The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 956: Human nature

From Pingchuan to Shudu, a distance of 1500 kilometers!

Departing at 17:00, vehicles are constantly joining the distant convoy along the way.

It was a remote rescue team organized by remote supermarkets around the country after the headquarters issued an order.

In Hubei Province, another batch of vehicles joined.

At five in the morning, most of the trip was over.

Everyone was very tired, but no one was resting, nor did they find a hotel.

The convoy stopped at an empty place by the road, and everyone gathered around the car to eat dry food and drink mineral water.

Li Dong took a sip of a mineral water bottle and stared at the sky staring blankly.

Shen Qian was on the phone. After a few minutes, Shen Qian walked tiredly and said softly: "The roads in the epicenter area have not yet been opened. The troops from all regions have urgently come to support. In addition, malls, PP, and Weibo have opened donation channels ..."

Li Dong waved his hand and said, "If you don't say this, how long will it take you to reach Shudu?"

"It will take at least six or seven hours to arrive at about 12 noon."

"Let everyone rest for twenty minutes, and we will continue to hurry later. Hold on, and I will compensate everyone when I go back."

Many people heard these words and said with red eyes: "Mr. Li, this is what we should do, without compensation, we really have to take the money, we are not at ease."

"Yes, President Li, you and the chairman have come in person. We still have to take the money. Is that still a person?"


Everyone rejected Li Dong's claim for compensation.

If Li Dong didn't come, they might still have grudges.

But even Li Dong came in person, and they still have something to complain about.

Everyone has the heart of mourning. The Wenshan Earthquake did n’t know how many people suffered.

They can't do anything, and now they can organize a rescue team from afar and become part of it. Everyone is willing.

After eating biscuits, drinking water, and taking a short break, Li Dong got up and said, "Go, you must arrive before 12 o'clock."

Everyone got up in the car one after another, and in the dark night, the long convoy continued to drive towards Sichuan and Sichuan.


At 8:30 am on the 13th, Li Dong and his team arrived at Shancheng.

Wang Yue's eyes were red. When Li Dong's car stopped, Wang Yue stepped forward and said: "All the supplies of Shancheng have been transferred out. In addition, we have also organized a rescue team ourselves. President Li, you and President Shen still stay , I just go. "

"Don't talk nonsense, take someone to keep up."

Wang Yue sighed, did not speak again, to greet the team to keep up.

At this time, there were more teams on the road.

Many people are spontaneously organized teams, one car or two cars, three or five more, everyone's direction is the same.

Many people couldn't help looking at the flags and fleets of the distant group.

The fleet of more than 30 vehicles, in addition to the government rescue fleet, is the most seen private fleet since the earthquake.

Looking at the heavy trucks, full of supplies, many people felt a slight warmth in their hearts.

When they originally organized the rescue of the convoy, many people advised them not to go now, which is very dangerous.

But now, even remote groups that are not in the southwest have arrived, and everyone can't help but be determined.

Along the way, everyone greeted each other whether they knew it or not.

Everyone's face is full of worries and concerns. At this moment, it doesn't matter how much money is, but how much material is. It is important that everyone's goals are the same and their love is the same.

At 11:40, the team finally arrived in Shudu.

The arrival of a huge convoy from afar immediately attracted countless people's attention.

In fact, the reason why it has caused such great attention is not that Li Dong has a huge fleet, nor that everyone knows in advance that Li Dong will come.

It's school!

Hours after the earthquake has passed, except for the Wenshan Lifeline that has not yet been opened, most of the other hardest hit areas have reached the lifeline.

The earthquake was so great that many buildings collapsed and were seriously damaged.

But the front-line reporters were sent back to the scene to report that a miracle in life!

In several severely affected areas, the surrounding buildings have collapsed, but there is a brand new school standing in it!

The 99 schools donated from afar became the new Noah's Ark and became a refuge for everyone.

Even the government's temporary command structure was partly moved into the local campus at this time.

Therefore, before Li Dong arrived, Yuanfang Group had already attracted many people's attention.

As soon as the distant team arrived, it attracted everyone's attention.

Liu Minghua personally called Li Dong, and the moment he connected the phone, Liu Minghua said hoarsely: "Li, thank you!"

Li Dong's throat also felt a little itchy. This was a thank you from an official from Fengjiang.

