The Richest Man is The Village Doctor

Chapter 110: you sick

Xu Sishui struggled hard.

Feng Siyu seems to step on his head lightly, but in fact Feng Siyu possesses great power!

So how could Xu Sishui resist?

At the same time, Feng Siyu dialed Chen Yang's phone.

The phone rang six or seven times before being picked up.

Chen Yang at this time is trying on clothes.

"People caught it."

"Who caught it?"

Chen Yang stupefied.

"Water dog, little Q's stepfather."


Chen Yang was a little dumbfounded: "Why are you arresting him in such a hurry?"

"Don't you come to Xiangdao to deal with him? Why bother?"

Feng Siyu was puzzled.

"No, I didn't mean that."

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "Although I know Xiao Q, I can't listen to his one-sided words."

"I mean, what if his stepfather is not like he said, but a good person?"

"He is not a good person."

Feng Siyu said: "He is nicknamed Water Dog, and he does everything in Jiulong Tong. He just wanted to strengthen... me."


Chen Yang sighed. In fact, he didn't expect to treat Xiao Q's stepfather.

It's just that Feng Siyu, the little fairy moves too fast.

"I killed his three thugs."

Feng Siyu added at this time.


"Then kill it, and then go back to the mainland by yourself."

Chen Yang hung up after speaking.

Actually, based on his dark-bellied personality and his open eyes when he sees money, he originally wanted to make money from his father.

However, Feng Siyu did a great job.

Even people started to kill, but three more?

This is a big case, so if you want to extort money, you will get yourself in.

So let the demon Feng Siyu get out.

Things can be done in a roundabout way, this woman is so special and neat.

After hanging up Feng Siyu's phone, Chen Yang called Xiao Q again.

"People are dead, that's it, don't contact me these days."

After speaking, Chen Yang hung up without waiting for Xiao Q to answer.

Then shut down decisively.

"What happened?"

Tan Xue was finishing Chen Yang's collar at this time.

She dressed Chen Yang like a prince, very careful.

"It's okay."

Chen Yang did not want to tell her these things.

Tan Xue didn't ask much, but led Chen Yang into the mirror and said, "What a pretty boy!"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes: "This body is more than one million, how can there be such a prodigal."

"Spend for brother, no amount of money is worth it."

Tan Xue whispered.

Chen Yang is tired, this child is very sick.

"Let's go, it's almost the same, right?"

"Well, for the time being."

Tan Xue nodded, bought a watch, changed his belt, leather shoes, collar, suit and shirt.

It adds up to just over one million, which is actually not expensive.

But for Chen Yang, who was a poor ghost in his previous life and a pigmaker in this life, this is a prodigal.

Tan Xue is a prodigal girl.

Tan Xue drove the red Ferrari, very cool.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the two appeared in a wealthy area on Fragrant Island.

It is called the rich area because it is full of villas.

And it's too quiet here, there are no cars coming and going, and the environment is top-notch.

Music is playing on the trash bins among the flowers in the villa area.

On the way, Tan Xue had already told Chen Yang that her aunt had never been married, so she had no children.

She told Chen Yang what her aunt liked and didn't like.

Naturally, Tan Xue knew in her heart that coming over today was just a cutscene.

Perhaps Chen Yang can only come this way once in his life.

She is very clear about her position in Chen Yang's heart, so she doesn't have too many extravagances.

The villa is a separate two-story building, not new, the walls of the villa are covered with green vegetation.

There was a vicious dog in the yard. When the car stopped, the vicious dog kept biting.

Chen Yang glanced at it, and it turned out to be a big Tibetan mastiff.

The Tibetan mastiff, like a lion, is one of the most ferocious dog breeds. This kind of dog can fight against wolves.

"Black Tiger, do you dare to murder me?"

Tan Xue got off the car and pointed at the Tibetan mastiff and shouted.

The Tibetan Mastiff wagged its tail as expected, but when he looked at Chen Yang, he kept humming and barking his teeth, as if he wanted to give Chen Yang a bite at any time.

"Don't get close to the black tiger. The black tiger is a purebred mastiff brought back from Tibet by a friend of my aunt. No one dares to approach it except a few people."

