The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

v3 Chapter 893: End the oil war

In the secret headquarters of the Houthi armed forces, Houthi looked at the map in front of him with great satisfaction. Beside him, Abdul in a straight military uniform stood quietly beside him.

On the map, the official high-definition satellite map of Saudi Arabia is displayed. On the map, all the military bases in Saudi Arabia, including important industrial groups, are marked in detail.

This map was purchased by Houthi from the mysterious arms dealer at a high price. It was worth half a million dollars, and all the information on it was worth the price.

On the map, all Saudi heavy industries and arsenals, as well as all important industries, military installations and military bases, are all marked on it.

Normally, even if this map is 100% correct, for the Houthis, what is the use of knowing it?

Although the Houthi armed forces have seized a lot of Scud missiles from the Yemeni government forces, these missiles have been consumed almost the same in last year's retaliation against Saudi Arabia.

The Houthi armed forces launched a total of 36 Scuds, killed the Saudi Air Force commander, and destroyed two military bases. The results can be said to be brilliant.

But now, the Houthi armed forces no longer have the facilities and bases for long-range strikes in Saudi Arabia.

However, when Houthi bought the map, he also paid a lot of money, because he wanted to attack Riyadh, the capital city of Saudi Arabia, and it is best to kill the Yemeni president in exile who fled to Riyadh.

Only on the target of attack, Abdul did not recommend that Houthi use all the missiles purchased this time to attack Riyadh. Instead, it selectively strikes more high-value targets in Saudi Arabia.

If he were replaced by ordinary subordinates, Houthi would not care about such opinions, but Abdul was the subordinate he relied on most. It is the future hope of the Houthi nation and the most outstanding young representative.

Over the past year or so, the Houthi armed forces have grown stronger and have beaten the Yemeni government forces without the slightest chance of breathing. I have to say that Abdul has a great contribution to it.

For this, Houthi did not deny it. He also trusted Abdul's tactical vision, and many orders were issued only after Abdul's advice.

Special forces led by Abdul. It also gave the Saudi ground forces and air force a good blow, which made Houthi more aware of the importance of Abdul.

So far, the Yemeni government forces have been lingering. The real enemies facing the Houthis are Saudi Arabia and Israel, which are carrying out air strikes every day.

in this area. Saudi Arabia is the biggest problem facing the Houthi. Although Israel also air strikes Yemen, it has always been a supporting role, and it does not come every day. It is more like looking at the mood, come if you want, or not.

For Israel, Houthi is naturally itchy. As a traditional Middle Easterner, he is like all Middle Easterners. They all hate the Israelis very much.

Not to mention, when the Houthis rise, they have always faced the enemy of Israel.

However, he hates the **** Saudi royal family even more. As a Middle Easterner, he has united with the common enemy of the Middle East world. The united foreigners have been carrying out military strikes against other Middle Eastern countries, and his hands are full of compatriots' blood.

For Saudi Arabia, Houthi could not wait to lead his own tribal armed forces directly to Riyadh, and all the royal families in Saudi Arabia would cramp.

After learning that the mysterious arms dealer could provide him with the most accurate satellite maps and various long-range missiles, Houthi did not hesitate to purchase them all.

In just three days, all the missiles were in place and all were delivered to the Houthi armed forces.

At this moment, all the missiles are in the waiting state for launching. After selecting the target, all that is left is to input the target's position and data, and the missile can be launched directly.

All missiles are guided only by inertia, but the accuracy is not low, and the range of hit error is less than 100 meters.

As for the lethality of the missile warhead, such an error rate will not affect the results.

"Shooting all the missiles to Riyadh can destroy at least half of the city, and it will definitely cause huge casualties and losses to Saudi Arabia. Is there anything more cost-effective than such an attack?" Houthi asked strangely. .

"If it is only to cause economic and casualties to Saudi Arabia, then air strikes in Riyadh are indeed a good way, but this is not conducive to long-term military strategic needs." Abdul said.

"Tell me your opinion." Hussein said.

"My opinion is very simple. First of all, we must ensure that our troops can unify Yemen as soon as possible. This is our core purpose. For attacks on Saudi Arabia, we need to concentrate our efforts to attack air bases and military installations in Saudi Arabia. , The surplus missiles give priority to attacking Saudi heavy industry base..."

In fact, Abdul’s idea is very simple, and that is to prevent all air bases in Saudi Arabia from dispatching fighters.

Even if Saudi Arabia can use the U.S. military's air base in Saudi Arabia, the effect of air strikes will be greatly reduced.

Attacking the arsenal and heavy industry, the reason is even simpler, destroying Saudi Arabia's subsequent warfare capabilities, before Saudi Arabia repairs these industries, forcing all military operations on the other side, and all consumption is purchased.

Although the Saudi military will definitely have stocks, the stock of weapons and equipment in Saudi Arabia, which has already fallen into two-sided battles, is definitely not much.

The killing of the arsenal is equivalent to destroying Saudi Arabia's subsequent combat capabilities.

After prioritizing these two goals, the remaining goal is not Riyadh, but a large number of oil wells in Saudi Arabia.

In fact, the targets Abdul really wants to hit are the oil wells in Saudi Arabia. However, there are so many oil wells in Saudi Arabia. Under normal circumstances, even if it destroys dozens or hundreds of oil wells, for Saudi Arabia For the crude oil industry, there will be no impact.

But what if hundreds of oil wells were destroyed?

All oil wells in Saudi Arabia were originally in full-scale and high-speed production. This led to a rapid decline in global oil prices. Sufficient crude oil poured into the international crude oil market. If there were more, things would naturally be cheaper.

On the contrary, if Saudi Arabia’s crude oil supplies to the global market are in question, oil prices will naturally rise in the international crude oil market.

Saudi Arabia and the United States jointly launched an oil war against Russia using this method to reduce oil prices, and the price is actually controlled by Saudi Arabia. (To be continued.)