The Richest Man is The Village Doctor

Chapter 1468: I am a monster

"The richest man Xiaocun doctor ( find the latest chapter!

In the Qianzu Mountain Hall, the Zhennan Demon King with eight great guardians stood in the hall, while Xue Fairy, Tong Fairy, Wu Fairy and Chen Yang sat on the first row of chairs in front of the hall.

None of them sat on the symbolic throne.

"Well, Zhennan Demon King, right?" Fairy Xue said at this time: "You don't need to be nervous, we are just asking you something."

Fairy Xue was very polite, and Zhennan Demon King and others also nodded repeatedly.

"Tell me what happened to the old Tibetan sword, where is the pine stone forest? How did the old Tibetan sword get hurt?" Xue Xianzi was particularly interested in the old Tibetan sword, because she faintly felt that the old Tibetan sword might be related to the sword. Valley related.

The king of Zhennan quickly replied: "The pinestone forest is located about 30,000 miles north of the Qianzu Mountain. It is rich in strange turquoise, but it is also densely covered with thorns and is inaccessible."

"It was only after receiving a report from a little demon there that I found the old man with Hidden Sword. At that time, he was already very badly injured, with a sword wound, and his whole body was bleeding.

"At that time, he was treated immediately after he was brought back, and after one night of treatment, he almost recovered the next day, and then he set up a barrier, saying that he was rewarded, and then left, and never saw him again. "

"Oh." Xue Fairy nodded: "Are you born and raised here?"

"Yes, the little demon was born here, here is the way."

"Then have you heard of any secrets in Beishan? Is there any place in the pinestone forest that cannot be explored?"

"This... the North Mountain is huge, and there are several secret places that cannot be detected and cannot be entered, but there is no secret place on the pine stone forest. I can be sure of this because there is a pine stone forest."

"Well, it's okay." Fairy Xue nodded, then looked at Chen Yang and said, "Let the other three Demon Kings come over."

"Okay." Chen Yang nodded, then looked at Zhennan Wang and said, "Can you contact the other three demon kings?"

"Can, can."

"Let them rush over immediately, as quickly as possible, to tell you, these three fairies and the great figures of the Supreme Mountain Inner Hall, it is your luck that you can see these great figures."

"Yes, yes, the little demon will contact them immediately." Zhennan Wang quickly took out the contact jade slips and passed the news separately.

After a while, the other three demon kings all replied and claimed that they would come over immediately.

"By the way, can you draw a landform map of Beishan?" Xue Fairy asked at this time.

"The little demon can draw an exact map of the Southern Territory, but the other three little demons have not dabbled too much. I am afraid that we can only draw a complete map of Beishan after the other three demon kings come over."

"Okay, let's go down." Fairy Xue said lightly on his forehead.

"Yes." Zhennan King glanced at Chen Yang, and then walked out of the hall with the Eight Great Law Protectors.

And Xue Fairy said at this time: "Wait for the other three kings to come over. We don’t know the exact location, but it must be in the inaccessible secret area. As long as they draw a complete map, mark all the inaccessible secret areas. When the time comes, we will check one by one and we will always find it."

"It can only be so." Fairy Tong and Fairy Wu nodded, this is the most stupid way, there is no other way.

They only knew that there was a Sword Valley in the North Mountain, but the exact location of the Sword Valley could not be determined.

At this time, Chen Yang suddenly asked, "Three senior sisters, should the Valley Master of Sword Valley be a pioneer? So is the Valley Master dead or alive?"

"We don't know this either." The third daughter shook her head.

Chen Yang asked again: "Then even if we find Sword Valley, what benefits can we get? Can we not clear the way if we find Sword Valley?"

"Puff~" The three daughters were happy all of a sudden, this beloved junior brother really... doesn't understand anything.

But thinking about the identity of Yu Liangren, the three of them were relieved. How much can he know about an ordinary disciple outside the hall?

Fairy Xue thought that she owed Yu Liangren's favor for her coming here, so she thought for a while and said, "We can't clear the way when we go to Jiangu."

"Naturally, if the Lord of the Valley of Sword Valley left Dao seeds, and one of us gained Dao, then he might inherit his dojo."

"However, in this world, there will always be both crisis and luck. When you get the Dao Seed of Sword Valley, he is also very likely to take you and resurrect."

"You must know that the existence of the Kaiyuan realm has long been detached and immortal. It may not be a good thing to get their Dao seeds. But it may not be a bad thing. It depends on you."

"And the reason why we say that there is good fortune in the valley of swords, this is after all the legacy of a strong Kaiyuan realm, Shimian is very likely to have the supreme Taoism, and may also have the perception of Kaidao and so on."

"Anything we get is infinitely useful. We can observe how the Lord of the Valley of Sword opened the way."

"And this kind of opener, if we are still alive, if we can enter, he will not necessarily kill us, after all, this kind of person is aloof and will not easily attack the juniors. Maybe he can give us a few words at that time."

"If he dies, then there will be a half chance of retaining Dao seeds."

"How should I put it, Dao Zong is an opportunity to step into the sky in one step. Even if we know that he may live by taking home this way, we will not let it go."

"Do you know what is the meaning of opening the way for a true practitioner?"

"Brother I don't know, please let the fairy solve your doubts!" ​​Chen Yang got up and saluted.

Fairy Xue said with a smile: "Anyone who can open the way means that he has perfected the law of ten thousand ways. He has jumped out of the real **** between heaven and earth. They have infinite power and will never be exhausted. They also have infinite lives. Never die."

"Naturally, this never dies refers to one who will not die without an accident, and this accident also includes being killed or the dojo collapsed."

"Everyone's dojo is different. Some dojos are larger, some are smaller, and some dojos have countless strong people ~ and some dojos have no one."

"And once the creatures in the dojo reach the opening state, it will be very dangerous for the dojo master, because once those creatures clear the way, they will take away the dojo's luck, absorb the power of the dojo, and cause the power of the dojo to decline, even It may cause the dojo to collapse."

"So any dojo owner will not allow the creatures in his dojo to clear the way, so he has formulated various rules."

"But there are always exceptions to everything. For example, the Yuancizun of our Supreme Mountain, a long time ago, someone in his dojo successfully opened the way, which caused the decline of Yuanzizun's strength and had to reincarnate in reincarnation. The dojo was extremely unstable."

"Fortunately, Yuancizun is very strong, so I will basically re-stabilize his dojo. I heard that Yuancizun will return in less than a hundred years at the latest."

"Where is the person who succeeded in opening the road?" Chen Yang was shocked at this time. Yuan Second Zun should be Yuan Zun. Second Zun means, second only to Supreme.

"That's not clear, but if you succeed in opening the way, if you jump out of the dojo, you will enter the Supreme Heaven."

"Does the Supreme Heaven leave it alone?" Chen Yang asked puzzled.

"The Supreme Heaven is not anyone’s dojo, the Supreme Heaven is extremely strange, so if the pioneer has been practicing in seclusion after jumping out, then the Supreme can’t help him unless he exposes himself.”

"However, those who clear the way in other people's dojos are very rare. The kind of people who can clear the way in other people's dojos are the most talented and supernatural people in this world. Such people can be described as monsters."

"A monster?" Chen Yang smiled faintly, maybe he is really a monster, right?

But who was it that jumped out of the Yuanzun dojo before?

Chen Yang was very curious, he was not the first to jump out of Yuanzun's dojo, there were others.