, more than 30 years later, the Chinese did not dare to forget.

Now, a larger earthquake occurred than last time.

Countless people wept and prayed, countless people stood in front of the computer, in front of the TV, hoping to get the news of the disaster area as soon as possible.

But more and more news, but it is cold to countless people.

The waterway was blocked, the helicopter could not enter the epicenter, the road was cut off, and Wenshan became an isolated island.

Communication is cut off, and there is no audio in the disaster area.

The soldiers rushed to the front line in an emergency, even if the aftershocks continued, even if they faced the danger of life at any time, they would not hesitate, everyone has only one idea-to get through the lifeline!

The country is mobilizing, and the government has launched a rescue mechanism.

The news of the earthquake is constantly being broadcast on TV, and people are constantly inquiring on the Internet. What happened to Wenshan?

Are they still safe?

When will the lifeline get through?

There are countless people asking, where can I donate?

They can't help much, but they can't sit still, even if the front-line reports haven't come, everyone can imagine the kind of sadness.

Donation, the only thing they can do together.

Others contacted online, hoping to form a material transportation team and enter the disaster area together for rescue.



Li Dong sat in the meeting room for several hours.

He felt that he was very hypocritical, he dared not watch TV or computer.

He was afraid that he would feel guilty, even if he kept telling himself, I am not ashamed, I did everything I could, I was just protecting myself.

But Li Dong sometimes thinks about it, if, if I inform everyone in advance?

Will that be another scene?

I do n’t know when Shen Qian came in and said softly: "The rescue team has been organized and the team is all ready.

Jiangbei has transferred 30 million materials, and along the way there are rescue teams from several other places that will meet with you. This time, a total of 100 million emergency materials were transferred.

In addition, we also organized a rescue team of 100 people, including doctors and experts, this time will be led by President Sun ... "

"Do not!"

Li Dong rubbed his cheek and got up and said, "I will lead the team!"


Shen Qian's eyes flashed with anxiety, and quickly said: "At this time, the aftershocks are not going well. Sichuan and Sichuan are too dangerous. You can't go ..."

Li Dong said in a bit of pain: "I'm going, I feel uneasy, you don't understand, I am sitting here, I'm suffering, it's more painful than you.

Really, I'm too stressed.

I go by myself, even if I can't do anything, at least it will make me feel at ease. "

Shen Qian's eyes were slightly red. Although she couldn't understand, she could feel Li Dong's inner suffering.

After a moment of silence, Shen Qian reluctantly smiled: "Well, I will accompany you."

"You? No, you don't have to go. This is my business."

Shen Qian said with a determined face: "Whether I am with you, or you are not allowed to go! I am the chairman of the foundation, and the rescue team is the foundation team.

If you did n’t go, I would hide once, I do n’t care, because I dare not go!

But you go, I must go! "

Li Dong shook in her heart and gently hugged her, said: "Well, then you accompany me, rest assured, the earthquake is over, we will be safe."


Shen Qian responded softly, but neither of them spoke.

At 17 o'clock, Li Dong took Shen Qian down from the Yuanfang Building.

Outside the park, 10 heavy trucks, three CMBs, and several cars are parked.

Li Dong looked around, and many people were waiting under the car. When they saw Li Dong coming over, everyone thought he was here to encourage everyone.

But do n’t want Li Dong to say loudly: “One side has difficulty in all directions! Wenshan Earthquake ~ ~ national sorrow! Although the distance is only a private enterprise, you dare not forget the root!

This time, Chairman Shen and I will lead you to rescue Wenshan together and do my best! "

Everyone was stunned. Yuan Chengdao who came to see him off was also stunned.

Sun Tao, who was ready to get on the train, was also stunned!

Li Dong, he wants Shen Qian to go in person?

Yuan Chengdao looked bitter and said dryly: "Mr. Li ..."

Li Dong interrupted: "It goes without saying that we are just going to rescue. The earthquake is over and there is no danger.

You and Mr. Sun stay to do the comfort work, and continue to prepare materials, if not enough, I will continue to get it! "

Sun Tao from the side also walked over, worriedly said: "Mr. Li, I'll just go, now you can't live without you ..."

"Needless to say."

Li Dong interrupted him again and exhaled: "It's the same when I go. I won't be at ease in my life without going to see it."

Although he didn't understand why Li Dong insisted so much, it can be seen that his idea was fixed. Sun Tao had to look to Tan Yong and said: "Old Tan, protect Mr. Li!"

Tan Yong nodded silently without speaking.

When Li Dong got in the car, the team gradually went away.

Yuan Chengdao only bitterly said: "The son of Qianjin can't sit down, President Li, President Li is reckless this time!"

In Yuan Chengdao's view, this time the distance has reached the limit of what he can do.

Not to mention the allocation of 100 million yuan of materials, and a professional rescue team of 100 people was organized. Which company can achieve this?

But now, Li Dong actually led the team personally, and even brought Shen Qian.

Once something goes wrong, it is simply overwhelming!

Last time I was adventurous in Sichuan and Sichuan, and this time I went, and Yuan Chengdao couldn't understand it.

Sun Tao said softly: "He has his perseverance, we don't understand."

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