The Richest Man is The Village Doctor

Chapter 1462: my goal

"The richest man Xiaocun doctor ( find the latest chapter!

Chen Yang didn't expect this supreme heaven to engage in wind and rain, because he knew very well that he could not dominate here, not to mention the four supreme, even the many disciples of the four supreme might not be able to fight.

So he is very low-key, as long as he doesn't come to provoke him, he will never cause trouble.

After all, this stage is the stage of cultivation and comprehension. He has been fighting for too many years, and the people and the heart are also tired. He wants to calm down and walk around the world to learn.

However, he does not provoke others, but it does not mean that others do not provoke him.

When he saw the flying light in the sky, the air was boiling, and the sky was oppressing him, he was extremely annoyed.

It's no longer enough to be a low-key person, so you have to mess with him?

"Four of you, get out of here." King Zhennan appeared. When he saw that the fire dragon and the black bull were together with a human, as the black dog said, he was immediately furious.

Hei Niu and the four of them are from the southern region of his town. These four guys are in collusion with outsiders, so let the four of them serve in the military!

However, the four of the Black Bull did not move, because they now have a master, and the master did not speak, so they did not dare to move.

However, the faces of all four of them were scared. King Zhennan was a brutal fellow, and the four of them were subconsciously afraid.

Zhennan King is really too strong.

"Huh?" King Zhennan's expression sank when he saw that the four of them hadn't moved. "Then no wonder this king beheaded and waited."

As he said, he said coldly: "Go and arrest the four of them for this king. If you stop them, don't worry about killing them."

He hasn't targeted Chen Yang yet, because he hasn't found out Chen Yang's bottom line and couldn't understand Chen Yang's cultivation.

So he wanted to see what this human race would do in this way.

"Swish swish swish~" Four of the eight guardians behind Zhennan King immediately flew out, like an arrow, rushing down in a flash, the speed is surprisingly fast.

The Black Bulls were too frightened to move, or even dared to resist.

And Chen Yang frowned at this time, and his head turned back slightly.

However, when he turned his gaze to the four guardians, the four guardians who were shooting were instantly frozen.

That's right, it's frozen, it can't move at all, and it maintains a weird posture.

The Black Bulls froze on the spot, Nima, is this master too strong?

He didn't make a move and didn't speak, just turned around and took a look at these four guardians. The four guardians stopped moving?

This... what kind of strong is this?

Above the sky, the King of Zhennan almost planted, and at this moment his whole body was erected.

What the **** is this?

"Come down, climb down!" Chen Yang suddenly gave a soft cry.

When the words were spoken, the King of Zhennan, or the other four guardians, suddenly fell from the sky almost at the same time!

It's as if a magnet is attracting them, it's like a heavy drop.

Puff tom~Pump tom~

All five people smashed to the ground, smashing the big tree, and then the five people crawled on the ground like dead dogs.

Do not move, because they can't move!

That's right, even if the king of Zhennan is a powerful man of thirty Dao, he can't move.

His soul, his body, his mana, etc., were directly sealed.

"Trouble." Chen Yang still seemed unsatisfied. When he said that he was troublesome, flames jumped at his fingertips, and then one after another ring popped out of the flame.

A total of nine ring-like magic weapons were created out of thin air, and then when he flicked his finger, the nine rings turned into nine radiances and penetrated into the heavenly cover of the nine people.

And at this moment, a black shadow rushed to the sky far away!

It was the old dog who came after that!

Chen Yang's eyes narrowed: "If nothing happens, it's time to kill."

With a "boom", the black dog on the road exploded as soon as his killing word fell!

What chaos realm, what kind of strong power, a word, directly exploded, the soul is completely annihilated.

Everyone was trembling with fear, even the four Black Bulls were scared to death at this moment, because the master was too powerful, beyond their imagination.

"Continue on the road." Chen Yang didn't even ask the nine kings of Zhennan, and continued to move forward.

At this time, all the nine Zhennan Kings were able to move, but... it was just that their souls were put on the ring, like a beast control ring.

The faces of the nine people were as earthy, so they were subdued? The beast slave of the adult family?

They feel like dreaming, very unreal feeling!

"Nan Wang, let's go, the master will be angry for a while." At this time, the black cow patted King Zhennan on the shoulder with a weird smile.

He didn't dare to do this before, but now... he is the same as the King of Zhennan, and both are master slaves.

The king of Zhennan opened his mouth, then walked forward with a long sigh.

The other nine guardians also looked at each other and smiled. What kind of monster is the master in front, how can he be so strong?

Could it be that his Dharma image exceeds fifty feet and can't it?

At fifty feet, that is a supreme figure of the highest class.

You know, the director of Beishan Town only has thirty-five feet of law, right?

Chen Yang walked in front, they could only follow behind.

Although King Zhennan wanted to say something, he didn't dare. Who knows what temper the master is. If he disturbs him, he will kill himself with a wave of his hand. How wrong?

So the King of Zhennan can only follow along.

After dark, Chen Yang finally stopped.

The four of Black Bull, Fire Dragon, Little Fish, and Fairy Spirit Fox had already touched Chen Yang's temper, so they hurriedly made fire and caught game for Chen Yang to get a table, chair and bench.

" Why are you so shocked? Haven't heard the order in front of the master?" At this time, the black cow winked at Zhennan King.

The king of Zhennan nodded to the black cow, and hurriedly ran in front of Chen Yang, and knelt directly: "Thousand feet pay respect to the master!"

"Meet the master..." The other eight guardians knelt at the same time!

Chen Yang glanced at the King of Zhennan and the others, and then the King of Zhennan and the others lowered their heads without daring to look directly.

"Well, let's eat first. After eating, go to your Zhennan King's palace to go around." Chen Yang smiled and said, "I didn't intend to argue with people in this supreme heaven, but now I think about it. A group of thugs is also good, so I will start with Beishan later, and you will follow me to Zhenbei, Zhendong, and Zhenxi to conquer the three big demon kings."

"Ah..." King Zhennan opened his mouth when he heard Chen Yang was about to subdue the other three demon kings.

You know, they are all demon kings who have been entrusted with them, and they are protected by the Supreme Mountain.

To put it bluntly, they are also officials, but they are officials of foreign aid. If Chen Yang forcibly takes all the four demon kings, it will be impossible to get along with the Supreme Mountain.

Perhaps the nobles of the Supreme Mountain don't care about the little monsters in Beishan, or the poor land of Beishan, but if they are forced to subdue them, they will be unable to cross the Supreme Mountain and demolish the platform of the Supreme Mountain.

When the time comes, the Supreme Mountain will know that there will be strong people coming to kill.

"Master, no, if the Supreme Mountain knows about it, the Supreme Mountain will probably..." At this time, Zhennan King wanted to persuade Chen Yang not to be too ostentatious, he would die miserably!

Chen Yang glanced at King Zhennan, and then sneered: "My future goal is to attack and occupy Supreme Mountain, and then hang Dharma Supreme from the tree to fight, so you... persuade me?"

"Uh..." King Zhennan only felt as if he was choking in his throat, looking at Chen Yang with horror on his face.

This master is a lunatic!