The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

v1 Chapter 686: Build a strong army in the wasteland (2

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Mosul, a wasteland, is a veritable big city. As the capital of the Nineveh province in northern Iraq, it is also the most important oil base in northern Iraq. Whether it is economic or infrastructure construction, and the size of the city, Duerle is much older. Product Book (wWW.VoDtw.coM)

As a major city in the north, Mosul’s urban scale is also ranked in the top ten in the wasteland of Iraq. There are really not many cities that can be as big as Mosul.

In peacetime, Mosul in the wasteland was a large city with a population of more than three million. Such a city is already very large in the east.

Even in the non-federal period, the population of Mosul was relatively large.

Because of the war, many Mosul people left the city. At the time of the catastrophe, the city still had almost two million people.

Of course, this data is not obtained from official data, and Cai Ruichen has not obtained relevant detailed data.

The data that can be used for analysis is only inferred based on the amount of food consumed every day in Mosul, and there is not much difference from the specific data.

At the same time, after recalculating and scanning with the base map function, we can almost get a piece of data. There are almost 1.2 million to 1.5 million mutants in Mosul.

It was also more than two years since Cai Ruichen came to the Wasteland and encountered one of the cities with the largest number of mutants.

Any city where the number of mutants reaches the million level is extremely dangerous for the current human forces.

The average survivor base has no ability to regain such a city. Not to mention the super mutants that suddenly appeared at a height of 100 meters. It can be considered that there are more than a dozen mutants of the level of Big Roshan. The firepower of a survivor base turned into a display.

The powerful electromagnetic interference ability of the mutant is not something ordinary aircraft can resist.

It took two years to regain Iraq in two worlds, and this world is for Cai Ruichen. Under his plan, it was already a matter of time.

However, the wasteland requires real strength, and there is no possibility of conspiracy and fluke.

Two years, three months have passed, and if you want to own a third base vehicle, you need to complete it within twenty months.

Also said. He must now remove all mutants and survivors in the Wasteland World Iraq within seventeen months. Realize the feat of those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me die.

At this moment, the Red Police Corps in the Wasteland has only about 50,000 troops, and the Dongxia Division with 20,000 troops added up to 70,000 troops.

According to the enlistment plan for the next year, in one year, the scale of the Red Police Corps combat troops in the wasteland will be expanded to four reloaded divisions, and then a reloaded force similar to the survivors of the Dongxia Division will be formed.

Six heavy equipment divisions, the scale of 120,000 troops. This is almost the best result under maximum development efficiency.

Here in the wasteland, the light divisions and paratrooper divisions do not have the ability to contend in front of mutants.

Therefore, these are not part of the development plan of the Red Police Corps in the Wasteland, all the troops in the Wasteland. The main battle force is formed from one, and all must achieve maximum firepower.

Mechanized troops can move slowly, because mutants move more slowly in normal times.

The structure of the troop can be bloated, because people facing mutants don't need to be too flexible and mobile.

But there is one thing. That is, the firepower must be strengthened and strengthened. Even the mobile combat sniper brigade must be equipped with a large number of multifunctional infantry fighting vehicles equipped with sniper gun modules. Small-scale paratroopers must also be equipped with high-intensity firepower weapons.

The development of the wasteland army, in short, has only one characteristic, which is the zealous pursuit of firepower.

And to build such a unit, the training level of the soldiers is second. Every soldier in the Red Police Corps is the best soldier in the world.

The combat effectiveness of the troops really depends on the funds Cai Ruichen spent to build the troops. To put it bluntly, it is the relationship between equipment.

A heavy-loaded division with more than 800 main battle tanks, a variety of armed helicopters only a lot more, tank killer self-propelled artillery, long-range fire strike force, tactical missile force, plus self-explosive trucks.

The size of this force, its powerful firepower, can be said to be completely piled up with funds.

In the present world, if you want to achieve this level of firepower, calculations are unbearable for the United States.

And the facts are also true. As the so-called cannon fires, gold is ten thousand taels. Don't look at the daily income of the base, but once the troops start fighting.

That huge consumption is enough to make it difficult for the same number of logistics troops to replenish. The supplies consumed by the production of ammunition alone are not enough to consume four million dollars a day.

Especially the intensive firepower coverage of missiles and tactical rockets That is not about kindly explosives at all, but tilting the funds that have just been collected.

If Cai Ruichen had to accumulate ammunition for a certain period of time when the previous day’s income was only one or two million, he would be able to afford such a unit, otherwise the usual training alone would not be enough.

Even now, there are three or four million funds remaining every day, but it is difficult to support the troops' long-term continuous operations every day.

The war is burning money, but in reality, Cai Ruichen has already started burning money from the construction of the heavy equipment division here.

However, he has no better way. Everything is for better promotion authority. Money is a bastard, and you can continue to earn after spending it.

In order to have a better promotion authority, Cai Ruichen has almost spared it. Almost all the current development of the base is concentrated in the wasteland.

The construction of defensive weapons continued, the recruitment of soldiers continued, and the production of weapons and equipment never stopped.

This makes that in the next year, in addition to the future security company, the troops handed over to the new Iraqi government formed by Idris will be at most two heavy-loaded divisions and two light-loaded divisions.

It would be impossible for one year to set up reloading divisions on both sides at the same time.

Now more than two hundred regular soldiers can be recruited every day, except for other arms, at least 80,000 regular soldiers can be recruited in a year.

If it weren't for the fact that the current world also needs troops to maintain the Iraqi regime, Cai Ruichen would want to put all the 80,000 troops in the wasteland, so that at least two more divisions can be used. (To be continued.)

This book comes from Pin&Book#

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