The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

v1 Chapter 256: Full sniper

PS: The following seven chapters are the monthly pass plus and change, and the change to 710 monthly passes.


In the early morning of the next day, the war rarely started immediately. Overnight, more than 500 IS soldiers were headshot.

The snipers in the secret posts were not spared, and the snipers who were killed did not even have time to issue a warning.

Everyone was headshot, and there was no second way to die. Especially in the second half of the night, many of the awakened Islamic State soldiers were silently killed when they opened fire because of excessive tension.

And they didn't even see where the enemy was, didn't hear gunshots, and didn't see flames with muzzles.

Such horrible facts made many IS soldiers unable to help returning to their houses.

When the Iraqi government forces got the news, all the soldiers at the bottom cheered. In their opinion, they should have done it themselves.

But at the top of the Iraqi government army, they were all silent. They knew very well that their army did not have the ability to complete such silent sniper operations.

Only the most professional special forces can do this, and the Iraqi government forces do not have such a force.

Even the sniper brigade cannot complete such a battle.

Over five hundred ISIS soldiers were killed overnight. In the month-long battle, tens of thousands of Iraqi government forces caused three to four thousand casualties to ISIS.

They killed 500 of them overnight, without any loss themselves.

Mutal directly thought of the armed forces in Marin Town, because in the entire Samarra battlefield, apart from the mercenaries who did not work hard, only those in Marin Town were left.

Thinking of his overnight record, he could only smile a few bitterly, and then reported the matter to the top Iraqi leaders.

At the same time, many international intelligence organizations concerned about the armed forces of Marin Town all knew about it for the first time.

Same as Mutal. They also naturally suspected Marin Town. Being able to kill more than 500 enemies overnight in such a city melee is definitely a classic sniper battle in the history of war.

Now, no one knows how many snipers are dispatched in Marin Town. No one knows why the snipers in Marin Town can be in the huge city. Find the enemy so accurately.

Without strong and efficient intelligence support, it is impossible to complete such a sniper operation.

This matter may seem to Cai Ruichen. Not surprising at all, because the map function of the base plus Natasha's most professional command. Fifty sniper teams and a hundred snipers will not be difficult at all to achieve such a record.

But from the outside world. It's really amazing, after all, the soldiers of the Islamic State. It's not muddy.

In addition, many Islamic State snipers who served as secret guards were also silently killed.

If it's one or two such records, it doesn't explain much. But if the whole battle was the result, it would be extraordinary.

At least even the most brilliant sniper in the world has no such confidence to be able to discern all the disguise of the enemy sniper.

Let alone in a dark environment, even infrared devices are not absolutely omnipotent.

In this world, there are many ways to conceal the temperature emitted by the body. There are even some auspicious clothes that can perfectly hide the natural body temperature of human beings and ensure that they will not be discovered by infrared devices.

Even without such advanced equipment, many ordinary methods can be used to do it.

Although the outside world is very curious and there are various possible guesses, no one will come to ask what is going on.

Perhaps the town of Marin really dispatched a group of very precise snipers, and they are already familiar with all the deployment of the Islamic State in Samarra.

After all, anything can happen on the battlefield, and there is no shortage of miracle-like war cases.

It's just that for the Islamic State, it seems like a sword hanging high above the head. No one knows when this sword will fall silently and take his own life.

In the future, the senior leaders of the Islamic State will immediately dispatch more snipers to Samarra, the military decision-making department of the Islamic State, intending to carry out an anti-sniper killing.

However, the next night, the Islamic State mobilized snipers from a battalion of the Patriotic Sniper Brigade. These people were on the Samarra battlefield and never saw the sun again.

The snipers who shot again, not only completely annihilated all the snipers of the Islamic State, but also carried out some killings on the soldiers of the Islamic State.

The next morning, more than three hundred ISIS soldiers turned into corpses.

In two days, the direct deaths of more than 800 people, not even one injured, shocked the Islamic State's top leaders.

In the fighting for many years, there has not been such a huge casualty. On average, one or two hundred people died in one battle.

This result is very difficult to calm down. Only at this time, the people from the Islamic State officially targeted the armed forces in Marin Town that had arrived in Samarra.

The Islamic State, which has been at war with government forces for several years, naturally knows enough about Iraqi government forces.

I also know the mercenaries who participate in the war from time to time, and only the mysterious Marin Town armed forces are the only possibility.

At noon that day, the Islamic State's troops took the initiative to approach the refugee camp in a roundabout way. Obviously, the two nights of sniper killing made them completely unable to sit still.

As a result, Zhao Long, who had been waiting, decisively issued the shelling order.

In urban combat, when there is no main battle equipment on the ground, the best way is to wait for work, let the enemy move, and let the enemy expose After only two nights of sniper killing, ISIS can’t sit still. Lived, and sent a large number of troops to the main battlefield of the city, moving towards the temporary camp of the Red Police Corps.

It was Zhao Long who was waiting for this scene and grasped the opportunity decisively.

The fire support battalion, which had been silent for two days on the artillery position, did not have a round of firing according to the commander’s firing coordinates. Once fired, it fired quickly.

The best damage of an artillery is its suddenness, and whether an artillery is excellent, one of the indicators is to see how many shells can be poured in a minute of rapid fire.

Because if it takes more than one minute, the enemy that is shelled can almost find a cover to avoid the shelling, or leave the range of the shelling.

Compared with the artillery units of the Iraqi government forces, although the firepower of the fire support battalion is not too strong, the efficiency of rapid fire and the accuracy of the aiming coordinates are much higher.

The Islamic State troops approaching the Red Police Corps camp on the ruined streets were covered by dense artillery fire in the middle of the head and tail. The lethality of the 24 large-caliber howitzers was definitely not covered. (To be continued.) Enable new URL