No interest, no politics, sincere thanks, he can feel it.

Li Dong paused and said softly: "It should be."

"Then I won't say much. You have made people from far away pay attention to safety. Now the frontline is in urgent need of material reinforcement. It is time for your people to come.

I will let someone guide you, and some roads are blocked.

By the way, you call me your person in charge in Sichuan and Sichuan from afar, and I will get in touch. "

Li Dong Shen said: "You can just contact me directly, Secretary Liu, I'm in Shudu."

Liu Minghua on the phone froze for a moment, and apparently did not expect Li Dong to come.

You know, some rich people can't avoid it at this time. They can donate, but they can take risks, and most people don't want to.

Li Dong came with the team. Obviously, as soon as the incident happened, a rescue team was organized from afar.

When he just got the report, he didn't know that Li Dong was there.

Liu Minghua was a little bit confused and said hoarsely: "Then, you stay in Shudu and the team will hand it over to us. Rest assured, nobody dares to do anything else at this time!"

"Thank you, but I still want to check it out, Secretary Liu, you can arrange someone to show us the way.

You are busy with you, I know that you are much busier than me at this time, and I will pay attention here. "

"Well, be careful!"

Liu Minghua did not persuade him any more. Since Li Dong himself came, he must have insisted on it.

Although I don't know what the young entrepreneur is thinking, Liu Minghua thanked him sincerely.

Others didn't know what he knew. How many people's lives were saved by the 99 schools in the distance!

When he rushed to the front line and saw the reports, Liu Minghua rose with infinite emotion.

Hanging up the phone, an old man beside Liu Minghua said tiredly: "The little guy himself is here?"

Liu Minghua nodded.

The old man arrived yesterday afternoon and has not rested yet.

Many people have just heard of the news that the Far Group Group has arrived.

After all, this is the first private rescue team of this scale to arrive, and the speed of arrival is not slow, even faster than the rescue team organized by Jiangbei Province.

When the news came out, many people were concerned.

The old man is also paying attention, and the old man knows about the donation of those schools from afar.

Because of the school, they will think of the distance, because of the school, they will care about the distance.

Now Li Dong personally went to Sichuan and Sichuan, even the old man was a little shocked.

Hearing that Li Dong was coming, the old man said with a slight emotion: "This is the entrepreneur! The entrepreneur of China!"

Everyone on the field thought about it. The old man didn't talk about the distance anymore. Some muddy eyes recovered sharply. He said: "Wenshan's road rescue continues to speed up! We must open the road for the convoy within 48 hours.

Let the airborne troops continue to try and strive for the first batch of material airdrops at the fastest speed! "

The crowd responded, and the temporary headquarters immediately became busy.


Shudu is not the end.

The roads in Wenshan are not connected and temporarily unable to go, but the area near Wenshan is also seriously affected and urgently needs rescue.

Everyone in Li Dong stayed in Shudu for less than 20 minutes, and the person Liu Minghua said arrived.

Not a government officer, but a soldier in military uniform.

In his thirties, he has perseverance.

When he saw Li Dong, the soldiers solemnly saluted Li Dong with a solemn look.

Li Dong responded in a panic, to be honest, at this moment, Sichuan and Shu are most respectable by these soldiers.

I usually can't feel it. Only at this moment can we realize the bravery and fearlessness of the soldiers.

The two sides greeted each other. The soldiers looked at Li Dong's car and thought about it: "Mr. Li, your car is probably not easy to get in. Or change to my car."

Li Dong looked at the off-road vehicle parked next to him and nodded, "That's causing you trouble."

The male in military uniform said positively: "It should be my thanks to Mr. Li! The materials you brought have helped us a lot!

Now the roads in Mianyang area have been opened, which can be severely damaged and materially scarce.

Our materials are not yet in place, and there are too many people affected by the disaster. At this time, we can lend a helping hand from afar. "

Li Dong was usually thick-skinned, but today he was a little embarrassed.

Not daring to continue, Li Dong got into the other party's car and nodded, "Major Zhang, we can start."

The man in the military uniform also got in the car and heard Li Dong shouting at himself like this, shaking his head and saying, "Just call my name, or comrades will do."

"That line."

Li Dong was not hypocritical and responded directly.

Next, few people said nothing.

