The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

v10 Chapter 14: Dilemma

It was dark, and James woke up. From the shine of his skin, he rested very well. But in fact this is not a good thing, James' biological clock should be completely broken.

"Exactly, dinner is ready ~" Louise watching TV in the entertainment room saw James standing at the door, "Go, dinner made by Alice, you will like it ~"

"Where is Zac?" James rubbed his eyes. "Dinner? How long have I slept?"

"Living area." Louise also answered the second question, "Sixteen hours. You need something to eat ~"

James went downstairs, just returned from the back porch and went back into the restaurant, nodded with the two girls, then took the dinner plate that had been prepared for him, and then went out to the living area.

Before entering the living area, James had heard the inside, well, the noise. James Ben was going to go directly to see what was going on, but he did n’t know what logical progress was going on in his brain. He stood in front of the front staircase in the living area and stared at the empty space on the side Bowl, whispered softly, "Li Bo Ke?"

The shimmer flashed on the stairs. "It's Rebeken." Impatient. "Are you here to fill me with goat's milk? Human."

James glanced at the cup in his plate, "I'll give you this, can you tell me what happened inside?"

"Is this a new game?" The shimmering light flashed, and there seemed to be some interest.

"Uh, yes."

"Good!" Shimmer jumped, "What do you want to know!"

"What happened inside."

"Ha! I hid the tools of the construction team on the roof! Now, give me goat milk!"

"Uh ..." James looked up and made sure that Zac was no longer on the roof. He could hear Zac's voice in the public area on the first floor. "Not this, I want to know why Zac is inside."

"This is not in the rules of the game! Give me goat milk!" The shimmering light began to flash quickly.

"Yes, I just forgot to say." James stared at the shimmering light, alert? probably. "You tell why Zac is in the living area, I give you milk, this is the new game."

"Your new game, it's not fun!" Shimmer crashed into James' arms. Before James had any reaction, he clearly saw his wallet flying out of his arms, out of gravity, and then With a click, "Now your wallet is on the roof !!!" The shimmer disappeared.

James' face twitched for a moment, and he stepped up the front porch and into the living area.

Why does James want to engage in this moth? The ghost knows.

The public space on the first floor was full of people and piled of daily necessities. Among the Grand employees who were moving, Old Hank was arguing fiercely with Zac.

Although James saw Zach's gaze when he first came in, James chose not to be close, standing outside the public area and having dinner while watching what happened here.

Zac interrupted Old Hank's excitement. "Finally, I will not be responsible for the fault of your people. It is not my duty."

Old Hank stared at Zack, "We are not talking about obligations now ?! I need you, I need you ..." Old Hank also saw James, no matter what he said in his mouth, he slammed it back and put Angrily vented to the employees who moved things around, "What have you been doing since you started ?!"

"Change rooms! We are not going to stay in a room with Evan!" Someone answered.

"If you want to change rooms you have to register! You can't just move away! Your bail officer asks to be informed about your accommodation arrangements!"

"Then let's register! Now!"

While old Hank looked irritated, Zac said, "Your job is not mine."

Old Hank walked away somberly, it should be to register the new staff accommodation.

Zach walked to James, who was watching, and smiled first, "Are you awake? How are you sleeping?"

James didn't want to answer Zac's concern, too typical to say much. James gestured at the crowded old Hank employee, "What's wrong here?"

Zac also looked back at Old Hank, clearly receiving a warning look. But probably because of this look, Zac smiled and walked to the stairwell, "Follow up." Said to James.

James followed.

Remember the stairwell in the living area, with the laundry room down and the second floor up. Zac led James down first.

While jamming food in his mouth, James saw Evan **** beside a row of washing machines. James didn't speak and followed Zac upward.

The public area on the second floor is also full of people, but it is not Grande ’s employee — headed by Austin, seeing Zach approaching and approaching, “Mr. Grande! Although our cooperation is very pleasant, you This is illegal detention! You cannot keep us here ... "

James was drinking milk while listening to Austin yelling at Zac ... until Austin saw himself standing behind Zac.

Austin froze for a moment, then rushed to James in an instant, "You are that detective! Detective Lance! I remember you! In the newspaper, in the news! You come to save us !!!"

James and Austin looked at each other for a while, grunting, swallowing the food and drink in their mouths, bowing their heads and continuing to deal with dinner.

"Detective! Detective !!!"

Zac had already walked ahead and took James forward.

As a fully functional compound apartment building, Grande ’s living area is of course with a safe exit. Of course, at this time, he was blocked by an irritable Grande employee. When Zac came over, he could n’t wait to speak. "Did I hear that I was re-registering the room below? I don't want to be in the same room as Evan! I'm going to check in!"

Zac shrugged and made a random move. The employee didn't hesitate at all and washed away.

James still did not speak to solve the dinner, he knew that Zac's guide was not over.

Sure enough, Zac took him into an apartment.

Baine is here, walking in and out of the bedroom, seemingly cleaning up.

James was eating faster, because he had seen the blood stains on Baine's hands, and no matter what was in the room, he was destined to affect his appetite.

"Go and see for yourself." Zac didn't seem to intend to go in, begging James to go by himself.

James finished his dinner, observed Bain's face, and went in.

"Detective Lance?" Derek's voice followed by helplessness, "We really should meet in a more normal situation ..."

"Who is he?" James' voice.

"People on the construction team."

"How is he?"

"Very bad, broken stomach, broken ribs, torn skin ..." Drake said for a while, "He needs surgery. Or, you know."

