The Rest Of My Life Is For You

Chapter 1672: Here comes grandma! !! !! (two)

The poor was almost two tears out.

Nian Xiaomu reached out and tickled his little finger. Seeing that he had no objection, he turned around and smiled and told Mrs. Yu.

"Grandma, I'm pregnant. The baby is two months old."


Mrs. Yu froze.

A well-maintained face makes her look much younger than her peers. In addition, she is always smiling and looking kind, with her out of temper.

But at this moment, there was no response at all.

Just stunned, looking at Nian Xiaomu.

Don't say surprise on your face, just a little smile.

Nian Xiaomu became nervous and bit her lip. "Grandma ..."


As soon as Nian Xiaomu had spoken, before she had finished speaking, Mrs. Yu suddenly reached out and slapped Yu Yuehan's shoulders fiercely.

Playing Yu Yuehan almost didn't jump up.

I felt aggrieved a second ago, and now I was frightened.

"Grandma, why did you hit me?"

"Doesn't it hurt?" Madam Yu retracted and hit him with a numb hand and asked excitedly.

Yu Yuehan rubbed his shoulders, and although he was baffled, he answered honestly, "You hit me so hard, of course it hurts."

"The pain is real? My little Mumu is really pregnant? I want to be too grandma again?"

Three excitements from the soul asked.

Then there was a crazy compliment holding Nian Xiaomu.

"I knew that the first time I saw you, my grandma thought you were a good boy, and I especially liked you!"

"Yuehan is a stuffy gourd, can't speak and have no mood. What's the use of having a good-looking face? Fortunately, I've met you. You are really the granddaughter of our family's last generation!

"Grandma is stupid and can't speak, but Grandma likes you from the bottom of her heart, and I wish you were my granddaughter ..."


Well, he saw it.

Yu Yuehan added silently in his heart.

They are pro-grandchildren. He picked them up, let alone.

He wanted to hold a pillow quietly.

As soon as Yu Yuehan lay down, he found Mrs. Yu's eyes looking at him.

Suddenly she sat up again and looked at her with anticipation.

I thought grandma finally thought of me!

She finally found that the child could not live alone. He was the baby's father, and he was also a hero!

It's time to show the real technology and boast about him!

He wanted to hold on, and even if grandma boasted him to heaven, he had to pretend that he wasn't concerned at all if he was nothing.

After all, he is a male god, and he wants to maintain his image.

It cannot be like Nian Xiaomu.

Yu Yuehan straightened his waist and was ready to welcome the overwhelming praise.

But after waiting for a long time, grandma glanced at him, and said nothing, and was ready to look away.

"Grandma, I'm the child's father."

She wasn't going to tell him something?

Upon hearing that, Mrs. Yu glanced up and down at him, "It's because of your unbelieving father, that Xiao Liuliu can't wait for my brother or sister for so long. Should I ask more?"

Yu Yuehan: "..."

He is deaf ~ ~ he can't hear anything.

The world is full of malice towards him, he just wants his wife to hug.

Nian Xiaomu did not make up the knife, touched his head, thought about it, and said.

"Grandma, don't dislike him. He doesn't remember many things. My grandpa doesn't agree with our marriage."


There is a temporary situation, I will come here today, and I will give you 12 thousand tomorrow ~ Everyone will also go to bed early, good night ~


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