The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

v3 Chapter 1748: The Indonesian monkey who became the ene

The Federation of the Middle East launched a war against Indonesia. This event has attracted great attention around the world. A large number of news reports are frequently updated in the latest reports of major media around the world.

Among them, the country most concerned about this war is China.

In the South China Sea of ​​Kyoto, the entire senior Chinese government suddenly entered the most tense state. A large amount of news from Indonesia indicated that Indonesians were carrying out premeditated burning and looting of the Chinese, which made the entire senior Chinese government extremely angry.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately made the most severe representations to Indonesia, and the Ministry of National Defense of China also took the first action. The South China Sea Fleet stopped all current tasks and work and hurried to Jakarta, Indonesia to ensure the safety of all Chinese in Indonesia at all costs. When necessary, direct military measures can be adopted to protect the lives and property of overseas Chinese.

After the South China Sea Fleet received the briefing and orders, the whole army was boiling. The fleet approached the Java Sea for the first time regardless of cost. The South China Sea Fleet aircraft carrier, which has not yet fully formed its combat effectiveness, was originally still performing training tasks. All carrier-based aircraft returned to the carrier, reloaded with live ammunition, and were ready to take off to Jakarta at any time.

The Marine Corps officers and soldiers on the amphibious formation are also ready to land in Indonesia at any time to launch military rescue missions.

And in all these actions, Huaxia will only be in Indonesia, and if a Chinese is killed, Huaxia will not give up with Indonesia.

China's unprecedented super-hardline attitude is simply an act of preparing for war against Indonesia, which immediately set off a terrible wave in the world.

This attitude is definitely the first time that China is unprecedented, and it also fully shows that the situation in Indonesia must have made China quite angry.

Of course, there is another purpose here. Over the years, China has developed a powerful naval force through the Middle East Federation. It has now joined the four aircraft carrier battle groups in active service. It is always necessary to find an opportunity to show its muscles, especially in Southeast Asia. It is completely impossible to persuade people blindly by virtue.

However, behind this incident, what really caused the world's biggest concern was the reason why China suddenly wanted to use force against Indonesia. Indonesia once again rioted and launched a premeditated burning and looting of the Chinese.

This is the most fundamental reason that triggered the whole incident. Otherwise, China Xia has no need to participate in the war against Indonesia. It is seen all over the world that the Middle East Federation does not need any helpers at all to print Nepalese. A small Indonesia is not worth it. Two superpowers in the world are simultaneously working on it.

Obviously, this time Indonesia really offended China, otherwise it would not be possible for China to suddenly launch external military operations while it is still at the critical moment of closing the gap with the United States.

Just as the news spread quickly across the world, almost all media from all over the world received news materials from Indonesian nationals. When the content of the news materials was opened, the faces of all the media were excited. The color also has feelings of anger and pain.

The Washington Post of the United States published a report immediately after China announced that it was about to start war against Indonesia, and the US cable television network also broadcast the news at the same time.

The material of the news is very simple. Indonesians who are rioting are rushing into a villa. At the door of the villa, a few bodyguards in black suits fell to the ground covered in blood, all covered with knife edges.

In the news material, it was obviously processed. The Indonesians in the picture were marked with the identity of each individual. There were even two police officers from Jakarta in the picture, but they were not dressed in the picture. It's just a police uniform.

These screaming Indonesians all rushed into the villa madly. It was only seven or eight minutes later that many people in the villa were dragged out. It can be clearly seen in the screen that these people are all white, men and women. There are seven or eight people, including two children.

In the video, the identities of these white people are also marked. This is a complete American family with seven people, grandparents, parents and three children, the youngest of whom is only eight years old.

The face of the family was full of horror, and the male host among them was still speaking in English, willing to hand over all the money, hoping to let them go.

And the faces of these Indonesians only have grim smiles and revenge-like pleasure. They took out black cloth bags, and amidst the crazy cry of the family, all the family’s heads were covered in black. The cloth bags, one by one, lined up and knelt at the gate of the villa.

I saw an Indonesian man with a machete walking over with a grim look, and went down with a stab. The heads, accompanied by spurting blood, fell to the ground, and seven heads of different sizes fell on the villa. At the door, the surrounding Indonesians all screamed in excitement, as if they got a lot of pleasure.

Crazy and indifferent eyes, those seven headless corpses of different sizes, falling heads, and blood all over the floor made all Americans feel the scalp numb, but instead, sincere anger surged from the bottom of their hearts. Out.

The Washington Post did not hesitate to report the entire video, because this video was sent back by a reporter from the Washington Post in Jakarta, and the reporter who sent the video has lost contact with the Washington Post headquarters. Was killed, but it hasn't been determined yet.

And for scenes like this, almost all international and domestic media in the United States have received a lot of photos and video clips. Almost all the dead are American citizens.

In just one hour, more than fifty Americans died in Jakarta.

The U.S. government was too late to stop, and could not stop this series of reports. The entire American society was caught up in a great anti-Indonesian voice. The Indonesian embassy in the United States was directly surrounded by angry American people. It was not the police who stopped them. I'm afraid these people rushed in long ago and arrested all the Indonesians inside and beat them up.

Almost all the Internet in the United States is in great public anger, and all the spearheads are directed at Indonesia.

On all video websites in the United States, these videos are all pushed to the homepage, and the number of clicks for each video is millions of minutes. The following comments, the whole of Indonesia in the eyes of the Americans, have been directly lost.

"God, this is definitely the most uncivilized barbaric nation. It's really hard to imagine how their economy broke through trillions of dollars. Is it all based on this kind of burning and looting?"

