The Rest Of My Life Is For You

Chapter 1339: Shocking beauty!

Chapter 1339 Shocking Beauty!

With the development of the times, this ancient craft has begun to show great economic value in modern life.

What the Mohs Group does is to promote this craft and the excellent culture represented by the craft.

The factory they are visiting today is not a dyeing factory, but a garment factory that designs tie-dyed fabrics into garments or classified packaging.

All the fabrics come here, there will be top designers, they will be made into a piece of exquisite clothing, give these clothing a unique life, and then market.

What people see is not just a piece of tie-dyed fabric, but a series of changes that have brought this beauty to us!

That is the beauty of tie-dye.

The beauty of national culture.

In addition to clothing, there are other craft lines here.

Including curtains, tablecloths, scarves ... countless.

"Vice President, please inside!"

The director of the garment factory knew that Nian Xiaomu was coming. He had already waited at the door ahead of her. When she saw her, she immediately ushered in.

They were led into the office of the factory.

It was served with tea and dessert fruit.

It can be seen that the office has also carefully cleaned up, and there is not even a little garbage in the trash can.

The people around were also a nervous reaction from the superior to check.

Qi brushed up straight, then stared at Nian Xiaomu, waiting for her preaching.

"You don't need to be nervous. I have just arrived and I want to ask you a lot of things that I don't understand. If you're too nervous, I'm embarrassed to ask." Nian Xiaomu's face smiled sweetly, and her eyes swept across the front A person.

The lovely face is amazing.

Her gentle and equal eyes make people feel very close.

In the clothing factory, in addition to the factory manager, there is still a bit of letting go. The eyes of others looking at Nian Xiaomu have become much more enthusiastic.

They started talking.

"Vice President Nian, if you have any questions, we will tell you, we know."

"I've been in the factory for decades, almost as old as this factory. The vice president wants to know anything and can ask me?"

"I've been here for a dozen years ..."


Everyone you say a word to me, suddenly the building is crooked, discussing the time in the factory.

Hearing that Nian Xiaomu's eyes did indeed pass by a bit of surprise. I didn't expect that the workers here were so long, and turned to look at the director of the garment factory.

The name of the director of the garment factory is Hong, called Hong Shi.

I have been in this factory for decades, and I am a fan and inheritor of tie-dye technology, and I am respected by the people in the factory.

Everyone usually calls him Director Hong.

Seeing the surprise in Nian Xiaomu's eyes ~ ~ explained to her.

"Many of the people in our factory are ethnic minorities. To them, tie-dye is like the skills left by their ancestors. They have feelings and must be passed down. Lao Mo always values ​​this process. If we want to carry it forward, we will treat everyone in the factory well, and everyone will not be willing to leave. Many people work here for a lifetime! "


Nian Xiaomu's eyes shook slightly, and a warmth and pride arose in her heart.

Looking at the sincere and expectant eyes in front of her, she suddenly understood something, her grandfather had been insisting on the meaning of cultural promotion all her life.

In the era of mechanized production, many things slowly disappeared with the changes of the times.

Delightful feelings are not!

Those excellent national cultures can also be preserved in the big waves and sands, and continue to shine brightly.

(End of this chapter)