The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

v1 ~: 'return'

"Before you say anything, please allow me first. Eight ▲ ■ ▼? A Chinese website" Zac leaned on Louise's shoulder and pushed open the back door of the Grand House.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, it is the most beautiful time of the sun. Zac narrowed his eyes and stopped under the porch, avoiding the most comfortable sunlight for ordinary people.

"First, I need to thank you. If it were not for you to guess that I was looking for those hunters, I would not be here at this time."

Louise lowered her head and did not respond. Such gratitude didn't make her happy, it was just a woman with a weak sense of security, and guessing about men's distrust.

After Louise woke up, Zac was not present, and made a very low self-esteem guess-Zac did not go to her, but happened to meet her when looking for a hunter! Such speculation saved Zac, but only verified his insecurity. Louise did not think it was a happy thing.

"Second, I should apologize to you. Farewell for not saying goodbye in the morning."

Louise's body turned slightly away from Zac, and an apology could never make up for the damage.

"Third, I do hope you come back. The words last night were not completely false."

‘Incomplete’? Should this be a comfort to myself? Louise didn't want to listen anymore. This time she didn't even need to pack her bags, she just walked out of Grande's house.

"Finally, I want to relieve your insecurity. I want to let you know that at Grande House, you will always be safe. I will not dodge your question."

Louise lifted her feet back and looked at Zac. Eight? One ▼ Chinese? Chinese? Website

"You are safe here, no one or anything can hurt you, you already know this." Zac raised his mouth slightly: "And I am your only source of insecurity, because James once told you ' My offspring '. "

Louise frowned lightly, wondering whether she was looking forward or nervous on her beautiful face: "Are you going to tell me now?"

Zac nodded, "I did consider this matter, but I can't make a decision until now. Perhaps it is best if you let yourself judge."

The vampire began to tell about ancient inheritance rituals. It was a quiet blood exchange, a change of life form. There is no loss of ethics, pain, and personality that Louise fears. On the contrary, it seems more like the beginning of an intertwined fate.

If Louise becomes a descendant of Zac blood, Zac will become her teacher and her guardian. At the same time, it can also be a friend, a lover ...

"Are you willing to be a vampire? Please listen to me." Zac looked at Louise, who was already looking forward, and continued.

Do you want to be a vampire?

You will maintain your present appearance forever, and time will not affect you in any way. You will see the scenery that was once impossible to see, and you will hear the sound that was once impossible to hear.

However, at the same time, you will never be able to see yourself, the mirror will not reflect your image. You will not be able to touch the sun for a long time. The sounds you hear are more people's steady, sleepy breathing and heartbeat.八 ●? 一 ▼ Chinese ▲ Web

You will be faster and stronger, and you will master the ‘magic’ that allows others to conform to their wishes. You will become the king under the moon and stars in the sky.

However, all your extraordinary abilities, including your life, come from the blood of other fresh lives. All the food you used to be like hay to you. And when the moon is full, you will see your natural enemies.

You will have eternal life, and you can travel anywhere in the world.

However, if you die, your death will be extremely painful and cruel. There are many places in this world, and you can never set foot without the permission of the owner.

You will experience the lives of countless generations, and one day, you will learn to forget something and dress up new memories.

You will……

You will have all of the above and become the life of the more ordinary people in the crowd. But at the same time, you have also become an alien in their eyes, and you will also become a prey for hunters.

"Do you still want to be 'my offspring'? Louise." Zac looked at Louise, who was initially slightly open.

The beautiful woman lowered her head and raised her face again with a smile on her face: "No. At least not yet."

Zac raised his eyebrows, just like he felt when he first saw Louise, this is a smart woman.


As the night of the full moon passed, Ben Jie apparently swallowed the hunter to lay down the tracking trap, and his whole body was covered with red stripes.

What makes Zac even more helpless is that because the werewolves are transformed ahead of time, no one knows where the wolves that are not completely controlled by Benjamin have gone. The first sunrise after the end of the full moon night, the vampire did not send clothes. Benjamin returned naked for this reason, causing him not to speak with Zac for a week, which made the vampire who had secretly carried out a small action behind the werewolf a little panicked.

Connor ’s funeral went on smoothly. Like Mr. Quinn ’s funeral, in order to avoid the gangster ’s reporters, all the strong men of the Grand House hid in the cemetery, including the real James Lance.

Warehouse No. 13 at the north end of Betch Street was closed, and the Patton Police cordon was removed. But this waste storage warehouse is no longer what it used to be.

In front of the warehouse, there are candles, bouquets and photos stacked. The cemetery is a very private place. The friends of Connor were not qualified to visit at random, so in this place where Connor ‘leaves’, they held a small seven-day spiritual consolation ceremony for Connor.

Many boys and girls aged 17 or 18 wrote cards and affixed them to the wall of the warehouse. It looks like a very warm ceremony.

"May you rest in peace, you will always be the captain of the Beavers!" "In paradise, you must continue to win!" "In paradise you are also the best quarterback!" These are the notes of the boys, and then ...

"I wish you happiness." "You're gone, I'm so sad." "You are a great kisser, I will miss you." "I told you, Leeds is not a good woman." "Why Reisha Crying so sad? Connor! I am your girlfriend! "" Connor! You said you broke up with Rachel! Why did she think you are his boyfriend! "" How many girlfriends do you have? " "???" "!!! You are indeed a scumbag!" "You should go to hell!" ......

When the place was occupied by girls, the Beaver boys evacuated the place full of resentment.

When Lola first admonished Alice, it was obviously not the gossip of the little girl ...

But Lola at this time, standing quietly behind a group of quarreling girls, holding a white card in her hand, and was unable to write anything.

Alice patted her friend's shoulder comfortably, "This is not your fault."

"But why am I not feeling this way now?" Lola lowered her head and her eyes were wet: "I shouldn't be gloating, I should call the police. If I call the police, all this will not happen ..."

The banshee grabbed Lola with her shoulders trembling slightly. She couldn't comfort her friend. All she could do was stay with Lola.

Lola was trembling, writing a few words, and affixed it to the wall of warehouse 13.

"I'm sorry, Connor.-Lola Button."


Louise returned to live in Grande's house, and the errors of Barton's younger generation returned to the original place. But we know that everything has a subtle shift. The vampire's choice rested on Louise, and Kyle's sin was carried by Lola. This is what happens when you live in a city with aliens.

There is no need to be emotional, the story is not over ...