Tan Xue reminded Chen Yang.

"is it?"

Chen Yang smiled, and then suddenly walked to the black tiger and squatted down: "Silly dog, what do you bite? I don't know I am your brother Yang..."

The black tiger had made a pounce, and his fangs were exposed.

But when he heard that I was your brother Yang, Heihu also opened his mouth.

It's not the kind of opening to bite, but the surprised look.

Chen Yang patted Black Tiger, then stood up and said, "Let's go."

Tan Xue is blind, how is this possible?

Why is Heihu behaved suddenly?

Tan Xue woke up when Chen Yang was dragged into the villa in a daze.

But when she saw the two people in the room, she was first shocked, and then her face changed.

But soon, she pretended to be surprised and said, "Second brother, when did you come back?"

She walked up to the second elder brother and gave him a light hug.

Naturally, she was also very nervous at this time, because she never expected that her second brother would be here with her aunt.

If she knew he was there, she would not bring Chen Yang over.

The second brother patted her back lightly at this time.

Naturally, at this time, the second brother was watching Chen Yang, smiling.

Chen Yang was naturally observing the two people in the room.

One is a woman in her fifties. Although she is older, she is very expensive.

And judging from its appearance, this old lady is definitely not a good-looking master.

And the second brother...

Chen Yang was wary, this man hid a knife in his smile!

Yes, although he is smiling, his smile is fake.

"Sher, who is this?"

At this time, her aunt looked at Chen Yang sideways.

Naturally, she did not stand up.

Chen Yang and Tan Xue entered the house, and she had been sitting.

Very rude.

Tan Xue was startled, and then immediately ran back to Chen Yang and took Chen Yang's hand and said, "Brother...Chen Yang, this is my aunt, this is the second brother I told you about."

"Hello, hello."

Chen Yang walked over with a smile and was about to shake hands with his aunt.

But... her aunt turned a blind eye.

Chen Yang's hand froze in the air.

"Hello there."

At this time, the second brother stood up to make a round, and took the initiative to extend his hand.

"Hello there."

Chen Yang gave him a light ride, and then sat down directly.

Tan Xue is a little anxious, why is aunt doing this?

When everyone sat down, Tan Xue continued to sit next to Chen Yang, and the second brother and aunt sat across from them.

"Listen to Cher, do you work in the Mainland? Doctor?"

The second brother took the initiative to ask.

"Well, it's a small Chinese medicine doctor in the mainland."

Chen Yang said according to the pre-set routine Ha ha, Cher has a good eye. "

The second brother smiled faintly: "Doctors are a very good profession, and it is amazing that young people can learn Chinese medicine!"

"Chinese medicine?"

At this time, the aunt raised her eyebrows suddenly and said, "Not everyone can learn Chinese medicine.

"Guys, I happen to be unwell these days. Show me the swelling?"

The old lady started to ask questions.

In fact, she has a nasty and mean appearance, and she knows her face is not a good bird.


Why didn't Tan Xue know what her aunt was thinking? So she was a little angry and worried.

Worried that Chen Yang would lose his temper.

"Okay, then I'll give my aunt a pulse."

Chen Yang smiled and sat next to his aunt, stretched out two fingers, and pretended to pulse.

Tan Xue was tired.

Are you treating animals? Why did you really show your aunt?


While the second brother looked at Chen Yang with a smile, his aunt was also waiting for Chen Yang to diagnose.

Chen Yang suddenly whispered, then closed his eyes again.

It seems to be carefully diagnosed.

After more than a minute, Chen Yang let go of his aunt's wrist, and then thought for a while and said: "You should go to the hospital for a physical examination this afternoon, focusing on brain CT."

"Any questions?"

The aunt said curiously.

Chen Yang thought for a while: "I didn't see the specifics, but your brain is sick."

"Your brain is sick."

The aunt stared. The grandson said she had a brain disease?

Isn't that just calling her a fool?

The second elder brother also stood up abruptly, and squinted his eyes and said: "Send off the guest, Cher stay."


PS: Seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking female votes. Uncle WeChat: 70242555, the guards are waiting for you.