James came out of the bedroom, looked at Zac, and didn't speak, just a glance, ‘Why do n’t you do what you know’. ’

Zac didn't answer, and remained silent with a smile on his face.

James looked at Zac for a while, then went back to the bedroom and spoke to Drake. "How did you come? Zac called you?"

"Hanke's call." Drake's tone was sincere. "I really don't want to come. He said it was an emergency. I ... hey."

James came out of the bedroom again and looked at Zac, considering that he didn't want to repeat the silence above, so he spoke this time, "Why didn't you stop this from happening."

"I don't know if this happened." Zack answered simply, "I'm outside, Mary Church, if you're curious."

What did James remember when he was about to return to the bedroom, "What about Louise?"

"She is with me."

James frowned, "We will talk about this later." Back to the bedroom.

Drake's voice, "He needs to go to the hospital, now! I can't treat him here, I don't have medicines, equipment, uh, I don't even have disinfection water, he is dying ..."

James came out again, looking at Zac. First there is silence. Exactly, we also confirm that we all understand the situation in front of us-

While Zac and Louise were no longer Grand, Evan attacked someone on the construction team. Then Old Hank responded. Objectively speaking, the response was quite correct-the perpetrator Evan was restricted, thrown in the laundry room, and the witness construction team was detained. On the second floor of the living area, he found a doctor Derek, assess the victim's injury.

Now, we should probably be able to guess what Old Hank wanted to say to Zac.

James said, "What does Old Hank want?"

Zac shrugged. "You can't let this kind of thing damage the reputation of Grande, especially the project of this halfway house. He wants me to deal with it."

James stared at Zac, "What kind of treatment?"

"Oh, the vampire's way." Zac looked at James with a smile. "What do you think? Do you still want me to heal the wounded?"

James, his complexion began to grow gloomy.

Can you understand the plight that James discovered at this time?

First of all, we should praise James, at least all the way to here, James has kept calm and followed Zach observation.

Then, the "reward" of keeping calm is the dilemma now.

James knew that Zac could easily save a person who was going to death, and then used Torido's eyes to make the whole thing disappear. But at the same time, the detective James has witnessed and condoned the growth of a criminal organization in embryonic form!

This is not alarmist. How did we evaluate Old Hank's reaction? Yes, the correct response. For what Old Hank wants to maintain, right, for law, for society, for justice? Wrong ridiculous!

The real difficulty is not to choose between saving lives and this almost philosophical justice, but to Zac, which James is now in front of.

"Why don't you say to Old Hank!" James stared at Zac.

This dilemma is actually not the time for James to participate. Is it obvious that we have followed James all the way for a while. Zac can solve it before James wakes up-according to James's doubts about the quality of the Zac, Zac can choose a vampire to make it disappear and meet the needs of Old Hank. But he didn't. This vampire, for whatever reason, let James, who didn't need to know all this, successfully fall into such a choice.

"Why should I agree?" Zack asked back, taking for granted the attitude, "This is not an event made by aliens." Zack shrugged and relaxed his tone. "There are no 'mysteries' that cannot be solved by society, no There may be a fragmented worldview, without any obstacles that humans ca n’t understand. It ’s just that a person who has made mistakes makes mistakes again. Here, I do n’t need to promise anything. ”Zack smiled.“ I believe that humans have Your own way of handling this situation. "

James stepped in front of Zac in two steps, holding Zac's face down and lowering his voice, "Don't tell me this! You've intervened in human affairs! There are many! You just deliberately created this because I was here One situation made me uncomfortable !!! "

Zac took a step back. James, who had just eaten dinner, was not so good. "You think too much, James, I'm not that busy."

James followed Zac's step forward, as if his coercion had any effect. Uh.

"Zac!" Derek came out of the bedroom. "He's dying! Really! If you two have a problem, can you solve it in a moment! Now I tell you that a person is really dying!"

Zac was ready to take another step back and was caught by James, "Save someone!"

Zac frowned, "Are you sure? Detective." Pay attention to it, "You know that once I save the person, the following things are supporting. I won't explain to a group of civilians how a sudden wounded person suddenly When he recovers, I will fully satisfy Old Hank ’s hope. Detective Lance, is this what you hope to happen? ”

"No! But you are going to save people now!"

This is what James decided. Okay, Zac pulled James away and grabbed his hand. "Remember, this is what you asked for, not what I wanted." Zac entered the bedroom.

At the same time when he saw the dying person, he could hear the sound of James going out. Never mind James.

"Don't you save strangers right?" It was Derek, when Zac pierced the dying man with his thimble fingers.

Zac glanced at Derek, "You can say that."

Derek was tense for a moment, "Uh, I'm not saying that you are wrong, uh, I mean everyone like this, only caring about the people I know, ..."

Zac didn't respond, watching the dying person getting further and further away from death, without expression.

Now, tell everyone why Zack truly rejected Old Hank. Of course not disgusting James is so boring, and it has nothing to do with justice. It ’s just that Zack asked Alice before being called to the living quarters by Old Hank, “I ’ve never asked, just take it for granted that you will take over Grande and become Grande ’s master. I know you were angry before, so I take it for granted Think, now, I'm seriously asking you, do you want to take over Grand? "

Alice replied this way, "This is the only place I can call home. I will of course take over Grande, but, not this Grande, I do n’t like Grande from Old Hank, I do n’t want to let me 'S home became what Old Hank had imagined. And ... "Important," Caesar thinks that Ithera had plans for Grande to accept the former criminal, and I was a little worried. "

"Okay." Zack replied, "Then, wake James, a little secret."