The Richest Man is The Village Doctor

Chapter 1238: Leader

Elder Ge, restricts the existence of generals and kings.

Many big forces have patrons, and even some families have patrons.

Elder Ge was not alone, but selected a few seniors with high respect and profound cultivation.

Elder Ge's role is to restrict a word. After all, it is inevitable for anyone to make mistakes. If the Lord makes a mistake but does not restrict it, then the entire force will suffer severe damage.

And if there is an old cabinet, then the old cabinets will reject things that are inappropriate, and then a parliament will be formed, and the minority will obey the majority.

At this moment, a dozen longevity realms jumped out on the longevity stage. Several of these longevity realms were real people of the older generation, and some were real people who benefited from Chen Yang's achievements after opening the longevity portal.

But they obviously mean tit-for-tat, and don't know how to be grateful.

Dugu Undefeated At this time, his eyelids jumped sharply. Through these days of contact with Chen Yang, he knew very well what kind of person Chen Yang was.

This person is domineering, arrogant, and very thoughtful. He is a ruthless character who kills the fruit.

So he saw that under the leadership of these dozen people, when someone nodded repeatedly, he immediately shouted: "Enough!"

"My celestial realm is in chaos now, and the matter of the old man is temporarily put on hold. Now my celestial realm needs to put a talent like the Lord in charge of the overall situation. Once there are different voices, it is to drag back!"

"So there is no need to mention this!"

"Brother Dugu, you can't say that!" A real Changsheng said with a smile: "We are also for the good of the heavens, how can we drag the heavens?"

"I let you shut..."

"Okay Dugu!" Chen Yang suddenly interrupted Dugu's undefeated words, and then looked at the real longevity man and said, " come to be the master of this general?"

The man's face changed, and some dare not answer!

And Chen Yang sneered: "Thirteen of them want to choose Elder Ge, do they still agree?"

"This..." Everyone looked at me for a while, and I looked at you. They didn't know what medicine Chen Yang's gourd sold.

"Isn't there anymore? If I don't speak, I will be no more!"

When Chen Yang said this, his eyes suddenly condensed!

"Puff~", a golden needle, when everyone did not react, the golden needle directly penetrated the head of the old Changsheng real person!

"Not good..." The other twelve longevity real people were so scared that their livers were cracked. This is a madman. How to kill someone is to kill. Isn't it too cruel?

So twelve people jumped up at the same time, and they fled immediately!

However, the speed of the golden needle was too fast. At the moment when twelve people jumped up at the same time, the golden needle was like a candied gourd "pupupupupupupu......" In the blink of an eye, the heads of the twelve people were all pierced by the gold needles. Ever!

Then, twelve...No, it was the thirteen Changsheng real people who died just like that, and they fell straight from the sky and hit the ground!

He has no vitality, his body is still hot, but the vitality is overflowing!

Everyone is blinded!

The Lord did not move, he sat motionless on the throne of the general platform from beginning to end, but... the strange thing was that a gold front cut thirteen longevity realms in succession!


Strong as a servant!

Even Dugu is undefeated and frightened inexplicably, how strong is this?

"They were bought by a foreign race!" Chen Yang said lightly at this time: "So I killed them!"

No one said anything, this explanation is very good, but has it really been bought? absolutely not!

However, the Lord meant that he was bought, so no one refuted him because everyone was suppressed.

"Well, for the traitor, I have never been merciless. Let's continue to discuss whether I need to be restrained by the Elder Council. Everyone can express their opinions. Can't we talk about it!"

Everyone was speechless, and now someone would stand up and it would be foolish.

"Jianzhu, I think there is no need for Old Master Xuge to exist in a very period of time!" A young man suddenly stepped up boldly at this time and said loudly: "My heaven has always been without a master and has been chaotic, so that now a large number of aliens invaded."

"It's because Senior Dugu couldn't control the whole situation long ago!"

"Now, when the Lord is in control of the overall situation, as the Lord said, we can only be stronger if we are united internally, and the existence of the old society will only make different voices, and some people will even exist for rights. Selfishness!"

"I believe that under the leadership of the Lord, my heaven will only get better and stronger every day!"

"Yes, the lord thunderbolt is popular and powerful, and now the aliens are afraid, we must unite around the lord and obey the commands of the lord!"

"The Lord is mighty!"

"The Lord is mighty!"

This time, the voices are very uniform, and the old man, if you dare to mention the old club, I am afraid this person will kill everyone!

"Well, I hope everyone is sincere, so you don't need the old club? Dugu, do you think it is feasible?" Chen Yang looked towards Dugu undefeated. He knew very well that Dugu undefeated did not want him to kill people!

But... he just killed him, and he will give you a big hat after he kills. If you collude with other races, or else you are against me, I do it for the good of the heavens.

So you are an alien spy.

"My heaven, I don't need a different voice to make the Lord wise!" Dugu bowed and saluted!

"Okay, there is no need for the old club to exist!" Chen Yang did not delay, but continued: "Now we have a formal meeting!"

"I used magical powers to patch up the rules of the heavens, and the power of the rules was greatly increased. The rules would have disappeared after eight years, but they can remain unchanged for a hundred years!"

"That is to say, the rules of my heaven will still exist for a hundred years, and still have the power to suppress outsiders!"

"This is our trump card and our confidence. With the power of rule suppression, outsiders, whether they care about immortality or creation? None of them are as powerful as our native immortal realm. If they are a dragon, they have to hold on to it, and even a tiger. Now, so we have to take this opportunity to eradicate the alien race in the and drive them out of my heaven!"

"Now, the general's idea is that if the passage of the 36th heaven is sealed, it will be sealed, and if it can't be sealed, all the staff must go to battle. The passage will be blocked by me, whether it is outside or inside. Camp, the strong are stationed!"

"Don’t worry that the longevity environment is not enough. There will be more than 1,000 longevity orders here. They will be issued to you later. Whether you challenge your family or choose ordinary folks, your task is to promote growth and help some people quickly. Promoted to longevity."

"It was going to build the longevity realm in batches!"

"What? More than a thousand longevity decrees?" Everyone has been blinded, so many longevity decrees?

"Also, let the news to the outside world give the aliens three days to evacuate. If they don't evacuate after three days, then set up a hunting team. They will be hunters personally and kill all the aliens hidden in my heaven!"

"On the foreign battlefield, my heaven is small and small, but in our territory, we are the real masters, outsiders, go to death!"

"Go to die, go to die, go to die!" Hundreds of people roared wildly, exaggerating what the Lord said, this is the leader they want!