The Rest Of My Life Is For You

Chapter 1685: Who made me love you so much (4)

Upon hearing that, Mrs. Yu stepped in a footstep.


"That's right, but you didn't promise their young couple's marriage at first, didn't they force their husband and wife to separate? I'm better than you. I gave them at least a name. In the future, I can always bring Xiao Mu Mu He Xiaoliu came to visit the colder, as if imitated the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, and met each other on the Qixi Festival? "

Mo Chengliang: "..."

Mo Chengliang said, however, Mrs. Yu, but thinking of Nian Xiaomu and Xiao Liuliu being taken away, she was so anxious that she could only walk back to Mo Chengxian.

"Homeowner, look at ... what are you going to do?"


Mo Chengxian was also out of touch for a while.

He felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell for a moment.

Unexpectedly, I was waiting for him here ...

He finally understood it!

They all took it for granted that Yu Yuehan would stay in the Mo family when he entered the Mo family, and Xiao Mu naturally stayed that year, even Primary Six or Six.

Yu Yuehan is going to change his surname to Mo, then his child will only be surnamed Mo in the future, regardless of his father's or mother's surname.

Not only did the Mo family not pick up a grandson from the Yu family, they also had ready-made great-granddaughters ...

But who knows, this old lady can actually churn out new tricks in this default concept.

The grandson entered the Mo family, but took the only granddaughter of the Mo family.

Not only must Nian Xiaomu be taken away, but even Liuliu has to follow the Yu family.

After all, Mrs. Yu only said that the grandson was giving them extra burdens, but did not say that her great-granddaughter was also giving them.

There is no special mention in the marriage agreement.

All of them take it for granted.

If Mo Chengxian remembers it right, Mrs. Yu has been emphasizing from the beginning that she can avoid Yu Yuehan, her grandson, as long as he promises to let her be his granddaughter ...

He didn't even respond, and always thought she was acting!

Mo Chengxian just wanted to understand all the key points of Mrs. Yu's smiling face, and she became serious.

The sound is slightly deep.

"Mr. Master, you have read this marriage agreement, and signed it when you think it is okay. I leave it to my grandchildren. I took away my granddaughter and my great-granddaughter, but not too much? You can rest assured that after the cold You Mo people, he really likes Xiao Mu Mu, just for Xiao Mu Mu, he will surely manage the Mo Jia industry for you, as for Yujia ... "

Mrs. Yu turned her head and looked at Nian Xiaomu's belly.

"I ca n’t count on my grandson. Xiaoliuli is my heart. How can I be willing to mix her with the ups and downs of the mall? I had to carry it myself first, waiting for Xiaomumu to give me a big fat great-grandson. In the future, Good succession to the Yu Group! "

After she said it, she unintentionally reached out and touched Nian Xiaomu's flat stomach.

"It's only two months old ~ ~ We have to wait for more than half a year to come out, my great great grandson, not in a hurry, too grandma is waiting for you ..."

Mo Chengxian: "..."! !!

Mo Chengliang: "..."! !!

Mohists: "..."! !!

Mo Chengxian's eyes were all rounded: "Mrs. Yu, what did you say just now? Auntie, you mean that Auntie is pregnant?"

"Yeah, you don't know? It's been two months, and after half a year, I'm going to be a grandma again. But this is nothing, Xiao Mumu is still young, this is the second child. They Although the young couple live in two places, they can still meet freely. Maybe in another two years, these three babies will have to follow up to report! "


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