The Rest Of My Life Is For You

Chapter 1679: Here comes grandma! !! !! (nine)

give away……

Give it to him?

Is she really willing to let Yu Yuehan enter the Momo family? ? ?

Mo Chengxian took a sigh of relief: "Mrs. Yu, this is not a joke. If I remember correctly, there is only Yu Yuehan, the heir to the Yu family. Are you sure you want to give him to me, let him join the Mo family ? "

"I'll ask if you really want it, if you dare to, I dare to give it!" Madam Yu said aggressively.

Mo Chengxian: "..."

Not only was Mo Chengxian stunned, but Mo Chengliang who was behind him was also dumbfounded.

The two cousins ​​were stunned and stunned.

Really, really, really to them?

Mo Chengxian's remarks about Yu Yuhan's coldness just now were intentional, although he had the mentality of anti-general Mrs. Yu's army.

But he was telling the truth.

Yu Yuehan's excellence is obvious to all. If it wasn't for the family of the Mo family, there was only one child who could inherit the position of the head of the family. He would have recognized this granddaughter.

Such an excellent son and grandson, he was all eager to see, and Mrs. Yu opened his mouth and gave him away?

"Mr. Mo, you said so much, the colder to you, do you want it? It is you who said that if the Yu family promised to let the colder, you will let Xiao Mumu be my granddaughter, no one can say nothing! "

Mrs. Yu hesitated to see Mo Chengxian's face, but anxious.

This scene made Mo Chengxian and Mo Chengliang look at each other, and they saw the same doubts in the eyes of each other.

Yu Yuhan ... is it really Yu's birth?

No, they can't be fooled by Mrs. Yu.

This is definitely a good way for Yujia to discuss, and to say it on purpose, makes them dare not accept it.

"Mrs. Yu, do you really want to know clearly? If Yu Yuehan enters the Mo family, you will not have grandsons in the future." Mo Chengxian was right and reminded deliberately.

Mrs. Yu waved indifferently.

"A grandson with a good-looking face and no use, it ’s gone. It ’s important that you can promise Xiao Mumu to be my granddaughter! Do n’t tell me, I saw Xiao at first glance. Mu Mu, I feel particularly fate ... Oops, as soon as you look at me happy, the topic has gone awry, let's continue to talk about the colder marriage. "

Mo Chengxian: "..."

He suddenly felt that what he was talking about was not a marriage, but a tragedy of selling grandsons.

"Since the Mo family agreed to this marriage, do we have to make a contract or something? Although it is a happy event, I even let my grandson give it to you. I always write it in black and white so that you won't regret it later and hurt me. Isn't Grandma Sun? "

Mrs Yu added slowly.

Hearing that, Mo Chengxian was surprised: "Contract?"

"In fact, it is not a contract, it is just signing a marriage agreement. Of course, I know you are not assured. I have prepared the agreement. You can read the content written above, if there is no objection ~ ~ Ask two children to come and sign. "

Mrs. Yu said, she asked the accompanying lawyer to come in with a marriage agreement.

Mo Chengxian hasn't spoken yet, Mo Chengliang can't help himself to look forward to the content of the agreement.

You can see clearly that Yu Yuehan was going to join the Mo family after marriage, and even changed his surname to Mo. Mo Chengliang's face changed suddenly.


Even the conditions for changing the surname are proactively stated in the attached document of the marriage agreement. This is iron-hearted. Don't Yu Yuhan, give him to the Mo family?

"Homeowner, this is a genius for you to return to inherit the Mo family, we have made a big money!"


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