The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

v1 Chapter 31

Zac temporarily returned to Grande because there was still time for Zac to think about what to do. ? August????? Chinese?

This was just for Zac who ran out of Grande for a moment of private evil thoughts, and did not want to miss the important thing of being in Grande.

Zac had good luck. When he returned to Grande, Benjamin had not left, and there were a few more people in Grande. James, Crowley, Taylor, and Kyle are all here.

Zac didn't have time to say hello to these people with different purposes, and the phone in the office rang.

With anticipation and speculation about the caller, Zack answered the phone, "Grand."

In the earpiece with a murmur, as soon as the other party opened his mouth, Zac could imagine the dull face with no expression, which was the shapeshifter gold. But what he said was, "It's me, 'Shou Gong'. I'm here."

Do you know what Zac expects? It was Kim who personally addressed the shape changer, ah no, guard the palace. Explained to the palace personally that he had violated the expected plan-he would not go to the Republic after the palace.

Let's not care about the historical background represented by the name of "Shou Gong", the shape changer will be the only Grand member in the Republic this time. He no longer owns Grande's master, and Zac had promised to support him. In the Republican guarded palace, there will be no dependence, only oneself.

Zack owes him an explanation.

"First, I need to apologize." Zac smiled lightly. "The plan has changed a bit, and Benjamin and I can't go to republic."

In the murmured earpiece, the palace was silent for a while, "I know, it doesn't matter, I don't want you to come."

Zac frowned slightly, "Is it bad?"

"Yeah." The answer to the palace was short, "Not good."

Zac pursed his lips, he and Benjamin were not right. The Republican contingent, whose purpose is already very complex, the only one that has arrived first and provided special political protection now seems to be going with its own purpose, otherwise it will not say that.

Zac shook his head. "Not only that. Among the people going to go, besides Spira and John, there were more Crowley, Saint Cici and her followers." Zacton paused. "They all have The same. But for different purposes, can you cope with them? "

This is a caring inquiry.

With a murmur of silence, "No need to deal with me, when they come, no matter what their purpose. They will follow the rules."

Zac didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence. Obviously, the shape-shifter Kim was describing the republican environment. Unfortunately, Grand's owner was only a small federal citizen, and Zac didn't understand the world's events.

"So." Zac said no more. "Your position? The people here are about to leave."

"The consulate has given Taylor a position, the phone can't say for too long, it hangs up. 8? 1 ?? ● Chinese ▼"

The call is over.

The priority of the incident has appeared, and Taylor and John enter the office.

These people are about to leave, and Zac does not care about John breaking the rules and entering Grand's main building.

A map was placed on the desk. Taylor, who had n’t seen him in a few days, had no expression on his face and pointed his finger at one point. “This is the Republic, the Federal Mission is here.”

Zac looked at the point on the map, the prominent vermilion red star, the same color as the shape changer's body. However, it should be noted that this map is not new. Zac can imagine that the only red star on the map should be bright red, which fades with time. With the dull color now.

"Inner 6?" Zach looked at John. "I remember you said that Papa's witchcraft at midnight uses the ocean as a carrier to form a passage. Can you take people to ... all."

"No." John shook his head without any expression, and pointed to somewhere in the east to see where the sign should be like a port. "We can get here before we can move in the direction of the capital."

"This is not a problem." Taylor glanced at Zac. "You can't expect them to go to republic, they will be in the most complicated situation. This journey will allow them to adapt well and find the" direction "."

The composition of the team is very complicated, the republic is very complicated, and the direction is very important.

It makes sense, but Zac actually has no opinion on any arrangements. The reason is very simple. It has nothing to do with Zac, right.

"I don't care what you did, and brought Teddy back." Zac waved his hand and drove the two. This was already Zac's only request for this team.

Leaving the office, the people in the backyard are ready. Although he did not know why Benjamin was still in Grande, he provided help at this time.

The big truck that Grande used to tow the animals was pulled out, Benjamin re-paved the plastic paper, and helped Siberia to the trunk. Sissi and Thomas were already sitting on it, including the white raging waves.

Grande ’s personal belongings, the camera and the video tape containing Papa ’s midnight tokens were packed and kept by John, sitting in the driver ’s seat. Crowley did n’t seem to get in the car, and stood behind Zach. See everyone on the gallery ready to come out.

