The Rebirth of Wealth

Chapter 977: Chop Festival

In the early morning of June 10, Apple held a global developer conference.

At the press conference, Apple released a 3G version of the iPhone.

The iPhone3G version is actually not the world's first 3G mobile phone.

But in fact, the iPhone has led the era of mobile phones to the era of 3G.

When domestic 3G only existed in concept, others have developed practical models, regardless of nationality, even Li Dong acknowledged Apple's contribution in the era of smart phones.

As soon as the 3G mobile phone came out, domestic mobile phone manufacturers have been paying attention.

Soon, the eyes of the major mobile phone manufacturers have turned to 3G mobile phones, and various technology development and research programs have been put on the agenda.

Based on the ability of the Chinese, under the existing premise, it is not a problem for a cottage to develop a mobile phone that has been developed.

The main problem is the operator, but China has also begun to test the 3G network.

Mobile started trial operation of the TD-SCDMA network in April this year, which means the beginning of 3G commercialization.

According to the information disclosed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 3G operation licenses should be issued by the end of this year. The ordinary people are unclear about these news, and those concerned by Li Dong have sources.

June 2008 means that the era of smart phones officially began.

It is not the previous preparation, nor is it coming, but the official arrival!

Even if there is no 3G mobile phone in China at present, everyone is already working on overtime research and development. Li Dong knows that it will not be long before this will be achieved.


On the morning of the 10th, Li Dong went to Zhuhai.

Li Dong had reached consensus with Gree in advance, this time mainly to determine the cooperation agreement.

In Gree, Li Dong saw a woman who became famous throughout the country.

Dong Minzhu is not the chairman of Gree at the moment, but the general manager.

As always, he was very capable and succinct. The two sides soon reached an intention of cooperation. Li Dong left a few people here to agree on a specific treaty. Without long stay, he quickly rushed to the next stop.

When leaving, Dong Minzhu kindly sent Li Dong away.

A woman, who has risen in shopping malls, has been countless times more difficult than a man. No matter how she is praised or criticized in the future, at least Li Dong admires her.

Her ability, her decisiveness, her fierceness, are not innate.

Woman, don't be too cruel to calm down.

Gree is so big, there are so many employees, if you are a woman riding on someone else's head, if it is still soft, who will take you to heart.

Women who stand alone are all like this.

The same is true of Ji Lanxin and Zhang Lanyu that Li Dong knows, but Li Dong has no chance to see these.

Even Hu Xiaorui said nothing in the company, no one dared to refute.

Even Yuqin Qin, who was soft and weak in front of Li Dong, suffered a soft heart loss at the beginning and was miserable by his employees.

Up to now, Qin Yuhan has slowly cultivated a decisive momentum.

The two realms of politics and commerce are the places where people are most exercised, especially women. In these two realms, there are still women who can show their heads. None of them is good.

Of course, with the exception of father and mother, these people are still weaker than the strong women who work alone.


On the 11th, Li Dong went to Midea.

Midea is similar to Gree. The current president, Fang Hongbo, and Li Dong are fellows, and they are the same.

With this foundation in place, the two sides had a more pleasant negotiation.

Soon, the agreement was officially reached.

When the financial crisis hit, there was cooperation from a distant company that was about to win the status of the nation's first retailer. For several home appliance manufacturing companies, it was simply a matter of giving away.

As long as Li Dong's conditions are not too excessive, everyone is willing to take the olive branch in the distance.

TCL, Midea, Gree, Libai, on a trip to Guangdong Province, Li Dong signed a strategic agreement with the four with a thunderous momentum.

As soon as the news came out, the senior executives of the distant supermarkets were naturally very happy.

Suning and Gome are vigilant.

Li Dong won the home appliance cooperation agreement of the three major manufacturers this time, although compared with them, the gap is still obvious.

But this is a harbinger, indicating that Li Dong's next goal is likely to be set in the home appliance industry.

In fact, this trend has already existed before.

On the far side of the mall, the far side gradually increased the scale of self-operated home appliances. Some of the brands that previously cooperated now no longer participate in the self-operated, but are transformed into direct suppliers of the distant place.

However, the trend was not obvious at that time. Now Li Dong personally went to Guangdong to negotiate with several major manufacturers and obtained the most favorable plan.

