The Richest Man is The Village Doctor

Chapter 1208: The chaos begins

After the fusion of the beads, there was a sun shining through the house and shining on Chen Yang.

At this moment, Tianfu trembled violently, then collapsed and turned into light fragments.

That's right, the entire Tianfu collapsed, and even the unbeaten Dugu was teleported out at the moment when Tianfu collapsed.

Only Chen Yang remained unchanged.

Because of the collapsed Tianfu, those light fragments were fusing, and gradually, all the light fragments merged into a sword hilt!

That's right, it's the hilt, the hilt that exudes the might of destiny!

When Chen Yang opened his palm, the hilt fell in his palm.

At the same time, he was also a little puzzled, this Tianfu turned out to be an incomplete sword hilt?

"So does it mean that the union of thirty-six heavens will form a sword of destiny?"

Chen Yang took a deep breath. If this is the case, then the Sword of Destiny is definitely one of the most powerful magic weapons in the world!

"Well, memory..." Chen Yang saw in Tianzhu's memory at this time, that the dzi was just a bead back then, without wisdom and wise.

But later, as the power of the rules was washed away, the dzi gradually enlightened the spirit, and then gained wisdom, and began to practice with the rewards of the rules in the Tianfu.

In fact, the Heavenly Jewel Enlightenment of the other thirty-five palaces were all related to this Yunzhu, and they were all his hands and feet in secret.

What's more, there are no passages in the 36 Heavenly Palace. The so-called passages are just made up of the 36 Heaven Beads.

Of course, thirty-six dzi beads can open another portal, and that portal is called the Gate of Longevity.

The gate of longevity is located in the sky channel, and the sky channel is the central dot of the thirty-six sky channels. To open the sky channel, you need thirty-six Dzi beads to work together to destroy the regular barrier at the sky channel.

Generally speaking, the existence of Dzi Beads, even they don't know why!

They didn't know who established Tianfu and who made these dzi beads.

"There is no channel?" Chen Yang couldn't laugh or cry, co-authoring is deceptive.

However, the unity of 36 heavenly houses will present the sword of destiny!

Regarding the sword of destiny, the dzi is not known. Chen Yang killed this dzi, so the hilt appeared. He faintly guessed that he would continue to fuse the other 35 dzi. The sword can be one.

"Well, now that the Lord Heaven Bead is dead, then I am afraid that the portal of longevity may not be able to be opened, but it does not matter, I now know where the sky veins are, and there is no problem with breaking the rules and barriers there!"

"It's just... inheriting the inheritance of the Lord of the Universe, what exactly is it? Could it be that this sword of destiny failed in the end?"

Chen Yang is deeply suspicious now, perhaps Thirty-Six Tianfu is just a stunner on the bright side.

You know, Thirty-Six Tianfu is too conspicuous.

If it is really the passage to the heavens, and you can get the inheritance of the Lord of the universe, then he doesn't believe in the powerful people of other universes.

I don't believe that those mighty ones can't enter Tianfu either!

So Thirty-Six Tianfu is probably just a stunner, attracting attention on the bright side, but in fact, there is something else in the inheritance of the Lord of the Universe.

The inheritance of the Lord of the Universe must be mysterious, unpredictable, and even unknown.

You will not become the master of this vast universe just because of what channel you enter or what dzi beads you get.

There must be a lot of puzzles, and it must be very difficult and dangerous.

Chen Yang guessed that there must be even greater secrets in this heaven.

"Well, the various rewards in Tianfu are actually magical, and they are all related to the power of rules. Tianfu is just one of the fragments of a sword!"

Chen Yang shook his head and smiled. When his spiritual thoughts moved, he directly took the sword hilt into the clone of fate.

Then, the destiny power of the clone of destiny skyrocketed.

Before, his destiny clone was transformed by the Cotai Strip, and the power of the Cotai Strip's destiny was only lost!

Later, with his training, a phantom portal appeared behind the Golden Avenue!

The portal is actually in the soul of the clone of destiny, but the portal is very empty and will collapse at any time!

And he got another page from the Bullhead in the foreign battlefield. After the pages were melted, the gate of destiny became a little solid!

But it's just a little solidified, it's still very virtual, and it's not really fully formed!

Now, after the hilt enters the body, it also makes the portal more solid, that is to say, the power of his destiny will be greater.

"Well, continue to grab other Tianfu Dzi Beads!" After thinking for a while, Chen Yang stepped up to the sky!

The undefeated Dugu was looking at Chen Yang anxiously at this time, and seeing Chen Yang flying over, he said in doubt: "Tianfu and Dzi..."

"It was swallowed by me!" Chen Yang waved his hand: "Go, let's continue to swallow other Tianfu and Dzi beads."

"This...but..." What would Dugu undefeated want to say, after all, the existence of Tianfu is beneficial to the people of the heavens and hundreds of millions of cultivators!

They earn merits and can exchange precious treasures when they come to Tianfu.

But now that Tianfu is gone, how can they practice the Celestial Cultivator?

Chen Yang glanced at Dugu Undefeated. He knew what Dugu Undefeated worried about.

But even if he didn't swallow the Dzi then in a few years, under the change of rules, Tianfu might not exist.

So... so if he doesn't swallow dzi beads, others will swallow them, and the pattern of the heavens will still change.

"Huh?" Just when Dugu was unbeaten and didn't know what to do, suddenly the two of them moved in their hearts at the same time, and then looked towards the south!

In the far south, a cloud of auspicious clouds flashed out, and the sky and the earth shook!

"This is..." Chen Yang and Dugu were unbeaten in shock, and then simultaneously thought of a possibility.



The two flew in the direction of that Xiangyun in an instant!

However, the auspicious cloud looked close, but in fact it was far, far away, because the position where the auspicious cloud appeared was another heavenly place.

But when the two arrived at the palace, the palace was broken, and there were corpses on the Tianfu Square, and there were thousands of them!

"Who is it~!" Unbeaten Dugu roared wildly.

And Chen Yang's eyelids also jumped, some people are beginning to win the heavens, and these people must be those outside geniuses and strong men!

He knew that if someone wanted to break the heaven, they would definitely break it!

And dzi is not omnipotent, although the willpower is strong, but those outsiders who invaded are not among the human dragons and phoenixes?

This Tianfu's dzi bead was taken away, which also means that the fragments of the sword of destiny were taken away!

"Huh? The star is moving!" At this moment, when Chen Yang closed his eyes and sensed it, he suddenly realized that his destiny clone could feel a star point moving, as if he was walking away further and further away!

Chen Yang's eyes were bright.

The hilt of his sword can feel the debris!

So, can that fragment feel the hilt of the sword?

"Don't chase it, let alone help me, go, let's continue to collect other dzi beads!" Chen Yang knew that time was pressing now, because the chaos began!