The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 362: First look at the court

Barbara remembered clearly that she had inflicted seven attacks on the mysterious person in total, each of which was mixed with electric shock damage. Ordinary people could not withstand it at all, but this guy not only stood up, but had no injuries yet.

Bruce said solemnly.

"Who are you? Superhuman?"

The mysterious man didn't answer, picked up the short knife on the ground, and attacked again. His actions were as swift as before, and he didn't seem to be affected by the pain.

Barbara was shocked, and backed again and again under the onslaught of the opponent. Bruce saw the timing and threw the bat darts. The darts brushed the mysterious man's chest, leaving bloodstains more than ten centimeters long.

In the dim moonlight, the wound healed quickly, and it only took a few seconds to recover.

Barbara who witnessed this scene was completely shocked. Is it any wonder that the opponent can still fight with a broken rib? It turned out to be an immortal body.

"What kind of monster are you?"

The girl screamed sternly, a little frightened, worried that the guy in front of her roared and turned into a terrifying creature such as a wolf or a giant bat.

Bruce also has a gloomy face. He has dealt with many criminals and has never seen anything like this.


Or is it a monster?

The mysterious man was still silent, perhaps, he was originally dumb.

The situation began to become weird. Barbara did not dare to attack and fight like before. Instead, she took a few steps back and carefully observed her opponent. Bruce and Alfred got in touch. When she learned that the mob came from the Owl Court, her eyes looked A little more decisive.

In any case, the mysterious man must be kept, and the news of the Owl Court must be dug out from his mouth.

Bruce made up his mind and launched a fierce attack.

The black cloak was rustling, a shadow flashed in the night sky, and Bruce, who went all out, broke out terrifying combat power, and only used three moves to knock out the short knife in the mysterious man's hand.

His fists are as fierce as a lion, his body is as light as an ape, and a head of a mysterious person in a heavy boxing.


The falcon mask burst open, revealing a slightly old face.

This face is about fifty years old and has distinctive contour features, which is impressive.

Bruce was startled, always feeling that this face was a bit familiar.

The mysterious man with the shattered mask covered his cheeks and looked extremely flustered, just like a child who had not seen anyone in the cellar for a long time. His eyes flashed with various complex emotions of fear, panic, and hesitation. He roared in a low voice, without his head. Go back to the ground and run out.


Barbara yelled and was about to chase, when Ava’s instructions came in her ears.

"Miss Gordon, don't forget the mission. Military armor cannot fall into the hands of outsiders."

The girl stomped annoyedly, her eyes turned to Bruce Wayne.

"Hey! Why don't you chase him."

Bruce shook his head slightly, took out the hook and shot the gun to the distant building, and leaped into the air with the help of the rope pull, disappearing into the night sky like a bat.

"Weird guy, don't say a word, too arrogant!"

Barbara was very upset, originally thinking about fighting with Batman and becoming a close comrade-in-arms, but after some contact, she found that the other party didn't believe in herself at all, and instead defended herself everywhere, as if she were some badass.

This made the girl's passion become cold, and the goodwill in her heart completely disappeared.

In fact, the cause of all this is not in her, but in the power armor. Bruce has a deep prejudice against Luke, who is from the Sopranos, and he even has a guard against Barbara wearing Tesla power armor. .

After the battle, Barbara began to deal with the battlefield, under Ava's command, removed the power armor from the mob and collected them together.

There were fifteen thugs who attacked Wayne Manor. Strangely, only thirteen sets of power armor were found.

"That's not right, why is there a missing one."

The girl checked carefully and it was indeed thirteen, not fourteen, and one suit of armor disappeared.


Outside of Wayne Manor, the mysterious man madman who escaped from the woods ran wildly on the road, while running, while roaring like a beast, his eyes flickering, sometimes happy, sometimes painful, and didn't know what to think of.

It wasn't until he ran to a black car, opened the trunk and took out the falcon mask inside to cover his head, the boiling emotions calmed down.

After resting on the spot for a while, he opened the door of the car and drove away, a little tired.

In the dark, the black car drove fast on the road, passing through the sparsely populated forest path, and stopped in front of an abandoned construction site.

The mysterious man got out of the car, picked up the toolbox, and walked inside.

Shortly after he left, a ghost appeared in the grass, with a jet black armor, and a ghostly body. It was Luke wearing the ghost number 1.

Luke looked around, and the surrounding environment appeared on the screen.

"Sixteen cameras, 13 traps, three secret guards, two secret doors, and strict security measures."

"However, these are useless to me."

Luke stepped out of the grass, and as his right foot landed, his figure disappeared. As the light and shadow changed, only an imperceptible shadow could be seen.

The camera hidden in the treetops, stone cracks, and walls did not notice this sight at all. Luke lowered his steps, followed the mysterious man not far away, and walked into the construction site grandiosely.

There is a historical relic in the depths of the construction site. Walking down the hidden door and passing through the long and narrow corridor, the scene in front of you suddenly widens, unknowingly, you actually came to the lush forest.

The sound of the flowing stream echoed in my ears, the air was mixed with the fragrance of flowers and plants, the cooing of the nightingale came from a distance, and four bright lights flashed on the treetops nearby. It was two monkeys with thick feathers. Face owl.

The owl's head drooped, looking at something curiously.

Their vision is different from that of humans, and they can barely see the ghost armor hidden under the light and shadow.

Luke didn't pay much attention to the owl, followed behind the mysterious man, and walked carefully to the depths of the forest.

When passing by an old tree, there was a sudden rushing sound in my ears.

Luke turned sideways instinctively, and a spear made of stainless steel brushed his body and nailed it to the trunk.

At the same time, the mysterious man in front suddenly turned around, picked up his submachine gun, and fired frantically at the place where Luke was.

There was a hitting sound in the air, the light and shadow dissipated, revealing the dark and dull ghost armor.

Luke glanced back, his eyes turned to the front.

"How did you find me?"

The mysterious man dropped his submachine gun and drew out the black dagger on his back,

"Nothing can escape the eyes of an owl."


Luke gave a cold His right hand opened, and a blue light pierced the air.


The big tree 20 meters away exploded, and the guy hiding in the book was too late to scream and was blown into several segments by the shock wave.

Luke stepped forward, wearing a ghost armor like a **** of death walking out of hell.

"I heard that the Owl Court has a secret killer army called Talons, you should be one of them."

"Very well, I've been having a headache how to dig you out. I didn't expect you to send it to the door."

"This is great."

Luke's eyes burned with green flames of excitement, and the power of fear enveloped him. In an instant, all the voices disappeared and the forest became extremely quiet. Even the trembling owl hiding in the tree shrank its head and did not dare to look.