The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

v3 Chapter 1865: End the era of nuclear weapons

Cai Ruichen has clearly told the other five nuclear standing nations that nuclear weapons have failed.

Obviously, these countries do not believe Cai Ruichen's words, or in other words, they do not believe that nuclear weapons will fail.

Facing the emergency situation in Tokyo, Japan and the United States air force suffered heavy losses. In addition, Tokyo has now become a dead city and the Japanese government has also lost all losses. Therefore, the United States decided to take a nuclear strike against Tokyo.

Based on the other side's powerful military technology, the US Department of Defense authorized an Ohio-class nuclear-powered guided missile submarine near the North Pacific to carry out a nuclear attack on Tokyo.

Although the US military received a message from the Supreme Command of the Middle East, claiming that the US military does not need to waste two precious launch vehicles, it might as well replace them with other warheads to inflict damage on the enemy.

A minute later, two missiles broke through the sea, flew straight out of the atmosphere, and then fell towards Tokyo.

In order to ensure the destruction of the enemy, the two nuclear bombs each carried three nuclear warheads with the equivalent of 500,000 tons of tnt, and six nuclear warheads hit Tokyo, a rhythm that completely destroyed Tokyo.

One aimed at the eastern circle of Tokyo separated by the hyperspace portal, and one aimed at the western circle of Tokyo.

However, what was beyond the expectations of the US military was that the Shengyang Empire forces, which were still gathering their forces on a large scale, did not seem to have seen the two nuclear missiles that were about to fall.

When the six nuclear warheads fell, the invaders in Tokyo looked like they didn't know anything about them, and they didn't even look to defend themselves.

Just when the top US military thought that the nuclear strike would be successful, the nuclear bomb that was supposed to be detonated at a height of 100 meters did not even move. The nuclear warhead hit the ground directly, smashing the roof of a building in Tokyo, or hitting a road. A big hole was left on it.

Without a nuclear explosion, the six nuclear warheads just left six large pits on the ground in Tokyo, not even a single enemy was killed.

The U.S. Department of Defense was silent, and the nuclear bomb did not detonate. If there is only one nuclear bomb, there may be a problem inside the nuclear bomb, but none of the six nuclear bombs detonated. It is definitely not an accident or malfunction. There is only one explanation, that is, as Cai Ruichen said. As said.

You must know that all nuclear warheads are inspected before launch, and it is impossible for this to happen.

At this moment, the invading army of the Shengyang Empire is still emerging from the hyperspace portal, and has begun to fight with the main force of the Japanese Self-Defense Force in the suburbs of Tokyo.

Without the command of the Japanese government and the Ministry of Defense, the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Forces could only lay out their defensive lines on the periphery of the Tokyo circle, and soon started fighting with the invader’s vanguard.

At this moment, the whole of Japan has long been mourned by the whole country. Tens of millions of people in Tokyo died in an instant, and Japanese news and networks were not destroyed. Various news quickly flooded the whole Japanese society.

These news are triggering turmoil in the whole Japanese society. A large number of ships in major ports in Japan are quickly fleeing the island country, airports in other cities, and various planes taking off in a hurry, and major cities in Japan have also seen large-scale escapes. crowd.

But in only half an hour, Japan was already in a precarious state.

The horror of the enemy scared all of Japan, killing everyone in Tokyo instantly, and greatly shocked the whole world.

However, many people took up the weapons around them, whether it was a kitchen knife or a stick, and prepared to protect their homeland.

Not everyone only feels fear, but also anger and madness. You must know that fear is at its extreme, and it is often explosive anger.

To put it plainly, if you want me to die, then I will let you die first.

On Japan’s Internet, the Ground Self-Defense Force kept releasing news, calling on all Japanese citizens to resist the invaders. At the same time, various propaganda slogans continued to appear on Japanese media and the Internet.

At the same time, on the international network, most people are also sweating for Japan. Under such circumstances, various voices of support for Japan also appeared.

Even countries all call for military support to Japan to stop the invaders in Japan.

In fact, all countries are eager to send troops to Japan, anyway, Japan is not its own past, and it is not distressed if it is broken.

However, other countries have not forgotten the other thing Cai Ruichen reminded that there are still three terrible invaders that have not appeared, and countries do not dare to disturb their own military.

Just as countries were considering how to stop the invaders in Japan, the Supreme Command of the Middle East Federation issued a major news.

The news directly pointed out that nuclear warheads around the world are turning into scrap iron. The US nuclear attack on Tokyo fully illustrates this point and officially tells the world that the era of nuclear deterrence will be gone forever.

This news shocked the world once again, regardless of the US nuclear strike on Tokyo, but the news that the nuclear explosion could not be carried out was difficult for the whole world to accept.

In the face of such a powerful invader, besides nuclear weapons, is there any weaponry that can be defeated?

If the United States carries out a nuclear strike on Tokyo, if it can stop the invaders, then the United States will naturally be the hero. Anyway, there is no living person in Tokyo. It will destroy the terrible invaders at the expense of a city.

However, a nuclear bomb that cannot be detonated has cast a gloom over the whole world. Before that, many people had regarded nuclear weapons as the last capital of mankind's survival.

To be a bachelor, he would rather die with the intruder, and would never stand and be killed.

Nuclear weapons are useless. Is there any hope for mankind?

As soon as the news came out, many people all felt hopeless, hoping that this was the mistake of the Supreme Command of the Middle East Federation.

However, the following news from the US Department of Defense further confirmed this matter, stating that the US military had launched six nuclear warheads against Tokyo, all of which failed.

At the same time, the US Department of Defense also pointed out in its statement that after the Tokyo nuclear explosion failed, the United States urgently detonated a nuclear bomb at the domestic nuclear test site, which also failed.

The results of all nuclear weapons inspections were quite normal, but in the process of detonating the nuclear bomb, all the atomic nuclei did not know why, and none of them could fission. Only the detonator exploded. The hydrogen bombs and neutron bombs were the same. Nuclear fission failed.

As soon as the news of the United States came out, it was tantamount to telling the world that most of the actual era of nuclear deterrence has lasted and has become a thing of the past. The nuclear weapons held by major powers have become a pile of scrap iron.

This news, if it were placed before today, would be good news for most humans to applaud, but for humans now, this news is no less than a bolt from the blue.