The Richest Man is The Village Doctor

Chapter 1169: Tianfu Dzi

Heaven, longevity platform.

Thirty-six Changsheng real people gathered here again!

"Why is this?" A longevity real person said weirdly: "Our heavenly dzi means that now we can even give up chasing people from other worlds, and then pursue and kill this newly soaring demon with all our strength."

"Our heaven is too."

"what's going on?"

All the longevity real people couldn't understand, because they couldn't imagine why the Dzi beads would react so much.

"Could it be that this newly ascended person would pose a threat to the Dzi Bead?"

"What is the threat? You know, in another eight years, Tianfu will be opened one by one, and then the dzi will be gradually integrated, right? So why are they so anxious?"

Eight years. ...

That's right, the flow of time between the heavens and the big world below is different, two years in the heavens and 20 years in the lower ones!

So twenty years have passed in the world below, and only two years have passed in the heavens.

There are still eight years to open Tianfu.

"Brother Dugu, how did you think about it?" At this time, everyone looked at one of the old men.

This old man is the elder brother who does not change the position of Tiangu, and he is the leader. He has the longest cultivation base and the longest life.

Dugu undefeated and muttered: "What is the specific reason, I am afraid that only after finding the ascended one can we figure it out!"

"That minor repair sucked up the water in the connecting pool, and the water in the connecting pool evolved from rules. Does that mean that this ascending minor repair can ignore the rules of the heavens? Ignore the restrictions of the dzi bead?"

"But... the dzi beads will be merged in a few years, they are so crazy now, the old man can't understand it!"

"Everyone can't figure out why this is happening. A minor repair from the lower realm soars up, and why makes the dzi bead collectively crazy? Is the dzi bead a human, a bead, or a rule?"

"Then what should I do now? My people have already been sent out!" A woman spoke at this time. She was the real Yuehua of Tianqiao. She was fifty years old and looked very luxurious, like a lady.

It was her Tianqiao’s receiving pool that exploded, so after receiving the dzi bead, she immediately sent a Tianzun to deal with the matter!

Naturally, it is not necessary to chase down a minor repair that has just ascended, and the **** of the day just sent someone to kill the minor repair, which was passed down to the first level.

Just a small repair, and sending a genius disciple over can solve it, and it's also a practice.

"Let's pass the order on, don't kill him yet." Undefeated Dugu said to the true humanity of Yuehua: "Although we are the protectors, but... some things, don't follow the orders of the dzi."

"I understand." Yuehua immediately communicated to her Tianzun, so that Tianzun ordered not to kill and only arrest people.

In fact, all the longevity real people have selfish motives, and they can't enter the Tianfu. If they can enter, they would have dried up the 36 dzi beads.

Over the years, they have obtained many benefits from the dzi beads, but they are also subject to the dzi beads everywhere.

Although the dzi would not directly control their life and death, the magical powers they cultivated and the treasures they obtained were all given by the dzi.

They are not the real managers of heaven, they are just thugs, or housekeepers.

Therefore, when they were discussing matters here at the Changshengtai, they all exchanged divine minds, avoiding the dzi beads and keeping them from knowing.

"Huh?" At this moment, the souls of all the longevity mortals were shaken at the same time, and then they received another call from their respective dzi beads.

"This person will destroy the heavens, and this person will also become a disaster for the thirty-six longevity real people. You can not kill this person, then your fate will be miserable, because this person will kill you."

This is the second transmission of the Dzi Bead. It seems that they know that they are discussing here, and directly tell them what will happen in the future by means of voice transmission!

And Dzi has the ability to know the future, this is clear to all the longevity real people!

Dugu Invincible took a deep breath, squinted his eyes and said, "Whether it is true or not, kill it. We have benefited too much from Dzi Beads for so many years. I suspect that once we truly defy Dzi Beads, we will have crises and changes. !"

"But a soaring minor repair is enough, kill it and kill it."

Yuehua was tired. My old lady just told me not to kill. If I caught alive, she told me to kill. How could this order be changed day by day?

But she couldn’t do anything about it. Although the dzi beads have not shown that they can truly control them, they are not in the relationship of masters and slaves, but equal, but in fact, they all have a faint feeling that one day they themselves All of his will be taken away by Dzi Beads!

They have been secretly making some preparations for so many years.

Being a real longevity person is naturally not stupid, and they are all recruiting after they are left behind.

Yuehua had to change the order again and kill directly.


At the same time, the most mysterious and powerful, and most desirable place in the heavens is naturally the legendary 36 Tianfu!

And among the 36 Heavenly Palaces, there are 36 Dzi Beads. Dzi Beads are the beads of rules. They control the heaven and earth rules of the heavens, including the calamity of the ascendants of the lower realm, including the changes between heaven and earth, the transfer of stars, etc. Go to the dzi tube!

And at this moment, among the 36 Heavenly Palaces, 36 people are also transmitting voices from Divine Mind!

A Tianfu alone, there are males and females, but their bodies are not in substance, but between illusion and They are alienated! "

"This is inevitable. In eight years, they will take us and merge with us. How can there be no ambitions?"

"Tian Qiao, do you really feel it?"

"So there is still a fake?" Tian coincidentally is a woman, exquisitely exquisite, she said angrily: "If that person comes to our Tianfu and meets us, we will definitely be absorbed by him instantly."

"He is our nemesis, can absorb the power of rules, we cannot face him."

"If he does reach Tianfu one day, our plan will be over."


Hearing Tian Qiao's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief: "Then continue to put pressure on the thirty-six longevity real people, and we must get rid of this person as soon as possible!"

"How can there be anyone in this world who can absorb the power of rules?"

"I suspect he is a combination of destiny!"

"There are many children of destiny that enter each universe, but the children of destiny that come in from other universes are suppressed in our universe, and this person has ascended from the lower realm. In other words, he belongs to our universe, so he won I have the best chance of doing this!"

"It's so hard for us to have today. If everything is destroyed by him, then our arrangement for so many years will be destroyed!"

"Then continue to apply pressure!"

"it is good."

"it is good."

"By the way, Tianqiao, can you sense where that person is?"

"He has destiny, fate cheats everything, I can only feel it when he enters the attracting pool, I can't find him at all when he gets out of the attracting pool, so I am so anxious, I am so worried!

"Your worries are reasonable, then let the heavenly masters kill him with all their strength."

Thirty-six people withdrew their spiritual thoughts and continued to communicate with their protectors.