Now the discerning people can see the purpose of the distance.

Not only are the two home appliance retail giants vigilant, but other supermarkets are also vigilant.

Distant is now accelerating the speed of channel laying. In the past, the contradiction of distant places was that the cost was too high.

In the near future, there has always been a weakness in channel supply.

Even if a distant logistics system is used to drive down costs, it actually exceeds other supermarkets.

Now it's better, the distant place will improve channel supply on a large scale, reduce costs, and cooperate with their self-operated logistics system, the cost will drop rapidly.

When the time comes, the **** battle will start again in the distance, without the cost of the trend, I am afraid that it will be more fierce than before.

There was no such advantage in the beginning, and it was so brutal in the distance, and now it is even more scary.

It ’s not that no one wants to stop it, but it ’s actually impossible to stop.

Channel providers are not their own businesses, they cannot stop others from doing business.

Fortunately for small and medium-sized supermarkets, channel operators dare not disobey the opinions of large customers, otherwise they will be kicked out of the supply system and suffer heavy losses.

In the distance, it is an industry giant.

If you want to block an industry giant, China Resources and Bailian can't do it, unless it is the same as the top ten retail companies.

In fact, this is not possible. Their competition with each other is not smaller than that in the distance. Several companies join forces. I am afraid they have never thought about it themselves.


On the 12th, Distant officially released news.

The enterprises that have signed strategic agreements are actually far more than those of Guangdong Province.

This time, the distant places included the agreements that had been signed before, as well as the well-known enterprises that Li Dong left to sign the agreement in this period.

From top to bottom, more than 50 large-scale well-known enterprises have signed strategic agreements.

The announcement, of course, is more than that. The remote announcement said that in mid-July, the heads of these enterprises will gather in Pingchuan.

At that time, everyone will sign a strategic cooperation framework with the distant place at the same time.

In order to celebrate the success of the cooperation, on July 18, just like last year, this year's Faraway Mall will continue to carry out major promotional activities.

And this time it is more intense, because this time it is a joint promotion of various companies.

The two sides have come up with such a large-scale strategic cooperation conference, not only for good taste, but also to open the market.

Everyone's life is relatively sad this year, and the products are not selling well.

Cooperation now is also a matter of mutual benefit.

But for Li Dong, this year's big promotion is much more comfortable than last year.

Last year, he did a loss-making transaction. This year is different. He directly cooperates with major manufacturers. This time the discounts are the biggest discounts given by the manufacturers themselves.

From afar, you can make a fortune and continue to open the e-commerce market.

Even Li Dong wondered whether it would be better to have an online and offline cooperation mode at the same time.

But after careful consideration, the timing is not too mature.

Online and offline big promotions are launched at the same time, which requires too much manpower and material resources, and tight logistics. The current scale of logistics in the distance is not enough to support a nationwide big promotion.

It may not be possible this year, and it should be almost the next year.

At that time, it was just a time when smartphones were booming.

When others do not have e-commerce or physical stores, the distance directly starts to explore and improve the nationwide O2O operations, which alone is enough to make the distance invincible.

It may not have made much money in the early stage, but it is ahead of others, and it is still a few years ago. When others start to enter this market, the distance has long been firmly established.

Step by step, step by step.

I want to count on Li Dong to make mistakes and give them a pioneer, at least impossible in recent years.

Ma Huateng and Ma Yun have always been thinking about letting Li Dong go to explore the road and try the water. Under normal circumstances, this is not wrong.

But they never thought that Li Dong would look farther than they did.

When someone else sees what he sees, or two or three years later, he has seen the future.

This is Li Dong's greatest strength and his greatest capital.


This announcement from the distant place once again made the silent distant place appear in front of the Chinese.

Since Carrefour last time, there seems to be no sound in the distance.

Negotiations with Carrefour have never yielded results.

And Li Dong himself has been very low-key recently, and most people do not know what he is doing.

Until this time, all the people knew that Li Dong was not idle, he was still struggling.


Many people are eager to try to continue the big promotion activities in the distant mall.

All are genuine merchants, the direct manufacturers of Zheng'er Bacheng are directly involved, the greatest discount, the fastest logistics system ...

