The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

Chapter 15: Fifteen baby

During this night Xu Zhen slept unsteadily, and his head was full of pictures of little flowers coming from dusk.

The next day her eyes were swollen inexplicably, and she got up and dangled to teach in the college.

After receiving the students' homework first, I saw a bunch of questions about how to increase the population of the people. I felt a little puzzled, so I put them aside and took the students out to feel the feelings of the people.

"Since you want to be an official, you must start with the magistrate." Xu Zhen walked ahead and asked several people in a loud voice, "What do you think of the place under your jurisdiction?"

The students in Class B said loudly in the back: "If I come to govern, it will naturally be harmonious, and the people will be at ease."

Li Sanlang said unwillingly: "If it were me, he would study Cao Gong, and the five-color stick would serve him, and he would not be afraid of power."

The younger brothers applauded and said that Li Sanlang was right.

Girls who had previously argued with Xu Zhen about Cao Mengde's behavior are also on the road today.

After listening to Li Sanlang's speech, she disagreed and opposed: "If you are like this, how is it different from tyrannical legalists?"

Although Li Sanlang has read a lot of books recently, he has too little experience. He only knows a big stick of five colors. What kind of tyrannical the Fa tyranny is, he doesn't know anything, and he naturally doesn't know how to answer, so he can only stare.

Seeing this, the girl looked sideways and said, "Governing the country by virtue should naturally govern the counties by virtue, rather than relying on big sticks."

Li Sanlang disdain and ran to ask Xu Zhen: "How do you think the county should be governed?"

Xu Zhen smiled but didn't speak.

Li Sanlang asked again.

Xu Zhen thought for a while and said: "What you say makes sense."

The girl disagreed, and she ran over and asked, "Sir, you said Cao Mengde had merits and demerits. I can still agree, but there is a violent Qin act first, how can you still agree with the method of punishing the country? "

Xu Zhen was too tired to walk along the mountain road and was too lazy to pick up a stone from the ground to deal with the girl.

The girl looked at the stone and asked, "What do you mean, sir?"

Xu Zhen asked: "What do you think this is?"

The girl said, "It's a stone."

Xu Zhen said: "No, it's jade."

The girl was stunned: "How could it be jade, this is clearly a stone."

Xu Zhen said: "It is jade."

The girl said, "It's the stone."

The two argued for a while, and finally walked along the mountain road to the foot of the mountain. Xu Zhen's backache was sore and he looked around and hurriedly picked a path to go to a flat place.

The girl still insisted on showing that she was a stone.

Xu Zhen was relieved. Seeing that she wanted to know the answer so much, she said seriously: "How can you know whether it is jade or stone before you cut the stone?"

After listening to the girl, she was silent for a while, and suddenly: "Mr. mean, you don’t really know which method is the most appropriate without actually managing the county?"

Xu Zhen didn't think so much at all.

Seeing the girl help her round the conversation, she quickly nodded and said, "Yes, right."

The girl's eyes shine, and the more she thinks, the more reasonable it is. She praises again and again: "Mr. Really has great insight."

The students in Class B originally thought that the girl looked down on Xu Zhen just like herself. At this time, when the girl praised Jane like this, she was immediately angry.

He rushed up and said contemptuously: "What kind of insight! Isn't that the story of Hefeibi in "Han Feizi"? The punishment is the minister's hard work, fine people and evil governance, and there are precedents, what is there to talk about?"

Xu Zhen asked: "Does the Fa's family have any merit?"

The student in Class B is a complete Confucian student.

He said: "The jurisprudence regards Confucianism as a pest. What is the merit of this doctrine?"

Xu Zhen didn't speak.

She took a few people around, from the mountain road to the field, and saw a black crushed person in the distance, wearing a hat, wearing a black shirt, the clothes were covered with soil, and the trouser legs were wrapped with hemp rope, should be a group of farmers.

Next to Li Sanlang asked: "Sir, sir! What is this group of people?"

Xu Zhen was playing with a stone in his hand. The intention was to take the students out for a walk and to spend time in school.

I didn't prepare any teaching content at all.

Seeing the previous scene, she stopped and thought for a moment, thinking that starting with the farmer, she might be able to promote the preciousness of food.

In ancient times, everything was lacking, food was the most scarce, and from time to time famine and refugees were very pitiful.

She sighed inwardly and turned to ask the students behind: "Some of you know, what is that doing?"

The students shook their heads and said they didn't know.

Xu Zhen asked the students in Class B: "Do you know what is going on there?"

The students in Class B were named and their faces were ashamed and said, "I don't know."

Xu Zhen asked: "Do you want to know?"

The students in Class B thought Xu Zhen knew that although he was very unwilling, he still bowed his head and said, "Please ask Mr. Teach."

He really looked down on Xu Zhen.

Although this person does have some skills and can speak well, but thinking that he is a class B student, he will definitely be able to lift people in the future, and this person is just a Mr. Cao Bao. I'm higher than this gentleman.

Can such a person really bring benefits to himself?

The students in Class B are very suspicious.

He waited for a while with his head down, but he didn't listen to Xu Zhen's explanation.

He looked up and wanted to ask again.

Xu Zhen smiled and said, "Since this is the case, you can ask yourself what is the situation?"

The students in Class B's face collapsed instantaneously, resenting that Xu Zhen seemed to humiliate himself again.

Ask about the situation in person? What a joke?

Even if you are a scholar, do you want to talk to the farmer? This kind of behavior has a demise!

He was reluctant.

Xu Zhenyou said that Confucianism emphasizes respecting teachers and respecting elders, making him completely unable to refute. He had to bow his head and walked quickly, fearing that someone might see his face.

At the same time, the remaining students started whispering.

"What is this before?"

"Did the farmland be harvested and are protesting collectively?"

"I don't look like it."

Xu Zhen listened and walked over to ask those people: "Do you also want to know what happened?"

The students did want to know, but they didn't want to be hurried down by Xu Zhen like the students in Class B, so Xu Zhen was not taken care of.

Xu Zhen didn't care so much, and directly said: "Then you should go and ask, come back and ask yourself, tell me, the answer is correct, the third quiz this month will add points."

When Li Sanlang heard the extra points, he cheered and immediately ran to the crowd.

The rest of the people were shocked when they heard this, but they couldn't hold their faces.

If you can step into Class A after the extra points, it is really a happy event, so several people shoved each other a few times, and walked slowly towards the crowd.