The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

v1 Chapter 155: Build a hospital on the battlefield

PS: Due to gorgeous mistakes, the payment situation in the previous chapter was apologized to you. In order to make up for your loss, this chapter is free. I also hope you can forgive me, the pure mistake is not intentional.


Cai Ruichen can fully understand Aziz's reaction because it is a normal person's reaction.

Even when he heard Qiu Mingxu talking about this, he still looked incredible.

Thinking about it in another way, he didn't suspect Qiu Mingxu was bragging.

But the result of the facts, he believed.

"I don't want to explain this kind of thing too much. The result is naturally explained by the facts." Cai Ruichen said lightly.

Aziz saw the calm appearance of others, but he took out a handkerchief again and wiped the sweat on his forehead. He squeezed out a smile and said, "Anyway, this matter is of historical importance to Iraq. In the event, I suggest that the Iraqi government and your company jointly hold a press conference facing the world. What do you think?"

Cai Ruichen smiled in his heart when he heard the words. He didn't know what Aziz made anymore. It was nothing more than earning international capital and domestic political capital for the current Iraqi government.

But how could he possibly lead the current Iraqi government? Even if you want to bring it, you will also bring a government under your control, and you will never have the turn of the current Iraqi government.

It's just that he doesn't have a political power yet, so he can only unilaterally improve the image and status of Future Technology Group in the world.

And he also began to prepare for the first press conference in his life, and there will be many surprises to the world.

How could he share it with others, otherwise people who don't know think that there is the participation of the Iraqi government.

However, Cai Ruichen did not show this idea, but said with regret: "This is really too regrettable. Our company has decided to hold a press conference ten days later, and this press conference will be held at the same time. Live broadcasts on major websites in the world. For this reason, we have already opened up all links, and this is also a lot of effort."

In fact, when Future Technology Group planned to hold its first press conference, and said that Cai Ruichen would personally host the conference, it attracted global media.

No financial and human resources are required. Mainstream media and mainstream websites from all over the world have all agreed to live broadcast. And necessary publicity.

To this end, Future Technology Group has also released some content related to the press conference to attract these media and websites.

The effect is not bad. Some websites have started to warm up, and related media are on. There are also reports in this regard.

This is also due to Cai Ruichen's identity, and the future technology group has always been too mysterious to the outside world.

And this time, it will focus on scientific and technological achievements and breakthroughs in various high-tech fields. Both newsworthiness and gimmicks are enough.

otherwise. Who would take care of a little-known technology company?

Sometimes it's not that simple to think of getting ahead. Cai Ruichen is the identity of the Niu X-hong-hong that was arranged for him by the base. There are also mysterious features.

Otherwise... He is the same as those so-called graduate high-tech entrepreneurs, more just obscurity, perhaps only well-known in a certain circle.

It is almost impossible to attract the attention of media all over the world.

Of course, there are pros and cons, and he attracts more attention, making it almost impossible for him to develop quietly.

In fact, the real harm is more than the good, at least Cai Ruichen himself thinks so.

Therefore, whenever possible, Cai Ruichen will make good use of this existing identity to maximize the benefits.

This is just a little comfort for him.

It's just that Cai Ruichen underestimated his identity, after all, under that resume, there are really not many enchanting talents like him.

It is circulated everywhere in the online world that his IQ may surpass Einstein, and there are many reasons for this. Whoever asked the base to help him publish many scientific papers was regarded as a classic.

Even the International Science and Technology Contribution Award has been awarded to him for several consecutive years, but he has not accepted it. The bonuses and trophies are still placed in his so-called alma mater.

Even the Nobel Prize for Science and Technology, he has been nominated many times, just because he hasn't come up with a sample yet, he has never won it.

Of course, there are still some thoughts about the operation. After all, there are many people who win awards with papers.

Fortunately, none of these have affected Cai Ruichen's reputation in the world.

And these, Cai Ruichen himself has not really understood, otherwise he might have better ways and ideas to expand his future path.

It's just that some people are depressed now, Aziz really doesn't know the news, but it is impossible for Cai Ruichen to deceive himself with this untestable lie, so he can only give up regretfully.

"Then Mr. Cai, have you planned to build a medical center in Baghdad? I believe that the medical needs in Baghdad will also make the hospital profitable." As the Minister of Commerce, Aziz is naturally most concerned about these issues.

"It should start soon. I have already planned to send people to Baghdad to inspect the site. I hope that Mr. Aziz will help me a lot." Cai Ruichen nodded, and said with a serious face: "But building medical care in Baghdad Before the center, I plan to build a general hospital in Samarra. To tell you the truth, I have sent a team of inspections to Samarra."

When he heard the first half of the sentence, Aziz looked happy, but when he heard the second half, his face was very weird and asked: "Mr. Cai, don't you know that Samarra is already in war?"

"I know!" Cai Ruichen nodded very and said, "But officially because I know, I plan to build the hospital first in Samarra;

War is always inseparable from bloodshed and death. As far as I know, when the war came, there were more than 800,000 civilians in Samarra. Because the war has caused thousands of civilian casualties, I am very anxious, even The medical team has been set off quickly;

But these are not enough. I will build a hospital on the outskirts of Samarra to provide medical treatment to civilians and sergeants affected by the war. I hope that more lives can be saved! "

Aziz was shocked once again. He never believed that there were selfless people in this world, but this time he did.

Otherwise, Cai Ruichen doesn't need to do this at all, sending a medical team is really enough.

What Aziz didn't expect was that Cai Ruichen had already regarded Samira as his own.

The construction of a field medical center can not only earn enough people's capital, but also provide medical protection for military operations that will be launched at that time. (To be continued.) Enable new URL