The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

v1 Chapter 144: Weird relationship

PS: Thank you book friend "Ao Shi Mian" Murderous Light Speed" for rewarding 10,000 starting coins. This chapter adds more for him.

"It's so lively today."

A leisurely voice came from the gate of the base, and Chao Leizhen, who looked like a pair of gentle glasses, walked in gently.

Today is indeed very lively, and there is one more hero of the instructor. In a few days, I am afraid that the four major heroes of the PLA regular army of sea, land and air missiles will also appear one after another.

Now Cai Ruichen can already imagine the lively scene of the base in the future.

However, the originally relaxed atmosphere suddenly became nervous because of the urgent document in Chao Leizhen's hand.

The crowd dispersed in an orderly manner, leaving Chao Leizhen to walk towards Cai Ruichen in a straight line.

"what happened?"

After receiving the urgent document, Cai Ruichen habitually asked, and opened the document for the first time.

Although the information has been clearly written, Chao Leizhen replied: "ISIS left Tikrit in batches at 8 o'clock in the evening, and lurked in the Islamic State in Samarra. The militants also launched a surprise attack on the Iraqi Defense Forces stationed in Samarra, and Samarra is currently in full war."

"Sure enough, I can't sit still. Tell Idris to come to me as soon as possible." Cai Ruichen closed the intelligence file, gave Chao Leizhen an order, and then spoke again: "Let all the soldiers of the security company upgrade to Level 3 combat readiness."

Chao Leizhen led the way and sat down directly on the sofa, tapping the armrest of the sofa lightly with his fingers.

"Sure enough, the Islamic State really can't sit still." Natasha said with a serious face.

Cai Ruichen just nodded calmly when he heard the words. The Islamic State could not sit still, but it made sense.

Including him, it can be seen that the Islamic State, which is under various economic pressures, is not very stable in the occupied area.

Even tribes trading on the Silk Road in the ISIS-occupied zone. The purchase of a large amount of food in Baghdad also shows that the war is on the verge of breaking out.

For the past four months, Cai Ruichen has been studying the current economic situation of the Islamic State and came up with a very difficult data for the Islamic State.

The first one is that the military scale of the Islamic State has grown to 80,000. The rigid expenditure of military expenditure alone has reached one billion U.S. dollars each year.

This includes soldiers’ wages and training costs, but does not include the costs of war.

But this one billion is the most basic rigid expenditure, and it cannot be less than a penny.

Otherwise, the army without military pay will immediately disperse, all the ruling power. Will quickly vanish into nothing.

The fiscal source of the Islamic State is mainly dumping oil, which is only 20 to 30 US dollars per barrel. At the beginning, it can bring almost 500 US dollars in income to the Islamic State every day.

But now I am afraid that there is not even two million dollars, because Russia's non-stop air strikes on those oil vehicles have blocked the Islamic State's oil sales channels.

Oil revenues have fallen, and it is not even enough to meet the basic military expenditure of the Islamic State.

Of course, the income of the Islamic State is not entirely dependent on oil exports. The real bulk is the taxes in the occupied zone.

The people in the occupied territories have ruled the Islamic State. In fact, there is no resistance. Instead, many unemployed young people have joined the Islamic State army.

But these are all conditions. First of all, if you are an occupation district government, if you want the people to not oppose your rule, you must do the most basic points, that is, to guarantee the most basic services of the society.

Basic social security is mainly fuel, domestic water and electricity, education and commodities needed for basic living.

This aspect is precisely what the Islamic State lacks, because the Islamic State does not have many technical personnel and workers to provide operating conditions for enterprises in the occupied territories that provide citizens with basic living facilities.

At the beginning, in the area occupied by the Islamic State. There is a very interesting phenomenon.

The Islamic State armed forces occupy a city, but will not destroy those power stations or water supply factories, but will send troops to protect these factories and the workers inside.

Make the power generation and water supply in the occupied area. Maintain normal operating conditions.

But they will not pay these workers' wages, but let the Iraqi government pay.

What's interesting is that the Iraqi government also agreed to pay all the benefits, wages, and pensions of the Chinese industrial workers in the occupied areas every month. The bonuses are all no less.

The most interesting thing is that the money first came to the hands of the Islamic State and then paid by the people of the Islamic State.

The Islamic State directly deducts half of it as a so-called tax, and then transfers the remaining wages and bonuses as well as the cost of operating the factory to the factory.

In the beginning, the Islamic State could use this method to get almost 400 million U.S. dollars in income from Iraq and Syria each year.

Some people may criticize the Iraqi government and the Syrian government as being stupid, but it is not because the national water conservancy and power grid structures in Iraq and Syria are indispensable for the support of the power plants and reservoirs in the area occupied by the Islamic State.

If they stop the wages and maintenance costs of these factories, the national electricity and water supply in those two countries will not be guaranteed.

Comparing the paralysis of national water conservancy and power grids, even if it seems strange, it is a fact that cannot be avoided.

This weird aspect also includes the tacit understanding between the two parties in terms of taxation. The commercial tax collected by the Islamic State in the occupied area and the tax payment certificate issued will also be recognized by the Iraqi government and no additional tax will be collected.

The commercial fleet of the Iraqi government will not charge additional taxes after the Iraqi government’s commercial tax certificate is issued at

Therefore, there is no obstacle to trade in Iraq and Syria, because either party knows that commercial taxation must be stable.

Such a weird scene was staged in Iraq and Syria, even if it was Kurdish forces or rebels in Syria.

It’s a weird scene, but if it can continue to be maintained, the lives of the people will indeed be little affected. Of course, this must remove those cities that were completely destroyed by the war.

However, the Iraqi government, which had been taking a lot of money for several years, quit the stall and directly cut off the monthly wages and benefits provided to the ISIS-occupied areas.

The Islamic State itself did not have the money but paid for the operation of those factories, which caused most of the power plants and water companies to stop providing electricity and drinking water to the people.

In just two months, it has almost reached a very harsh point, and the people in the occupied areas are also complaining. (To be continued.)