The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

v1 Chapter 403: Source of intelligence

It is very necessary for Israel to launch an investigation. The Mossad Intelligence Center has such a big omission and the impact can be described as devastating.

This made the results of Mossad’s painstaking efforts over the past few decades almost destroyed, although the information and data published by the Future Technology Group are not very comprehensive.

However, the loss of an intelligence agency can be called fatal. The intelligence network that spends huge amounts of money to cultivate, the officials from various countries who need a lot of money every year, and the liaison stations that have finally been established.

Now they are all ruined, which means that Mossad has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in these years, and now they are all in vain, and nothing is left.

This kind of loss is already difficult to estimate with money, because it is impossible to develop the same scale without continuing development for a decade or two.

Especially those senior latent personnel, the value of each is difficult to measure with money.

Moreover, if there is any important information during this period, it will be difficult to obtain, and the loss will be even greater.

But with regard to the rumors from the outside world, the Israeli high-level thoughts do not think so. Don't others know that they don't know it yet?

Israel’s cyber security is number one in the world. Strictly speaking, even the firewall of the US Department of Defense is not necessarily as strong as the firewall of Israel’s core confidential information database.

Because Israel is the first country in the world to develop cyber security technology, a large number of well-known cyber hackers and celebrities all over the world all have the share of Israelis.

In terms of network security and information security, Israel has always been the lowest-key and most powerful.

Back then, an official from the Pentagon Network Information Department claimed that Israel’s network is complete and no worse than the United States.

This sentence is not flattering the Israelis, nor is it flattering, but rather factual news and intelligence.

Because when the United States built the Department of Defense network security firewall, many of them still borrowed from the Israeli firewall.

If Israel’s firewall can be hacked and so many core secrets can be stolen, that is to say. Future Technology Group can also invade the security firewall of any country in the world.

Those data placed in the information database system. For the Future Technology Group, all are no secrets.

However, for such remarks and speculation, Israel immediately denied it. Another reason is the various data and intelligence in the Israeli National Security Information Center. More comprehensive.

If all this information is made public, then Israel will be lost to the public immediately. If the Future Technology Group really gets this information or documents. Then Israel can almost be said that the future of the country is pinched by the Future Technology Group.

At the same time, these lists and data released by Future Technology Group are only part of the development of Mossad. It is more like a batch, which was developed in the same period.

The above information and intelligence, although the damage caused to Mossad is difficult to measure with money. But it is not fatal.

Because there are still many intelligence personnel and high-ranking officials who have been bribed, they have not been exposed. If these future technology groups also know about it, they will definitely announce it together.

There is no reason to have given the Israelis a severe knife and sprinkle Yunnan Baiyao on his wounds.

If you really have a lore against Mossad or Israel. It is impossible for Future Technology Group to pass such an opportunity.

As for this information to threaten Israel, there is no need to do so. Once the more important information is exposed, Israel can hardly say that it has no energy to deal with the future technology group.

Even now, the Israelis don't have much energy to deal with the future technology group.

In the face of accusations and pressure from all over the world, the Israeli government has been operating at a high speed and cannot stop at all.

The Israeli side also ordered Mossad to start investigating how this information was leaked.

At the same time, just in case, people actually checked the firewall of the database, and found no trace of intrusion.

At the same time, Mossad also started a comprehensive investigation, because the Israelis suspected that it was leaked by a certain high-level Mossad.

The Jews are one of the most rigorous peoples in the world, and almost everyone can be a good intelligence agent.

However, it is not so easy to investigate, because the results of the investigation show that everyone who might leak this secret is reliable.

There are no opportunities and channels for disclosure, and there has never been any suspicious contact with the outside world.

However, the investigation did not stop like this, because Israel is very clear that the more normal the results of the investigation, the more it shows that the matter is abnormal.

Otherwise, it will be impossible to explain the source of the data and intelligence of the Future Technology Group. The theory of ghosts and ghosts is simply ridiculous, so there should be a direction that can be found in everything.

However, Cai Ruichen, who was in the base, sat calmly for two consecutive days and watched the rising tide of the world. Now Israel has replaced the Future Technology Group as the core of global public opinion.

Even the first tactical transport aircraft of the Future Technology Group began its test flight, but not many people paid attention.

Cai Ruichen, who has always attracted the attention of the world, is also happy to disappear temporarily. Sometimes too many people pay attention to it and it is not very good.

As for how the intelligence came, it was actually thanks to Yuriko. The reason was simple, after it was determined that the attacker was Mossad.

Cai Ruichen ordered the security forces to set off as soon as possible and entered Baghdad, connecting all the Mossad intelligence organizations.

Don't give those Mossad a chance at all, and then all those people become Yuriko's toys.

Under Yuriko's powerful mental power, everyone almost became an idiot, and then she said everything.

Because they are all controlled by Yuriko, this kind of control can control up to seven, but they can also come one by one without any rush.

When combined with the information of all people, Cai Ruichen then asked the base to follow the map and start to analyze the network of relevant personnel and investigate the connection between the entire network world and communications.

Although the base cannot help Cai Ruichen to actively invade the firewall of Israel's national security, the panda can, except that Cai Ruichen did not let the panda that is still growing on the base take action, but only asked him to help the base analyze all information related to the online world.

Soon a huge list came out, and all the assets of these people and all the accounts that might be linked to them were not secret. (To be continued.) Enable new URL