The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

v1 ~: In the end

Grand's family was invited to the wedding, so the illusion Danny can only be considered late. ∮ 八 ∮ 一 ∮ 中 ∮ article, www.81zw.COM, but Detective Coulson, who rushed into the party halfway, completely intruded.

However, no one paid attention to this intrusive guy, because most of the guests were squeezing sweat for the groom and the bride-the wedding game is going on now, and the newlyweds only give the same answer to one question-

"How many children do you want?" After Eric asked the question nervously, the newcomers on both sides of the campfire raised a finger at the same time.

When the guests were relieved that the marriage was not completely hopeless, Coulson now found James hiding in the farm and went straight in.

Of course, Zach, who would "steal" the conversation between the two detectives, raised his eyebrows and listened for a while, and then lost his interest-it was a dispute between the partners.

Detective Coulson found new clues in the southeast and asked James to peer to investigate. James refused.

The two new clues that Coulson gave were still things that Zac knew. One is a warehouse in the woods at the junction of the west and north. Yes, the warehouse just mentioned by Silbera. While the police found the shattered body of the In'an people who Sibella had temporarily abandoned, they also showed the condition of the warehouse facility.

Where the West Side people used it as a storage warehouse for private goods, they were looted long ago (Zac and Noo had witnessed the warehouse being slaughtered by the people of Skool). After being reminded by General, Coulson paid attention to Aix in the southeast (General General told Coulson that the gang forces that first attacked General's headquarters), and then the warehouse was located in Aix industry. Coulson believes that the chaos in the southeast began when Ax ’s warehouse was looted.

The second clue is relatively close. As reported in the news yesterday, the cargo collapse at the Port of Massa. Yes, by Alice, Benjamin stopped accidents in time. Police investigations revealed that Aixes had moved their hands and feet on the goods.

Coulson ’s conclusion was to hug his thighs and hug the Porter Massa ’s owner, Fisher ’s thighs (the third generation in the West End knows Zach ’s ‘secret’ five-member group. Fatty Cody Fisher ’s father). With the influence of the big man in the Western District, Coulson's investigation will progress much smoother.

No surprises, chaos in the southeast. It must be traced back to the West Side, the ultimate curtain is the Falken, encountering several other people in the middle of the reason.

It's just that Coulson hasn't seen the whole situation now. He doesn't know that his investigation will eventually harm the West Side's interests. At this time, he thinks he is helping West Side people. Therefore, in the tone of righteousness, he asked James not to continue to waste time here, and go to "build meritorious service" with him.

James, refused.

"What are they talking about." Spella sipped the cheap red wine served at the party, glanced at the farm, and asked casually, "Don't say you aren't listening."

Zac smiled sideways, and Sibella's relaxed tone seemed to be chatting with friends. Was it just after Zac had good news that the hot iron was pulling into the relationship, let her do it, "Detective Coulson, James’ partner, asked James to go back to work and guard Patton ’s law and order. Chinese ▲ ▼ ● James said that the party has just begun, he has not yet spoken as a bride ’s friend and will not go. "

Guard Patton ’s law and order, uh. Siberia certainly knew that Zac was deliberately evading key content, but what could she do, "What do you think James' speech will say."

"I don't know. I don't care." Zac waved his hands and looked around the party. "This party is getting more and more boring. I should be like Emilia, and I will go home after the ceremony."

Zac looked in the direction of the Morrillin family, and Louise and Mr. Morrillin seemed very happy to talk. Mo also began to enjoy the party a little, and sometimes showed his dress, let Mr. Morillin observe the tailoring. ‘General’ hid when Coulson came, and Rita took Danny to socialize.

Even Benjamin took other people to find some fun-to harass-harass-band, talk about the recently popular rock music. Of course, it also meant preventing Spella from talking to him. What Benjamin had to say to Spella was already very clear that morning.

In conclusion, Zac's boring, hey, just for him.

Spella also looked around for a week, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth, "It seems that you will be bored for a while."

"Yeah." Zack shrugs indifferently, and he can't just end the enjoyment of the party because he is alone. "Do you have any interesting topics, come on."

Spella ‘comes’, “Ryan is going to Grande.” While speaking, a thumb-sized glass bottle was placed in front of Zac.

