The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

v3 Chapter 777: A world where the weak eat the strong

This is a world where the weak eats the strong, without any pity and sympathy.

The existence of mutants is always affecting the survival of human survivors, and the lack of food has become the most serious problem for human survival.

The inability to extend to future generations is the final idea that destroys the survival of most people.

There is no way to continue future generations, which means that mankind will face the risk of extinction in the next hundred years.

Fortunately, most of the survivors have never lost hope for the current biomedical technology of mankind.

Among all the existing survivors, there are still a large number of valuable scientific researchers, and many valuable scientific research information are all retained. Problems that cannot be solved now will be solved in the future.

This idea has become the confidence of most people to stick to it. If there is no such confidence, no matter how good the environment is, it will be useless.

However, this is of secondary importance to those in power in various regions. What they are more urgent to solve is the dangerous environment they face and the most basic survival problem.

For this world that has become unfamiliar, human instinct is fear, fear for this unfamiliar world and environment.

The unknown is the most direct source of human fear. Compared with the dangerous environment in all directions, the pressure on the survivors is even greater.

In particular, the survivors' guard against the same survivors is simply the biggest tragedy in the living environment of survivors in the Wasteland World.

And the cause of this tragedy itself comes from mankind itself.

It is with so many snatches and unscrupulous behaviors for survival that more people have to use the same means to protect themselves.

This is human sorrow, but it has always been human nature.

In peacetime, conflicts and wars for interests are not rare, and planned and scaled massacres by a nation against a nation are not uncommon.

And the harsh environment of the wasteland world. It just magnifies this human nature as much as possible.

Ideal people are adapting to this tragic world, and humanitarianism has become history.

Good people are being exploited, and bad people are living a better life. The heart of predation is growing and spreading. Until it dominates the structure of the entire human society.

In such an environment, when two relatively unfamiliar military groups meet, the most direct result is not cooperation and understanding, but mutual worry and vigilance.

Because no one knows what the other person thinks, the priority is the other person's existence, which will directly affect their own interests and control over this place.

When instinctively encounters such a powerful opponent. The behavior realized by everyone. They are all highly vigilant, and of course there is a strong understanding of the other side's ideas.

This is a bit like the law of the Black Forest, the world of wasteland, all structures have been disrupted, and crime and survival pressure have returned everything to its original state.

Each force is like the controller of a certain area, responding to outsiders. Under the instinctual trend, it is definitely not a friendly hospitality. But want to expel the other party.

The same is true for Cai Ruichen. If a powerful force appears within the base, he will also choose to expel the opponent immediately, or destroy the opponent altogether.

However, before he truly understands the opponent's strength structure, he will not rush to move, and he must understand the opponent's situation more or less instead of blindly xenophobic and offensive.

The behavior shown by the Baghdad security base is similar.

A powerful force is infiltrating the vicinity of the Baghdad security base, which is not a good thing for the Baghdad security base.

In particular, the opponent approached his circle of influence in an expanded manner, which was enough to make the Baghdad safe base all instinctively develop the idea of ​​self-protection.

In the current situation, either party believes more in their own judgment.

However, because of such emotions, the two forces that are in peace and harmony can easily break out of conflict.

Even if there is information communication, such communication is basically ineffective for the high-guard psychology, because the goodwill often shown will be misinterpreted by the high-guard heart and become a malicious means.

Cai Ruichen wanted to communicate with the opponent, but he knew very well that the Baghdad security base would never allow his troops to enter the opponent's core area.

To attack the mutants in Baghdad city, you need to go deep into the core area of ​​the Baghdad security base.

This is almost impossible, and he has made all the preparations. In the end, even if he uses direct military means to occupy the entire Baghdad security base, he will not hesitate.

After all, he didn't want to waste time in such a safe base in Baghdad, which would directly affect his military plan for attacking Baghdad.

So if the other party really doesn't get in, Cai Ruichen can only use the most direct military means.

Even from Cai Ruichen's point of view, for such a highly guarded security base, the two sides are already in contact with forces. As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers, and it is too difficult to live in peace.

After all, the two parties don't even have a basis for trust, and neither will willingly become the subject's vassal and let the other party be in a dominant position.

At the same time, the Red Police Corps’ vigilance and dissatisfaction with the armed forces of these security bases in Baghdad, as well as the tough attitude with absolutely no room also justified this worry from the side.

Cai Ruichen is also vigilant, whether the other party will blindly adopt hostility and launch an attack on his own troops. In order to avoid such a tragic situation, the best way is to keep both parties at a safe distance.

With a buffer distance, this is the safest performance, and it also allows the other party not to be overly nervous.

Cai Ruichen also attached great importance to the arrival of the security base in Baghdad. When the opponent retreated five kilometers away from the forward force, he immediately dispatched a commissioner to formally negotiate with the opponent.

As for the Baghdad security base, it was also very attentive to such contacts, and soon a team composed of a lieutenant general was dispatched from the Baghdad security base to hold talks at the place agreed by both parties.

Cai Ruichen did not lose face on the other side, and also sent Yi Minhao and Zhang Changhao, one is a lieutenant general of the Red Police Corps, the other is a major general, and the generals in the original Iraqi Defense Forces system.

There is weight and sincerity. As for the level of exchanges between the two sides, Cai Ruichen currently only hopes to develop in a good direction as much as possible. (To be continued~^~)