Zhang Kaidong leads the way, and the distant teams follow, not only the distant teams, but also several other personally organized teams.

With a size of more than 50 vehicles, the team is huge.

Zhang Kaidong, a soldier, led the way and was much faster along the way. In fact, Zhang Kaidong had just returned from the front line.

Zhang Kaidong did a great job of communicating with the stationed troops whichever way he could.

It also saves a lot of time.

Nevertheless, when the crowd arrived in Mianyang, the time was more than five o'clock in the afternoon.


In fact, when I came, I saw some in the car.

But after getting off the bus, many people still had red eyes when they saw the first line.

Seeing Li Dong staring ahead, Zhang Kaidong whispered: "Mr. Li, it's too dangerous to go ahead. It's too dangerous. You and others stay here first. I go to the contact person to receive supplies."

Li Dong nodded: "You are busy, don't worry about us, and we won't cause you any trouble.

But there is a rescue team of 100 people in the distance, all of whom are professionals.

Where do you lack manpower, despite the arrangement. "

Zhang Kaidong responded and was about to leave. Li Dong suddenly said: "Can I go to a nearby school now?"

Zhang Kaidong was a little hesitant, but there was a school donated from a distance nearby, not too far away.

After hesitating, Zhang Kaidong said: "Yes, but it's getting dark. Mr. Li will come back as soon as possible."

Li Dong nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

He knows that he can't do much help at this time, but it is easy to cause trouble for everyone.

After all, he is a well-known domestic entrepreneur and philanthropist. He led a large number of material convoys to the local rescue. If he had something wrong, it would be troublesome.

However, it was anxious to watch Li Dong. He was confident in the school he built, even if he took the hand.

When Zhang Kaidong departed, the distant place and the team leader greeted them to accept the government's arrangement.

At this time, Li Dong did not worry about any accidents at all.

The provincial government, including the head of the central government, is on the front line at this moment. If there are people doing small moves at this time, it is simply a dream.

What's more, Li Dong doesn't think that at this time someone really dehumanized and did such a thing.

Post-disaster reconstruction is possible, but it is not possible at this time.

After greeting the team leader, Li Dong took Shen Qian and Tan Yong to the school.

Behind Wang Yue wanted to follow him, Li Dong waved his hand and said, "You stay here, we'll go back to see it."

"That President Shen ..."

Li Dong glanced at Shen Qian and said softly: "Shen Qian is with me."

He knew that he couldn't persuade Shen Qian.

What's more, it's all here, Li Dong also let go, there is nothing to worry about.

Along the way, from time to time, children in military uniforms were seen busy.

But here is the temporary command post area ~ ~ has been cleaned up already, Li Dong did not see many people affected by the disaster.

Some people rescued from the front also urgently evacuated to safe areas.

Stop and go, Li Dong also helped the nurse carry a few wounded people, even if doing these things seem insignificant, Li Dong still feels a lot better.

The school has now become a temporary ambulance.

Li Dong and Tan Yong carried a wounded to the school, and the female nurse who followed followed was grateful: "Thank you, otherwise we can't really bring people over."

The two female nurses were sweating all over, and the white nurse uniform was rubbed with a lot of dirt.

Li Dong nodded slightly and didn't speak. Looking at Tan Yong and several other bodyguards, he said: "You go out to help, you don't need to follow me."

Tan Yong, they are all elites, and if they help, they play a bigger role than Li Dong.

Tan Yong hesitated, and Shen Qian also followed: "Old Tan, go on, now there are not enough staff here, some can help."

Before she came, although Shen Qian was a little uncomfortable, to be honest, she was even more worried about Li Dong.

But when he arrived at the scene, Shen Qian was not in the mood.

There are too many wounded people, and some people are not even wounded. Their broken bodies show their bleakness.

Shen Qian spoke, Li Dong insisted, Tan Yong gritted his teeth and turned to several bodyguards: "Go, let's help!"

Several bodyguards have long been intolerable, and they are also soldiers!

Even if they are discharged, they still!

Seeing the busy figure outside and looking at the tired crowd outside, although they wanted to continue to protect Li Dong, they wanted to be part of them.

Now Li Dong opened his mouth, and several people quickly took off their coats and threw them aside, and walked out of the school one after another.

8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's college