The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

v3 Chapter 998: Terrible preliminary findings

Just as the plane began to rush down towards Ketoi Island, the US Northern Air Defense Command received the plane anomaly in the first place.

Because the pilots of the two hijackings were originally the pilots of this flight, and the flight route has not changed.

Therefore, the United States has never discovered it until the abnormal flight of the aircraft attracted the attention of the US aviation department.

It was only at the beginning that no one knew what was going on, but soon the plane lost contact with the ground, which made the ground personnel feel that something was wrong.

Whether it is a mechanical failure or any other problem, it is no longer important.

After the North American Air Defense Command just received the news, it also received an alert from the Future Security Company.

Cai Ruichen was on the plane. At this time, the United States also felt that things were getting worse.

The Future Security Company immediately requested the North American Air Defense Command to immediately dispatch the Alaska air force to the place where the plane crashed for rescue.

Even without the requirements of the future security company, the North American Air Defense Command would not be able to do something wrong with the aircraft.

The U.S. Air Force Base in Alaska took off the plane as soon as possible and headed towards the location shown.

At the same time, the United States also contacted the Japanese side as soon as possible, because Ketoi Island is not very far from Hokkaido, Japan, and requested the Japanese Air Defense Self-Defense Force to also urgently send a plane to the nearby Ketoi Island to check the situation.

After receiving the news, the Japanese side also attached great importance to it because there are still a large number of Japanese passengers on the flight.

Russia also quickly received the news. Under such circumstances, the Russian side responded very quickly, and immediately ordered the Russian Air Force in the Far East to dispatch a plane to Kituyi Island.

After all, Jituyi Island still belongs to the territory of Russia, and the actions of the United States and Japan must also be notified to the Russian side.

For such a request. The Russian side did not refuse. Jitoyi Island is just an island, not the depth of the country, but at this time when life is at stake. How could Russia refuse.

We must know that the current sea temperature of the North Pacific Ocean is at most two or three degrees Celsius, and the sea water near the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is directly close to zero degrees.

If the plane falls into the water, it is considered a passenger on the plane. Can leave the plane smoothly, but in the water close to zero, the only fate is to be quickly frozen to death.

The most anxious thing for everyone is that at the beginning of the year when winter and spring alternate, when the northern Sea of ​​Okhotsk is officially the heaviest fog of the year, the waves are almost all four or five meters away. I want to find the hijacked or accident. Passenger aircraft will be extremely difficult.

When the plane was approaching Kituyi Island, all the equipment on the plane was destroyed, so we could only rely on satellites to search for the plane. But soon the plane disappeared under the satellite signal.

In other words, the aircraft has completely lost its track, and the radar station in the Russian Far East has not found information about the flight.

At this time, the future security company forwarded Cai Ruichen's distress signal to the United States and Russia, and determined that the flight from New York to South Korea was hijacked.

The hijacked flight has lost contact again. At this time, all the talents are really anxious, after all, not to mention the hundreds of passengers. And Cai Ruichen, neither the United States nor Russia would like to see any accidents to Cai Ruichen now.

Cai Ruichen has just decided to make a lot of investment in the United States, and the United States naturally hopes Cai Ruichen will be healthy during this period.

Putong and Beijing even more hope that Cai Ruichen will live a long life. Future Technology Group and Russia have just started, but they can't die.

However, all the planes have lost contact, and there is no idea whether the plane crashed. The thick fog has blocked almost all detection methods.

In this sea area shrouded in dense fog for 300 days all year round, I wanted to find a hijacked plane. It is too difficult.

And because of the weather here, the Soviets also built a large number of military bases in such places.

However, this is not the worst. The worst is that the sea conditions in this place have always been very bad and there is no so-called international route. I usually don't see a ship for ten days and a half month.

Neither Japan nor Russia nor the United States have warships or ships near this place.

If tens of thousands of people died in such a place, I am afraid the outside world would not even know.

The rescue work was difficult from the beginning. However, no matter which country it is, it has not given up.

However, this news was quickly received by the sensitive media, and Cai Ruichen was also involved in such a big hijacking incident, and the news quickly spread throughout the world.

It caused a great shock. In addition, the plane could not be found, especially the family members on the flight, all of them could not sit still, and they went to the government for the first time...

The governments of the United States, Japan, and South Korea also reassure the people for the first time. After all, the planes are all passengers from these three countries.

But for such comfort, the outside world does not buy it. People are more concerned about where the plane is and whether there is really an accident.

But for such news, none of the three countries currently knows about it. Even the fastest fighter jets dispatched, it takes an hour to get to the location of the But even so, that place In the foggy weather, even if a fighter arrives, you can’t see anything.

Unless it is sending helicopters to conduct ultra-low-altitude searches, or sending warships over, and sending fighter jets is to hope that the aircraft will still fly in the sky and be intercepted by the fighter jets, so there will be no more incidents like September 11th.

At the same time, the US intelligence agency also moved quickly and quickly investigated all the passengers on the entire plane.

As a result, an event that shocked everyone appeared. There were seven people on the plane who had never been on this flight. In particular, the captain and the captain of this flight were all hijacked in their homes. They were not rescued until the CIA arrived.

The other five passengers, in fact, are all celebrities, but they too have no plans to travel to Korea or Japan at all. The so-called them on the plane are simply fake.

However, the selected airport surveillance showed that all of these people were indeed on the plane, and they were all in the first class, and the ID cards used to purchase the tickets were also their ID cards. When they passed the security check, they were also a few of them. (To be continued.):