As the truck drove out of the backyard, Crowley smiled and explained to Zac, "The wizard's mobility is too poor. Benjamin lent you your car generously as a wizard's transportation tool. They will go to the east coastline first. And then ... "Crowley blinked.

John relied on Papapa ’s midnight symbols to improve witchcraft. The essential principle is naturally the same. Teddy disappeared at the beach, and this group of people will also disappear at the beach.

It just seems that John's improved witchcraft not only increased the number of people he brought, but also the big object-the car. Because of the time lag, you do n’t have to worry about hidden issues. Such a group of people with excellent abilities have enough ways to integrate into the country on the other side of the world after the arrival of the republican night. ¢ £ eight ¢ £ 一 ¢ £ 中 ¢ £ 文 , www.81zw.COMM

"I have to remind you." Zach looked at Crowley in a leisurely manner. "You don't take advantage of your teammates to develop a tacit understanding. You have missed too much time."

Very sincere reminder. See, even if Sissi brought her men, she knew that Grande came to know his teammates in advance yesterday, let alone John, and always stayed in Grande.

Then look at Crowley, who has not prepared any men at all. The previous days were also used to not know what was wasted by 'discussing' with Taylor. Now I don't hold a Buddhism or anything. I don't know whether it is self-confidence or silly.

At the time when Zack had realized Barton's chaotic status quo, Zack naturally did not want to be confident, but is it stupid, Crowley is really not a stupid guy.

"Cultivate a tacit understanding with those people?" Crowley seemed to hear funny things. "What do you ask me and the saints to cultivate? A tacit understanding of each other? As for Spira and John. Did you forget, they still My hostage, and I are not in a horizontal position, we can not cultivate anything. "

Zac shook his head. Too lazy to manage, ready to walk to Benjamin's warehouse. James didn't know why it was here, and he was hiding at Benjamin, talking to Matthew and Benjamin about the expansion.

"Don't go in a hurry." Crowley sat down on the bench in the back porch and fiddled with her shorts at will. "It will take some time for them to go to the coastline, just let's talk about the things you are interested in, southeast."

Zac raised an eyebrow. While at the police station yesterday, Chapman passed on something to Zack unnoticed and asked a question. Zack answered the question less obviously.

Chapman, [Skull Skull], Crowley. This is the order.

Zach looked at Crowley, sat down on the bench, bent his mouth, and said something irrelevant, "I still don't know your name, what do I call ..." Looking at 'Crowley'.

This is talking about Crowley's container. Honestly. Zac didn't quite understand why Crowley used such a wandering mad woman as a container.

Crowley responded with a very wronged look. Zac opened his head uncomfortably. With or without a container, Crowley is not suitable for this look.

"Still don't need to know, Anthony deliberately gave me, she changed a name that is difficult to tell." Crowley smiled, "Crowley is just fine."

"What are you going to say." Zac didn't know what funny things came to mind, and waved his hand lightly, "I don't want to occupy you for too long, let your teammates wait. Your impression is already bad, no need worse."

"Thank you." Crowley also smiled. "Okay, let's get started. Yesterday Chapman passed the matter to Sgal. I'm busy, and I still took care of it for you."

Zac was at the police station yesterday. Speaking Southeast and Hexin clearly, he did not expect Chapman to give any useful help, but the clues have been passed.

"Are you the one who wrote the letter now?" Zach's tone was not very enthusiastic, because he already knew from Emilia's constant reminders, which was just another confirmation at this time.

"Now." Crowley looked at Zac's expression and squinted. "You don't seem to care much?"

"Because I already know." Zack smiled. "It's okay, you can continue, maybe you know what I don't know."

"It's really boring." Crowley's complexion turned bad. "You won't thank me anymore."

Good realistic expression.

Zac raised his eyebrows and thought for a while, "But you will make me produce ..." Zac didn't know what funny thing came to mind again, the smile on his face was even worse, "I can rely on you when I encounter something. a feeling of."

Lewis, who pushed out the door, was on the back porch, glancing at Zac, blinking at the corner of his mouth, carrying the snack prepared by Alice, smiling and continuing to walk towards Benjamin's warehouse.