Zac raised his eyebrows and looked at the tiny lines on the vial in front of him, and saw Ryan floating in the air, still looking down at Ryan below with a teenager's unique and disdainful expression.

"Youth." Spella said this, "What do you expect, he hates all his parents, everything that Corden and I arranged for him. I think that in his thinking, the ultimate rebellious behavior is himself Request to live with you Grande. "

Zac continued to raise his eyebrows and looked at Ryan with his mouth in the air. "Mature, Ryan, if you count by age, you are already an adult."

Ryan, still wearing a quarterback jacket, turned around in midair, expressing disdain.

Zac withdrew his gaze and shook his head, "I refuse." Fake, but the reason Zac is going to say it to Spira, "He caused trouble to Alice. Your education failure should not affect others. "

Spella's face was calm, and she took out a slap-sized notebook like something, "This is John's witchcraft note for Alice's compensation."

Zac frowned and opened his palm-sized notebook. "This is not the original."

"This is a sorted handbook of witchcraft. Alice doesn't need to read redundant research manuscripts. These are the results."

Zac opened his eyebrows and closed his notebook, "Okay. Eight ???? a Chinese website ★ But Alice will not accept this compensation, it is not up to me to decide." Already expressed consent!

Of course, Mo has made it clear that the seeds of Inspiring Grass are the key to the birth of "Jing", so Ryan and Zac will definitely take it. As for this accidental witchcraft manual, it is an additional code.

Spella didn't express any opinion on Zac's rapid change. Probably, she had read through Zac's style of work, and her position changed as if she turned the book. That's a quick call. Isn't it? A few days ago, he was threatening the wind to take their house, now. The two chatted happily.

"Speaking of John." Zach has put away the vial and the witchcraft manual, "Alice asked, will he return to Grand."

Spella frowned slightly, "Alice wants him to go to Grand?"

Zac turned his head, not answering. Because Alice didn't give him an answer.

Spira shook her head. "I'll ask John when I get back, hum, if you don't care, naturally you can say anything." This was said before the satire. Zach didn't care about anything.

"By the way, since I mentioned coming to Grande, Max didn't come to Grande this morning." Zac raised his eyebrows, which was purely just thought.

"Max?" Spira did not expect Zac to mention this guy again. "After he came back yesterday, he mentioned that it seemed offensive to me, and I told him not to go to Grande."

"Do you know Mo?" Zac raised an eyebrow, but immediately, Zac felt like asking a stupid question. Mo was brought by the shape changer Kim from the Republic, and Spella went to the Republic, and naturally there was an intersection.

"There was indirect contact in the Republic." Spella frowned, and tightened her cape with no signs of falling.

Zac will not miss this physical movement. "The offense is not counted. The real offense is Papa's act in the Republic at midnight." Zac narrowed his eyes and looked at Siberia holding the shawl. "Speaking of Papa at midnight. I don't know yet. You are republican, is there any progress with Ravenci. "

"There is no progress." Spella responded extremely simply and adjusted her sitting position. "Huh. Instead of caring about what I am in the Republic, shouldn't you be more concerned about staying in the Republic Saints Cici and Gangaro."

"Oh? Are you saying that I should care more about the Lord's faith and the secret alliance." Zac asked with a smile. "Or a republic far from the other side of the world?"

You can see the corresponding relationship, as well as the irony in this question.

Siberia pursed her lips, glanced at a light-smiling Zac, and shook her head. "That's why I can never have any favors for you. I don't know what you really care about." At the same time, he added, "Huh, not to mention Grande. The last Toledo, it's stupid to care about a funeral home." Spella lifted her glass and swallowed cheap red wine.

Zac's hand with a smile, sincerely regarded as stupid, would have no explanation.

The dialogue here seems to be difficult to carry on again, and the dispute between the two police detectives in the farmhouse seems to have reached a dead end. Coulson fell out angrily and nodded toward Zac from afar, saying hello, and then returned straight away, leaving here.

James, on the other hand, came out after Curson drove away. Looking at the way forward, he was actually facing Zac.

Spira also realized that she didn't look at Zac's nod, picked up her glass, and pulled her shawl. "I won't disturb you anymore." He got up and left.