"Trump is still supporting Indonesia. Is this a friend of the United States? They killed the Americans without any scruples. This is a great crime against the American people and insists on sending troops to Indonesia."

"Compared with Indonesians, I think Cai Ruichen is the best person in the world. These Indonesian monkeys should be sent to meet Satan."

"The Americans are being slaughtered. Where are our troops and aircraft carriers?"

"The Marines in Darwin Naval Port should be sent to Jakarta as soon as possible to rescue other Americans. I can't imagine that if it is later, all Americans in Jakarta will be killed."


Not only in the United States, but also in China, there are similar reports. Although the content of the screens is not as explicit as that directly broadcast by the American media, even after processing and a large number of mosaics, it will shock people’s hearts. , But was not affected at all.

More than ten years ago, the same scene was staged in Indonesia. The deaths and injuries of thousands of Chinese people still seemed to be vividly remembered yesterday. Unexpectedly, the Indonesian monkey dogs could not change their feces, and they actually staged this scene of tragedy, which made all Chinese in the world. The anger in my heart is no less than that of any nation.

The old grudges and the new grudges are counted together. It is already unclear. The old accounts are already exhausted, but what about the new grudges? Only blood will pay for it.

This is the common attitude of the entire Chinese nation, and the anger and immediate reaction of the big boss has also won the support of the entire Chinese nation. All Chinese investment and industry and trade in Indonesia, and all business with Indonesians Exchanges and commercial and political cooperation have all been completely terminated.

A large number of Chinese companies and enterprises have chosen to sever all cooperation with Indonesians, and Indonesians, directly listed as the least popular nation in China, are all Indonesians in China, whether they are studying abroad, doing business or investing, I'm afraid I can't stay in China for a day.

Many other countries in the world also reacted in the same way. Not only the United States, the entire Western world, but also the massacre of these red fruits were all shocked.

More than a decade ago, they could watch the massacre of Chinese in the same way as the excitement, but this time, almost all foreigners and those rich in Indonesia have become the target of mob looting, and every looting is accompanied by All kinds of **** killings and torture of women.

At this moment, no one is thinking about why there are so many images that have been circulated in video to the world, and they don’t care. Who shot the content, the whole world knows that all this has really happened, a large number of people from all countries, Being the target of the massacre in Jakarta.

In the face of global grievances, Trump, the new US presidential palace, can only stand on public opinion. When facing reporters in the White House in person, he said that he would not forgive Indonesia for this behavior. At the same time, he also said that the government is doing its best. To save all Americans in Indonesia.

Trump’s attitude almost represents the attitude of the entire Western world. Before they were willing to support Indonesia because they stood on the opposite side of the federation in the Middle East. But now, whoever dares to stand on the side of Indonesia will definitely be The angry people stepped down.

The heads of state of the Western countries all know this very well.

What's more, what happened in Indonesia made the heads of state quite angry. After all, it was their own citizens who died, which directly affected the basic security status of citizens.

At this moment, no matter what country it is, it is no longer possible to stand on the side of Indonesia, and it has even reached the point of not imposing sanctions on Indonesia, which is enough for Indonesia to burn incense.

At the same time, Indonesian President Widodo also received a lot of news of protests, and he himself was dumbfounded. He had thought about developing ambitions for Chinese and Arabs in China, but he did not really give similar instructions. The president's cabinet does not know who is leading this.

Widodo himself knew very well that no matter what the war, Indonesia needs to play the role of the victim in order to get the most help from the Western world. However, he did not expect that the role of the victim would appear before the role played well. Such a symptom, if we want to say that Widodo is in the mood now, it is as if he was already ugly, and now it seems to have been trampled on by a horse, and it is almost dead.

However, as for the current situation in Jakarta, Widodo also knows a little bit, and is more aware of the massacre being staged by the Middle East Federation in Jakarta. This is already Widodo’s last chance to get back a domestic news media, As well as on the Indonesian International News Channel, it was also broadcast quickly. The Middle East Federation is launching the massacre of Indonesian civilians in Jakarta.

However, in these reports, there was not even a single photo. It only said that the heavy infantry unit airborne by the Federation of the Middle East massacred hundreds of thousands of Indonesians outside of Chinatown in Jakarta, and the ground was full of corpses.

At the same time, in the Arab-gathered area of ​​Jakarta, the Federal Special Forces of the Middle East also carried out an indiscriminate massacre of Indonesian civilians. Over 100,000 Indonesians have been killed as a result.

However, these two reports came out of the Indonesian media, and the whole world became even more angry. Among the reports of the media of various countries, Chinatown and Arab gathering areas were originally the focus of the report. Everyone just saw it, densely packed. Indonesians wielded machetes to massacre the Chinese and Arabs, and the Chinese and Arabs only supported and defended themselves bitterly.

Given the preconceived situation, coupled with the complete lack of images and evidence, the first reaction in everyone's mind is that the Indonesians have no reason to refute these images and are trying to win the sympathy of the world.

What's more, even if this matter is true, there have been previous reports. In the eyes of most people in the world, Indonesian barbarians should have been killed, let alone these mobs who died, from a personal emotional point of view. , Even if this report is true, most people will only feel that if the killing is good, the Middle East Federation is good.

What's more, Cai Ruichen has a great reputation around the world. Once compared, it seems that Indonesians are too hateful.

The Indonesians never imagined that they would become the target of such a massacre. The whole world turned a blind eye to the real massacre, and still launched an unprecedented national condemnation against Indonesia. (To be continued.)