The reason for this scenario needs to be explained.

Kyle continued to harass Alice for unknown reasons. But after Benjamin grabbed Alice into the kitchen for dinner earlier, Alice now found that Kyle, Patton ’s young master, did not enter the kitchen. The reason, er, did not discuss it.

So Alice has new skills to get rid of Kyle and find every reason to trap herself in the kitchen. The reason I use it now is to prepare Benjamin, James, and Matthew for snacks. Louise shuttled back and forth to give something to the Lord.

come back.

Crowley was a little stunned, and it took a while to understand Zach's meaning, "Is it reasonable to think that you can rely on?" She smiled, "I like this relationship."

"Like it." Zach naturally laughed better. Of course, this "beautiful performance", Zac understands, Louise understands, better than Sharpf ... Ms. Shere understands, we understand, Crowley, she It ’s better not to understand, huh.

"Then go on," Zuckerley demanded.

Crowley seems to be completely immersed in the emotion of loving this beautiful relationship, and there is more talk, "Well! Let's start from the beginning." She raised her hand. "The case in the southeast, Scule is concerned, some gangs are Discuss this case, and also wait and see what the police will do. "

Zac did n’t speak. It ’s a pity that these southeastern gangs could n’t wait, even James gave up, and Detective Coulson, being an old detective, was too shrewd to push the command of the superior to answer the 'General 'No, it won't touch.

Speaking of this convenient reason, Zac came out because of Grande's interests. It is difficult for fairness and interest to coexist.

"But we know that it involves you, at least Sgal didn't report any hope," Crowley looked at Zac with a chuckle.

Zac just turned his head and smiled.

"The only regret is that because of knowing your actions, [Skull Skull] canceled the night tour." Crowley raised her eyebrows. "In order to provide you with a comfortable 'hunting' environment, I am in Skoll The people there have completely missed the time when the case was born. "

This means that the demons who knew that Zac would store food for the Republican trip were dismissed in order not to get in front of vampires, and did not always pay attention to the movements in the southeast at night and early morning as usual.

If you think deeply, please contact the reason why Crowley initially took over [Skull Skull]. Crowley is committed to integrating the southeast. This kind of action is not surprising. On the contrary, it is a disclosure of Crowley's determination and power!

However, Zac will not point out these at this time, but to cater to Crowley's saying, "So, you are too intimate, I know that I can count on you, anything."

Sure enough, Crowley was happy, "Of course, are you there? The mayor likes to instruct the church to do things for a reason."

Zac still smiled, but at the same time, Zac felt it necessary to talk to Anthony once.

"It's comforting that it's not too late for the news brought by Chapman." Crowley happily ended her gold subsidy and continued to the topic. "And with clues to the letter, and the time the case was born Our goal is clear. "

"At three or four in the morning today." Crowley paused and looked at Zac. "That's after you went to the southeast two times before ..."

This is to increase the sense of targeting. After all, on this interpersonal relationship channel from Chapman to Crowley, no one has read the content of the letter. Crowley expressed the aim, which is linked to Zach at the police station. Pullman heard and said 'frauded' to Coulson and James.

"Our people are now one person."

Zac took out the letter he had previously read to James and to Emilia. "Did you say this?"

"Yes." Crowley smiled, her fingers swaying in front of her, dark smoke-like things appeared in the air out of thin air, creeping and expanding, the sound of paper turning over came out in the creeping mist, and paper-like things were A corner appeared in the ink black.

"Address, name, family composition ..." Crowley gave an unexplained smile, "even the medical record." Her finger stretched directly into the black, revealing a pile of things, and put it in Zac's hand, " I brought you all. "

Zac looked at the pile of information in front of him, and smiled, "Look, I said, you will know something I don't know." Corresponding to Crowley's just said 'take it all', Zac one The relief of the face, "Look, I know I can rely on you, thank you."

"Of course." Crowley stood up and actually patted Zac on the shoulder, with a smile on his face, "I am a very worthy person to rely on."

"Don't be late." Zach held a pile of materials and finally smiled at Crowley and left.

One is to create a feeling that he needs these things too much and can't wait to study them. The second is that our vampire is almost cramping, he needs some food to relieve the stiff blood vessels ... (to be continued.)