The Rest Of My Life Is For You

Chapter 1234: That gentle, that nice

Chapter 1234: That Gentleness, That Ease

Therefore, for Tan Bengbing, Mo Yong's identity is not much different from others.

Just because he saved the old homeowner, and has been staying with the old homeowner to serve him for several years now, so he has more respect and gratitude.

Be more enthusiastic.

Not only personally reminded Mo Yong to sit down, but also when he just sat down, he turned around and instructed the bodyguard to pour tea.

Tan Bengbing's temperament has always been cold, let alone proactively greeted people, it is difficult for her to speak more with a stranger.

Now actually I haven't seen Mo Eternal face so many times ...

Qi Yan's face suddenly became gloomy.

Holding his arms in both hands, he looked coldly at the ink eternity.

Not as good as him.

Definitely not as rich as him.

Not to mention Tan Bengbing is good, he is like a follower of his classmates, listening to Tan Bengbing's call, anxious to bring her tea and water, wait for her to eat and drink Lazar ...

Who can compare with him?

But just like him, Tan Bingbing dismissed him.

Every day she hates him like a little Lai Pi dog, but she will take the initiative to talk to Mo Yongheng?

Look at her eternal look at Mo, that gentleness, that pleasant color ...

It's completely different from when I looked at him!

She just stared at him!

Oh, and roll his eyes at him.

The more Qi Yan compares, the less he feels.

By comparison, he always felt that his collapse was about to be snatched away.

She had completely forgotten in her mind, and her little Yan Wang was still pregnant in her belly. When she saw her eternally gentle attitude towards Mo, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Even with it, looking at Moe Eternal is especially unpleasant!

"I heard that you were brought up by the Mo family to be brought up by the Mo family owner. It is also the Mo family. Why doesn't it seem like you never heard of your parents?"

Qi Yan lazily leaned on the sofa with one hand on his head.

Indifferent tone, can't hear what it means.

It's like new friends who are getting to know each other.

It may also be because he is not familiar with him and is not assured of him, so ask one more question.

Tan Bengbian turned to look at him.

Although Qi Yan's temper was temperamental, he became famous in his youth and had no other talents.

Hardly, did he see what was wrong with Mo Yong, and reminded her to be careful?

After all, the antidote in their hands is related to the safety of the homeowner.

Tan Bengbian's attitude did not consciously become cautious.

Turning his head to look at Mo Yong, in his eyes, there was a little question.

At the end of her training that year, she was sent to the Xing family and followed Nian Xiaomu.

I'm not familiar with Mo Yong ~ ~.

For the first time, she followed Nian Xiaomu back to Mo's house. When he saw him, he was already a handsome boy.

She is the Dark Guard, and unless Nian Xiaomu visits him, she will not see Mo eternally by herself.

Counting them, they rarely meet.

Later, Nian Xiaomu went abroad for closed training, and she was also sent to study elsewhere by the Tan family. It wasn't until Nian Xiaomu returned to the Mo family that she followed.

At that time, Mo Eternal had become the most trusted person of his homeowner.

The Mo family was very kind to him, and naturally no one would dare to question his origin.

Tan Bingbing also heard Qi Yan's words, and then suddenly thought that if he was really a child who was sent to the owner by the Mo family, then he should have parents.

And there is a more important point!

(End of this chapter)