The Rest Of My Life Is For You

Chapter 630: 1 Someone is teaching her

Chapter 630: Someone Has Taught Her

Desperately to make Fan Yu look.

Little brother this stalk, say a few more times, really have a hard time ...

Obviously, she has been away from Fan Yu for so many years and has no tacit understanding at all.

When Fan heard her say, Fan Yu's mouth was raised.

I glanced at Yu Yuehan's dark face, and didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. I deliberately emphasized, "You are not only good at drawing sketches. I remember that your other paintings are also very good. I asked for a reward before me. "


"I still remember that I gave you an oil painting at that time, because of the intention, I gave you the imitation copy of the copy as genuine, and you can recognize it at a glance, and vowed to tell me, no matter what the painting, as long as you A glance in front of you can tell the truth ... "

Fan Yu said here, as if thinking of something wrong, his face changed slightly.

Lift your head and stop talking.

When they met, they were young.

Even if they are premature than children of the same age, they are still children after all. There were many things that didn't feel strange at the time, but now I think about it, but there are many loopholes ...

If according to Xun Li, the Xing family was only a well-off family, then Nian Xiaomu was just a child at that time, why did he learn so many things?

Fan Yu remembered clearly that he was older than her, so he secretly taught a lot of her skills.

But he also remembered that she had been involved in almost all courses before he became her little teacher.

Some even knew he hadn't taught her at all.

Like the famous paintings he just mentioned ...

Such a skill, how can a child of an ordinary family have it?

He is the heir to the Brahma family, so it is normal to learn how to manage a group from an early age.

What about his six or six?

He only knew that she had the ability to never forget, and she was extremely sensitive to numbers, but she ignored it. Her skills have been taught by professionals.

At a young age, he has a strong sense of business.

Sometimes he tried to test her in a case, and in the end he was always shocked by her imagination.

He only felt that his six or six was very clever, with a bit of ancient spirits. She liked to ask him about things in the mall, and he taught her, never thinking about why she should learn these ...

And the bodyguards who are in the gates of other hospitals ...

"I remember that there should be a small orchard here ..." Nian Xiaomu didn't notice the change in his eyes and walked on the ruins.

Finally stopped in an open space.

Slightly narrowed his eyes and tried hard to remember.

At last, I looked up and looked at Fan Yu, "This is a strawberry garden. I like to eat strawberries. In order to let me eat fresh strawberries, I opened a field here and planted a small piece of strawberry, right ? "

I heard her ~ ~ Van Yu was shocked!

Stepped forward excitedly.

"Do you all remember?"

Strawberries have indeed been planted in this yard.

Every time she picks strawberries, she always carries a small basket and picks him a basket full.

Then, while no one was paying attention, he got out of the gap in the fence and sent it to his house.

Just put it on the windowsill, and ran when you knocked on the window.

He had asked her why she only put it on the windowsill and didn't send him into the room.

Her answer at that time made him cried and laughed. To this day, she still remembers that exquisite little face, a proud little expression, and a serious way.

"I'll run after I call you, I'm not responsible!"

(End of this chapter)