The Richest Man is The Village Doctor

Chapter 1329: Eastern Universe

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After arranging the size of Zhutian City, Chen Yang waited silently.

There was still the eighth blood cloud in the sky, and now it was not far from the time limit of half an hour.

I don't know if there is a war of immortality in the sky of the universe.

And just half an hour after Chen Yang waited silently, the sky suddenly suffocated, and then the ninth blood cloud appeared.

The true nine layers of blood clouds shine in the heavens.

This is the ninth eternal life that died today, the heavens weep in blood!

"Ma, close the gate, I'm going out to hide."

Chen Yang doesn't need to guess, it must be the deputy host who died. You know, Zhang Laomo, Qin Yu and others are all waiting for the other high-level people of Wanjie Tower to show up.

Therefore, even if the Wanjielou comes to the rescue, there will be absolutely no benefit, and therefore, other high-rise buildings in the Wanjielou may not appear.

And if the other high-levels don't show up, they will definitely find the air pump. The City Lord of the Heavens is the best air pump of the Ten Thousand Realms Tower. If you don't destroy yourself, the Ten Thousand Realms Tower won't even want to raise your head.

So next, he might have to face the multi-faceted masters of the Ten Thousand Realm Tower.

It wasn't dark yet, and Chen Yang had just opened the two gates, but he closed the two gates willfully.

My city, I call the shots, I open as much as I want, and close as I want.

Although this would compromise the integrity of Zhutian City, life was the most important thing, and he wanted to take advantage when he was the Lord of the City.

As for whether the ghost can invade the realm of life, it is a matter for him?

He's a soy saucer, and the sky is falling and there is a big guy against it.

"Well, let's go." Chen Yang disappeared out of thin air directly from the main hall of the city.

This time, he didn't take any of them, whether cocklebur, or biting the sky, the two were free to move around and go wherever they wanted.

After all, the two have their own things to do, so they do whatever they want.

After leaving Zhutian City, Chen Yang transformed himself into a white-faced niche with a two-faced beard, very handsome, white-clothed and white-faced, holding a white paper fan, and then flew towards the Western Sky Universe.

That's right, he would naturally go to see the big cricket at the first stop. Now that he has time, then he should go and see how this old nun has become a Buddha.

He used to like to chat with Da Yuzi the most. With her, he can relax and let him get rid of all his worries. That feeling is very wonderful and very good.

He still misses those years.


At the same time, as Chen Yang was on the road to the west, the universe gradually calmed down.

The nine blood clouds dissipated before dark, and the Wanjie Tower, as Chen Yang had guessed, did not dispatch a master to rescue.

The old demon Zhang, who turned into a big beard, publicly exploded the deputy host Jin in the triangle of the universe, and there were many people who used crystal records to spread all over the heavens.

After the explosion, the beard also cursed a few words about shrinking his head and tortoise. In short, the Wanjielou did not show up, he felt like a punch in the air.

And things gradually subsided.

Surprisingly, the Ten Thousand Realms Tower did not even announce a ruthless word, and the heroes of the heavens continued to be silent.

Naturally, Chen Yang became famous overnight.

If it was said that after he became the lord of the city, some high-level figures in the universe knew about him, but they just knew it, no one paid attention to him.

Even after he killed Muronghai, the patron of the Wanjie Tower, not many people paid attention to him, because no one believed that he killed Muronghai at that time.

After all, Chen Yang was too weak at that time, and he just became feathered. No one believed that he was the one who killed Murong Hai.

Behind him, there must be supporters and protectors.

So more, they are all curious about the people behind the Lord of the Heavens.

However, after this battle, the name of Chen Yang, the lord of the heavens, instantly spread throughout the heavens, not only the big people knew about it, but the little ones also knew about this Chen Yang!

With the power of one person, cut the nine immortal lives alone.

Although the deputy landlord Jin was killed by a big beard in the end, the heavens also counted the head on his head.

In short, Chen Yang became famous, and even after the blood cloud dissipated, there were many wanderers, many rangers, and many unmarried people who were heading for the city of heaven.

That's right, as Chen Yang had guessed, someone actually came to take refuge in him.

In fact, this is also normal. Being able to become a person next to the strong, and be blessed by the strong, is also very good for your future.

At least there is no need to worry about being beheaded by others around the strong.

Besides, the City of Heaven is itself a city of refuge. If you can enter the city and join the power of the City Lord's Mansion, why not do it?

At this moment, there was already a crowd of people outside the gates of the north and south gates of Zhutian City.

In fact, since Chen Yang became the lord of the city, it has been difficult to enter the city every day, because Chen Yang was too capricious. Before, there were nine doors open at once, but now there are only two open, so there are more people entering and leaving, and it seems very crowded.

Sometimes, some people are often unable to enter the city for two days because there are too many people.

Similarly, after nine blood clouds appeared today, more people came to the heavens for a while.

Naturally, many people are also scolding Chen Yang in their hearts. Why does this **** only open two doors? When does this have to wait in line?

At this time, outside the North City, a 13-year-old girl was also supporting an elderly white beard.

Although it was getting dark, the two were still behind the line because they were going to the city tomorrow.

The little girl is very Both eyes are dark and bright, and the old man is like a fairy-style elder, with a natural aura on his body.

And this old man's name is Dongfang Yao, if the masters of the universe were here, he would be surprised.

Dongfang Yao, the strongest realm of immortality, is indistinguishable from those masters of the universe, and Dongfang Yao's eastern universe has never been opened since ancient times!

That's right, although the Eastern Universe is connected to a foreign battlefield and there are also passages, one from the outside has entered the Eastern Universe, and no one has ever come out of that universe.

The most important thing is that the passage is closed, sealed by a strange and mysterious formation.

Once there was a master of the universe who tried to break through that passage, but he didn't break through, and was seriously injured instead!

There are also rumors that the three major monsters have even entered the Eastern Universe. You know, they can enter any universe silently without going through channels!

Of course, Eastern Universe also entered, but the moment he entered, he was discovered by Dongfang Yao, and then Demon Chen Fei vomited blood.

After that, no one had entered the Eastern Universe, and even Wanjielou didn't have much control over the Eastern Universe, only a few simple records.

The name of Dongfang Yao is also very loud.

He does not belong to the neutral faction, nor does he belong to the two large groups, nor even to the Ten Thousand Realms Tower, because there was a patron in the Ten Thousand Realms Tower who tried to break through the Eastern Universe Channel but was killed!

This is true, and even many small universe masters have seen it with their own eyes, and there are also crystal records.

So for the mysterious place of the Eastern Universe, many large universes are very curious.

And now, Dongfang Yao, the lord of the Eastern Universe, took a little girl to line up to enter Zhutian City.