The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

v1 Chapter 491: American choice

In less than a year, the development of the base has entered the fast lane. In theory, this speed is fast enough.

The millions of fund revenues per day are sufficient for the current development, not to mention that the amount of fund revenues is expanding every day.

With the Iraqi base vehicle, the base has two production lists of construction units, and the construction work of the base construction units has also been greatly accelerated.

Every day, the underground kingdom in Marin Town and the underground mining industry under the Arabian Desert are constantly expanding.

The efficiency of construction has always been in a steady state of improvement.

Even the base has helped him predict it, and there is no need to wait for eight months, according to the current development situation.

The daily capital income of the base is expected to exceed 2 million a day. According to the base, such income can even meet the development needs of the next authority.

It was a miracle that Cai Ruichen was able to develop the base like this in such a short period of time.

But in his opinion, such efficiency is still not enough. At present, whether it is wasteland or this world, there are big problems.

A big problem is the impact of the cold winter. If there is no cold winter, he can completely complete the base mission gradually in these months.

But now, the cold winter lasts for at least half a year, and the temperature is generally minus 50 or 60 degrees, and the troops cannot move at all.

Only after the temperature rises can the military operations in Erbil province be carried out.

At that time, if the cold winter can be as expected, it would be best to end within six months. If the cold winter continues, the mission can already be declared a failure.

And even if it takes a month to rely on the normal operations of the troops, it is almost impossible to recover all the cities and towns in the entire Erbil province and kill all mutants within a month.

The arrival of the cold winter almost made Cai Ruichen give up the goal of completing the task within eight months.

In this world, seeing the development speed of future technology groups from the outside world can really be described as magic.

But in the eyes of Cai Ruichen. Still not fast enough. He needs to quickly possess an armed force that can protect the development of the base in this world.

The number of tens of thousands of troops is not very large, and the production of weapons and equipment has always been much slower than the expansion of soldiers.

Lack of weapons and equipment. It is difficult for troops to quickly form a certain combat capability, but there are some things that can't be rushed.

Even if he wants to speed up. There is almost no way, he is already thinking about the way he can think of.

The weapon module produced by the tank factory. Using engineers to speed up assembly has greatly accelerated the production of ground weapons and equipment.

A hundred barracks and a hundred tank factories. They are already close to the goal.

Now, the base can produce six rhino tanks every day, at this rate. It cannot be said to be slow, but rather fast.

But this speed of development. It simply cannot meet the current needs facing Israel.

Judging from various sources of intelligence, Israel has already begun planning for larger-scale combat preparations.

In the absence of an equal power, I want to make Israel abandon the act of war. It is almost impossible to say.

Time, what Cai Ruichen lacks most now is time, but the only thing he lacks is time.

Today, Marin Town welcomed a very important person, and Cai Ruichen had already prepared the reception work early.

This person can play a very important role in the current grievances between the Future Technology Group and Israel.

Lieutenant General Anders, who has been to Marin once, is the spokesperson of the US Air Force in the Middle East, and a US representative active in the military and political fields in the Middle East.

Cai Ruichen naturally attaches great importance to Anders’s coming again. He is currently trying to end the conflict with Israel, and he urgently needs the power of the United States to complete this goal.

In fact, the United States urgently needs a relatively stable ally in the Middle East, which will help the US military presence in the Middle East.

The actual situation is that the US Congress plans to send an additional aircraft carrier battle group to the Far East to form a dual aircraft carrier battle group with the US aircraft carrier battle group in Yokosuka, Japan.

But at this juncture, one of the US aircraft carriers needs to undergo at least one year of overhaul to replace nuclear fuel rods and add nuclear fuel.

The entire overhaul and upgrade will take at least one year.

In this environment, the United States still insists on sending the aircraft carrier battle group planned to be sent to the Middle East Fifth Fleet to the Far East.

The direct result of this is that when the Fifth Fleet's aircraft carriers are undergoing major repairs, there will be no aircraft carriers available in the Middle East.

The U.S. Navy is crying poorly in Congress, but the U.S. Congress does not have that much money for the Navy, and it is inclined to have enough funding for the Navy.

In order to complete the strategic eastward shift and at the same time ensure the global military presence of the US military, the United States urgently needs a relatively stable Middle East.

Israel is also a **** in the Middle East. Under such circumstances, the United States can only rely on NATO's military presence.

At the same time, we also need a more reliable ally that will not mess around to help Americans in this place in the Middle East.

At this time, Future Technology Group, the more powerful it shows, the more chips it will get from the United States.

Because this will reduce a lot of energy and effort in the United States, with the commercial cooperation between the Future Technology Group and the United States, the cooperation foundation between the two parties is very solid.

At present, the arrival of Anders is nothing more than an attempt to completely end the dispute between Israel and the Future Technology Group. At least while the United States has not yet released its hands, the Middle East can continue to be under the control of the US military. in.

It is not a chaotic and uncontrolled area.

After just over a month, Anders once again set foot on Marin Town, this time with completely different intentions from last time.

The last time I came to investigate whether Cai Ruichen might become an ally of the United States in the Middle East, the results of the investigation have already appeared.

This time it is to implement the cooperation between the Future Technology Group and the US military in the Middle East.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen also attaches great importance to the arrival of Anders. In the future, whether the technology group can develop steadily in the next few years depends entirely on whether it can really launch military cooperation with the United States this time.

If it makes the United States unsatisfied, or makes the United States feel that the future technology group is threatened or even ineligible to become an ally of the United States, then the matter is big.

At that time, even if it is to find Russia or other countries again, it will be too late. (To be continued.) Enable new URL