"Get up." James's face was strangely calm, and Zac was separated by a party horizontal table, which opened, "Dungeon game night (today Wednesday), my car." The expression is also very concise.

Zac didn't move, tilting his head, looking at James a little curiously, "I asked Fitz for leave, didn't you?"

James did not answer, but raised his hand, urging Zac to get up?

Zac still didn't move, and raised an eyebrow. "You haven't made a speech yet." The meaning of the words is, don't doubt, I overheard your conversation with Coulson.

Strangely, James didn't respond, even frowning. "It's nothing good. The people here, ordinary people, don't know Linda, don't know me, and I don't mean anything."

Zac narrowed his eyes. "But other 'people' may feel meaningful."

"Do you want to hear my speech?" James turned his head down. "The car said you listened."

Zac had to ponder for a moment, then stood up and gave a glance at Benjamin looking over here. In addition, don't forget to pick up the unfinished wine glass, and raise and empty the glass to the groom who is still in the cruel wedding game, which is a sign before saying goodbye.

Bypassing the horizontal table, let James lead the way.

Finally, James had a familiar expression. He frowned and glanced halfway into the air, somber, "What is he doing with us." Ryan, the only earth-bound spirit that James saw ...

Zac patted his side pocket. "He's coming to Grande, and Spella just gave him to me. You are in my pocket. Do you want to see this earth-bound spirit you saved." Zac This way of expressing alien customs was intentionally used.

James seemed to breathe, shaking his head, "No, just put it in your pocket."

Zac tilted his head and raised his eyebrows, James, weird.

In James's car, Zac naturally sat in the co-pilot, and Ryan once again returned to the back seat where he appeared when he was reborn, which can be ignored.

It was dark. The driving car is advancing on the dull road, such a scene and configuration, it seems that time has returned to the time when James received the first shocking education about aliens.

"I have two versions." James held the steering wheel and said, "One is what Linda thought of for me."

Speech. Maybe old-fashioned, but not the relatives and friends at the wedding, all of them first talk about the experience of some speakers and the bride and groom, and then express their blessings to the new couple to start a new life journey. The latter is nothing more than some touching clichés. The former is the only one-person speech in which the speaker can sway and mediate the atmosphere, interspersed with some acquaintance processes and interesting experiences.

What part do you think Zack would like to listen to? Naturally the former.

"One is mine, it is the truth." James said quietly, "Which one do you want to listen to."

Zac pondered, James' performance, people, well, uneasy. Either this guy has already collapsed, or this guy is in the process of collapse. Uh, Zac actually missed James, who was always somber. "Since the bride Linda thought hard, I'll listen." Zac replied.

"Okay." James drove very slowly. It had something to do with the road in the south and the leveling in the north. It also had a relationship with his mind not driving. "Linda's version starts with the process we know. She A foreigner who came to Barton from the west of the Federation and started a new life. I am also a foreigner from the west. We met by accident because of work relations. I helped her Xu in life ... "

"Working relationship?" Zack expressed his first question.

James' hand pulled out a piece of old paper in his pocket and handed it to Zac.

Zach unfolded and guessed what it was.

Old things, a list of foreign aliens. This list, wandering around, appeared last time, Zac was at the Grand Cemetery, and gave it back to James, on the grounds that James could not refuse-'James, you have to let these outsiders go Are the aliens wandering around in Barton? ’

For a moment, Zach thought, "Linda, using this list to explain why you and her know each other."

"Yes." James replied quickly, "'I found her while I was investigating these lists.'" James was very calm. "You were wrong just now, the guests there, whether they are interracial or ordinary People, no one actually cares about my speech. I will care, only you, only Grande. You want to know why I am Linda ’s friend. "

James paused and gave Zac a reaction time, but it wasn't really needed. Zac's response was quick and he understood.

James continued, "So, this is all for you to listen to. This is what she thought about, the process I met with her. I was asked by you to investigate those foreign aliens, so I met her, aliens."

Zach closed the list, "very reasonable." Is praised. Our vampire smiled and slowed down, "If you explain that, I would believe it. Then ..." Zac glanced at James' calm side, "Let's talk about your version, let me Listen to the facts. "

James took a deep breath, "She is my neighbor in the west, we. We grew up together."

James grew up with an interracial, Zac smiled, sincerely. (To be continued.)