The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

v3 Chapter 927: Rejected by the U.S. again

readx; In fact, it is almost as Cai Ruichen thought.

The Future Technology Group did not get the Salman that he wanted, but the United States was the first to find it.

In Cai Ruichen, Salman is fairly polite. After all, Future Technology Group reached out to the head of state in a timely manner and also provided him with a lot of convenience.

But for the United States, Salman's temper exploded.

Even in Salman's view, the United States also needs to bear a little responsibility for the doom that Saudi Arabia is facing.

At the beginning, the United States proposed to launch an oil war against Russia. From the oil war to the present, Saudi Arabia has paid real money every day.

A large amount of oil is exported every day. In fact, every barrel of oil exports is all at a loss. The amount of oil exported means the loss. If you take into account the normal oil price comparison, you will lose more.

In this regard, the United States undoubtedly owes Saudi Arabia a great favor.

But the United States has never met Saudi Arabia's requirements. All of these have happened frequently since taking office.

In the Syrian chemical weapons crisis, if you say you don’t fight, you won’t fight, and the proposal to fight Yemen is the same. Most importantly, the United States is loosening Iran's shackles.

All this made Salman feel very unworthy. The first sentence he called again was: "I need a batch of tanks and planes. I will need it in three months."

In three months, this has been Salman's bottom line for himself.

The United States still doesn't fight Yemen, and Salman can't do anything about it, but I can always fight it myself!

And now he can only rely on the United States. If the United States cannot provide him with weapons and equipment, Salman knows very well that even after a year, he will not be able to attack the Houthis.

The moment he heard this, he actually understood Salman's purpose.

Not to mention that the United States cannot directly sell so many weapons to Saudi Arabia. Even if it could, he would not do so.

The Middle East now needs peace. It is not the continued war, and in his view, it is unwise for Saudi Arabia to continue to fight the Houthi armed forces.

Because there is no intelligence. There are no more missiles or even other advanced weapons and equipment in the Houthis.

If Saudi Arabia is caught in the quagmire of war in Yemen, it will be of no benefit to the US Middle East strategy.

The most important thing is to pass an analysis of the current situation in Yemen. Obtained a very clear data, that is, it is impossible for Saudi Arabia to destroy the Houthis in a short time.

The reason is very simple. There is no support for Saudi Arabia in Yemen.

This is also Saudi Arabia’s own fault. The air strikes have caused too many innocent casualties. Yemen now all see Saudi Arabia unhappy.

What's more, Mansour has been killed, Saudi Arabia has lost its last assistance in Yemen, and the situation has reached an irreversible situation.

Even Saudi forces can defeat the Houthi armed forces. Eventually, they will fall into an environment of total resistance in Yemen.

The United States has eaten enough of such lessons, and this is how the Afghanistan problem emerged.

It seems that it is not suitable for Saudi Arabia to continue its armed confrontation with the Houthis, otherwise it will face even greater and irreparable losses.

Once Saudi Arabia’s national power is consumed violently again, the Middle East’s balancing strategy will no longer exist.

In this way, the United States' efforts in the past few years will be wasted.

"There is no way for three months, and it will take two years at the earliest." As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a busy tone in my ears.

Salman directly hung up the phone. He did not take into account his identity as the President of the United States.

But not angry, he glanced at the phone, and reluctantly put down the microphone.

Salman's anger is understandable by everyone, under such circumstances. If it were replaced by George W. Bush, the United States would have sent troops long ago.

Regrettably, the United States has gone from active foreign wars to shrinking national power.

This is also the greatest helplessness, after the Bush era to the present, the Iraq war and the Afghanistan war. It has caused a sharp loss of US national strength.

The fast-paced pursuit of hometown and Russia has put the United States under considerable pressure. If there is another foreign war, it is definitely not good news for the current United States.

After the two wars, the United States is in great need of recuperating and restoring its national strength. If it wants to restore its national strength, it will naturally stop its foreign wars.

This was also a small reason for the sudden cessation of the military war against Syria.

The real reason is that I noticed a little bit of conspiracy.

When the chemical weapons crisis appeared in Syria, no decision had been made yet. The entire senior American leadership was mobilized. A large number of plans for the use of force against Syria appeared on his table one by one.

Then the national propaganda, the Ministry of National Defense began military preparations, and all procedures started in an orderly manner.

But in fact, when the Syrian chemical weapons crisis was received, he didn't even say that he wanted to fight. It was more like being driven by the high-level system of the US government.

This is the unspoken rule of American politics. There are many complicated political rights disputes, as well as from the Middle East countries and Jewish lobby groups.

During this week, even he felt a little overwhelmed, because he didn't need any orders at all, and the preparations for the use of force against Syria were all proceeding in an orderly manner.

Although the underlying rules are very clear, he said in his speech to the outside world a year before the outbreak of the Syrian chemical weapons crisis that if the Syrian government forces use chemical weapons, the United States will directly send troops to strike.

Since you said it, now Syria has touched the red It is natural to proceed according to your statement.

This is one of the unspoken rules, otherwise it is not a good thing for the President of the United States.

In fact, it was thought that almost all the people related to him were actively preparing for war, and everyone hoped that he would formally sign the order to send troops.

And it was the little brothers in the Middle East who jumped most happily. As for whether the Syrian government had used chemical weapons, the intelligence agency gave the same information as when it sent troops to Iraq.

That is the chemical weapons that the Syrian government must use, and the Iraqi government must have weapons of mass destruction in its hands.

It is to affirm this word, so that as it approaches, I change my mind.

And the most trusted confidant, his chief of staff, had the same idea.

Similarly, Cai Ruichen is quite clear about this matter, so Cai Ruichen is also very clear about the results of Salman's search for the United States.

(To be continued.)