The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

v1 Chapter 662: The next Iraqi government

PS: There will be updates in the evening. Starting tomorrow, the rhythm of the outbreak will start.


The air force of the future security company is a large-scale air military force in the global military field, and this military force has been developing at a rapid rate.

According to Future Technology Group, in order to ensure the immediate interests of the Group in the chaotic situation in the Middle East, Future Security Company must have the ability to protect all industries of Future Technology Group.

In the era of chaos in the Middle East and rampant terrorism, it is not that the Future Technology Group does not trust countries, but that the Future Technology Group cannot always trouble countries.

Establishing a security arm to protect oneself is to meet the needs of the development of future technology groups.

At the same time, the armed forces of the future security company will effectively meet all the needs of the Iraqi government and will not interfere with all the interests of any country and nation in the Middle East. All actions are only to protect the rights and interests of the Future Technology Group.

As long as it does not violate the Iraqi Constitution, all future military operations by security companies will be considered legal and will not go against the Iraqi government.

Future security companies also have the obligation to ensure the safety of the Iraqi people and assist the government in combating all criminal acts and extremist organizations.

When it formally formed an alliance with the United States, Mirae Security Company also stated to the public that Mirae Security Company is not a collective of political interests and will not participate in the international political field.

The formation of a military alliance with the United States aims at combating terrorist forces and extremism, and will never interfere in the internal affairs of any country, nor will it participate in international military and political games.

In terms of cooperation with the US military, the security company in the future will only participate in the work of combating extremist organizations. Any action by the US military against extremist organizations will not be involved in future security companies.

With the existence of these rules and regulations, this makes the military power possessed by the security company in the future become somewhat aloof.

However, this is only the aspect that ordinary people outside understand. In fact, in the country's view. This is true for the future security company.

However, Idris, supported by the Future Technology Group, has been quickly grasping the rights of the Iraqi government and has moved step by step to the center of rights of the Iraqi government.

The discerning people have seen it all, as the Iraqi government election approaches. Idris, who is highly active in the core rights of the Iraqi government, even without the support of the Future Technology Group. It also has the strength to compete for the next president of Iraq.

With the support of Future Technology Group, Idris is almost the next president of the determined Iraqi government.

Even the United States has gotten closer to Idris, such an obvious signal. It is impossible to just do it for outsiders.

In fact, the US government has also planned to spend capital on Idris. I hope that when Idris becomes the scary president of Iraq, he can still maintain certain control over Iraq.

This is the result of discussions between Cai Ruichen and Hillary Clinton, for Idris to become the president of Iraq. The United States does not have too many opinions.

And Saudi Arabia, the traditional ally of the United States in the Middle East, has no opinion on this. Because the new era political group represented by Idris and the traditional two-level political faction are very clearly defined.

To put it plainly. Idris is neither Shia nor Sunni, but represents the political beliefs of a new generation of young people.

If it were not for Cai Ruichen's support, coupled with the support of the United States, and the prestige that Idris had gained with his grandfather, there would be no chance at all.

It is also because of Idris’ political beliefs that the United States agrees to support him. Otherwise, the United States does not want to see the Middle East countries from Pakistan to Syria completely connected.

At that time, not only Saudi Arabia will jump, Israel will do everything possible to destroy the emergence of such political bonds.

However, the Iraqi presidential election will not start for a short while, but the preliminary election has already begun.

As the chairman of the Iraqi Youth Party, Idris participated in the election of the next president of the Iraqi government.

And successfully passed the preliminary election, and will formally participate in the presidential election of Iraq in a few months.

At present, in Iraq, the voices supporting Idris are very enthusiastic.

In Salahuddin Province and the surrounding areas of Baghdad, almost all of them support Idris one-sidedly. At the same time, in the north of Iraq, the land that has just been reclaimed by the government is almost all Idris supporters.

Idris also has a very high reputation throughout the country with the help of the huge reputation of fighting against the corruption of the Iraqi government.

In such an environment, almost the whole world believes that the election of Idris as president of Iraq is a certainty, and most people are all very much looking forward to the next new government formed by Idris that can truly change Iraq.

However, there are still many voices of opposition in Iraq, and these voices are almost all focused on the relationship between the Future Technology Group and Idris.

These voices are all aimed at the Future Technology Group without exception, and the voices of opposition keep propagating that if Idris is elected as the next president of Iraq, then the entire Iraq will become an accessory of the Future Technology Group.

A country is controlled by a group, and the boss of this group, although he has Iraqi nationality for several years, is a Chinese after all.

And Idris and the Future Technology Group wear almost the same pair of pants. Once Idris becomes the president of Iraq, it will be the biggest disaster for Iraq.

Because the Iraqi government will also be controlled by the Future Technology Group, the real authority of the Iraqi government cannot be Idris, but Cai Ruichen who has been supporting Idris.

This voice has never stopped in Iraq, and it also has certain supporters internationally.

However, for most Iraqis, such a voice cannot change their minds.

For every citizen of Iraq, they actually don't know what national interests and politics are, but they understand that their current better life is brought about by the Future Technology Group.

In such an environment, more Iraqis hope that the government can get more support from the future technology group because they are more eager to change their lives.

As for who controls this country, this is not important. What matters is whether Iraq can make their lives more comfortable.

Of course, there are still some unreasonable worries who are blindly worried about what Cai Ruichen really wants to be accepted by all Iraqis. It still takes time.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL