The Rest Of My Life Is For You

Chapter 2392: Lurking Super Xueba (2)

Yu Muyang, handsome and handsome.

He is born with an unforgettable ability, and has a handsome face full of anger and resentment. He has been smooth and smooth since birth. What he wants is the only setback he encounters, which is also the biggest setback in his life-Qirou.

Qi Rou looks like Qi Yan, but his temperament follows Tan Bengbian. He is like a little old lady at a young age, and stretches his beautiful face all day long, without grief or joy.

For so many years, Yu Muyang tried all he could to conquer this iceberg.

Due to Yu Yuehan's death order, he packed his burdens sloppily, and transferred to Qi Rou's university with Qi Yan on the back.

They have different majors, but at least in the same school, they are alumni.

In the classroom in the evening self-study, the students around were studying, Yu Muyang was lying on the table, not asleep, thinking in his mind, how to let Qi Rou know that he was not a simple childhood girl, but he took " Evil thoughts. "

Yes, the most tangled Yu Muyang now is Qi Rou's complete trust in him.

They grew up together, and Yu Muyang chased after his own daughter-in-law.

Qi Rou was defenseless against him.

They used to be in the same room as men and women ...

Unfortunately, in Qi Rou's heart, he is a "brother", an older brother less than a month older than her.

This can ruin Yu Muyang.

The most difficult math problems and procedural problems did not give him such a headache. In this situation, in the TV series, he is the life of the bitter boy.

Xiao Qingmei, who was carefully guarded by himself, never found his feelings. In the end, he was secretly hurt and watched her put into the arms of another man ...


Yu Muyang lifted his head from the table, and Ge Yue, who wasn't paying attention, almost fell off the chair.

"What are you doing?" Yu Muyang raised an eyebrow and turned to look at the guilty Ge Yue.

Ge Yue finally returned to his thoughts, sat down in his seat, and bent over to pick up the exercise book that he was scared to the ground and pushed it to Yu Muyang.

"I just did a difficult high-numerical problem and couldn't solve the answer. I was going to ask you, who knew you suddenly looked up and startled me."


Yu Muyang's eyes flickered slightly. Seeing that no one around them noticed them, he reached out and picked up Ge Yue's pen, glanced at the questions in the exercise book, and started writing the answers.

In one minute, he finished the difficult problem in Ge Yue's mouth and pushed the answer back to him.

Ge Yue saw the clear notes in his exercise book, the smooth thinking of solving the problems, and thought of everyone's misunderstanding about Yu Muyang, and just wanted to say something, the bell rang at the end of the class.

Yu Muyang did not give him a chance to speak, and the first one stood up from the table and left in a flowing stream.

He has to hurry to pick up his daughter-in-law ...


Yu Muyang's college life is very regular ~ ~ Sleep in class, pick up daughter-in-law after class.

If there is something wrong with Qi Rou, he doesn't rush, and waits by the side, and then sends her back to the dormitory when she is busy.

This rhythm seems to have formed a habit, either to him or to Qi Rou.

this day.

"Qi Rou, your brother has come to pick you up. The relationship between your brother and sister is really good." Qi Rou's classmates at the table saw the person standing outside the window and immediately pinched Qi Rou with their elbows.

Holding her cheeks in her hands, she stared at Yu Muyang with a look of idiot.

Yu Muyang is really handsome.

Originally, Kida had a school draft, and he was the chairman of KDa High IQ Club, called selection.