The advantages of some columns make everyone look forward to it.

Many people are even calling, "Continue next year!"

"It's good to have a big promotion every year on July 18th."


Some people shouted while looking forward: "It's time to dig again, this is not a big sale, it's obviously the chopping festival!"

Before Li Dong himself began to make festivals, someone took the initiative to help him make festivals.

On the day of chopping hands, the word spread quickly, and the hot search on Weibo that day attracted a large number of people to approve the onlookers.

With the upsurge on the Internet, Li Dong also began to prepare to return to Pingchuan.

Just as he was about to go back, someone was also talking about him.


Capital city.

Graduation is near.

With the time for thesis defense, whether it is an internship or preparation for further study, most students are staying on campus at the moment.

Qin Yuhan returned to the dormitory just after finishing his business, and he heard Qi Fangfang exaggeratedly smiled: "Yuhan, your family Li Dong is getting more and more cattle!"

Qin Yuhan wondered: "What's wrong?"

"What's the matter! Didn't you just see the announcement? Far away contacted more than fifty large-scale manufacturing brands to prepare for a cooperation meeting in Jiangbei.

There are even several companies that have directly disclosed that they are planning to invest in a manufacturing base in Jiangbei.

For a company to change its development strategy, Li Dong's influence is growing.

And the distance is about to start the July 18th Festival, the event of the entire e-commerce industry! "

Qi Fangfang said in a breath, his face was not red and breathless, and he was more proud than Qin Yuhan.

No way, watching many people discussing Li Dong on the Internet, and discussing Li Dong, she feels that she knows Li Dong and has a face.

Everyone has vanity. When I first met Li Dong a few years ago, Qi Fangfang still thought that he was a talented student at Beijing University.

But now, Li Dong has become a legendary figure.

Not to mention that she was a student of Beijing University, even a professor of Beijing University could not talk about her high status in front of Li Dong.

Of course, the cultural world and the business community are still somewhat different.

But in any case, Li Dong's current achievements have made people look up.

Even knowing Li Dong is enough to brag about it now.

Just after Qi Fangfang finished speaking, Zhang Mengmeng also smiled and said: "Yes, Sister Yu Han, if you say that if you reveal to yourself that you are Li Dong's girlfriend, I'm afraid you will be able to get to the newspaper right away.

At that time, maybe we can also enjoy the scene of being surrounded by paparazzi.

Thinking about it, Sister Yuhan, I ca n’t hold it anymore. I really want to announce it to ~ ~ Seeing the two of them, Qin Yuhan was a little speechless and quickly dispelled their thoughts: "Do n’t mess up What a bad idea, I want to spend the last period of college quietly. "


Qi Fangfang whispered when she heard it: "Sometimes you have a chance to show off. Unfortunately, you girl, what do you say you are so low-key."

Qin Yuhan smiled and did not answer.

After thinking for a while, Qi Fangfang said, "Yu Han, are you really going back to Jiangbei? You have almost ten stores in Beijing now. Do you give up like this?"

Qin Yuhan said with a smile: "You can't talk about giving up, just remote control command."

"But ... forget it, go back. If you don't go back, be careful that Li Dong's guy is empathetic."

Qi Fangfang made a big joke, and Zhang Mengmeng and Zhou Yue, who had not spoken, could not help but glared at her.

Which one does this guy really don't open?

In fact, they all know about Shen Qian.

Zhou Yue knows all these because of his identity.

Qi Fangfang and Zhang Mengmeng looked from the gossip magazine, and the two of them had gone to a distance for an internship before, and they also knew Shen Qian.

Now Qin Yuhan may be in chaos, and the complete return to Pingchuan is different from the previous holiday. I do n’t know how worried I am at this time. Is n’t this joke putting pressure on her?

Qi Fangfang was glared by the two and knew that he was wrong. He quickly laughed and said, "Just kidding, how could such a pure man like Li Dong do such a thing ..."

This time even Qin Yuhan couldn't help but glared at her, and said with a smile: "Okay, the more the explanation, the more chaotic. I'm not as fragile as you think, don't worry about me, I want to say anything, I can't even bear this , Broke up long ago. "

Qi Fangfang looked at each other with some surprises. The girl seemed to be different from before.