The Richest Man is The Village Doctor

Chapter 175: Rodent infestation in Linbei

When Chen Yang sent Yang Shanghu back, Xiao Q was already waiting outside Yang Shanghu's house in the car.

When Chen Yang was in the car, he called Qiu Bing and asked him to drive over. He wanted to use the car.

But Qiu Bing was too busy at the construction site, so he could only let Xiao Q come over.

Xiao Q bought a car, obviously he intends to live in Linbei.

The car is also a pickup truck, but it is a large Ford pickup truck, which is the kind that you have to come back for a lap with 300 yuan.

"I've requisitioned the car, you get fucked."

Chen Yang unceremoniously drove Xiao Q away, and drove away directly.

Yang Shanghu originally wanted to talk to Chen Yang, but Chen Yang didn't even enter the house. It seemed there was something urgent.

After a while, Chen Yang went to the fountain in the nearby square, swept away with mental power, and saw that Rat King and Jerry were still emperors in Gentle Township.


He squatted on the floor of the fountain and yelled into the iron net.

Inside, Jerry and the Mouse King were agitated, and then ran out!

In just over ten seconds, the two of them...No, it was two sacred beasts running under the iron net and looking at Chen Yang!

"Starting to work, all the staff are dispatched, all the rat brothers in the entire province and town are dispatched to find someone for me."

Chen Yang took out his mobile phone and opened the selfie of him and Tan Xue on the rooftop.

After showing seven or eight pictures to Jerry and Rat King, Chen Yang took the phone and said, "Can't remember?"


The two mythical beasts nodded immediately.

"No matter what method you use, find her for me."

The Rat King and Jerry came and stood at attention, and they almost saluted, and the two guys disappeared instantly.

There were other people in the square at this time, but nobody paid attention to Chen Yang.

Who would have thought of him squatting down at this fountain and talking to mice.

Chen Yang continued to drive towards the development zone without stopping.

The base of the development zone has basically taken shape, and the main body of the building has been completed and is now undergoing interior decoration.

The fish pond outside has been pushed up, and cement roads are being laid around.

A huge iron cage in the form of a dome was also built, but there was no cover.

Then there are a lot of nests similar to pigeon lofts.

This is for the air echelon.

The fish pond is a navy team.

The ground team is nothing but rats and snakes. They can live in any hole without covering it.

When Chen Yang arrived at the base, Qiu Bing hurried over, then stretched his neck and glanced back, "Where is Xiao Q?"

"Threw him into the city."

"Don't follow me."

With that, he walked towards the courtyard wall on the east side.

There is a poplar forest and a pine forest outside the courtyard wall, where crows roost.

Chen Yang made a whistle after jumping over the courtyard wall, and then the crow leader Lao Hei quack quack flew from a distance!


No nonsense, Chen Yang took out the phone again and showed the photos to Lao Hei.

He doesn't care how Old Hei describes Tan Xue's appearance to other crows, in short, he wants to find someone!

After Lao Hei flew away, Chen Yang jumped back into the courtyard and entered the former unfinished building, which is the current office building.

The office building has been redesigned, and Chen Yang has a huge office here.

Then there are indoor venues, just like the training ground.

Chen Yang was very satisfied with Qiu Bing's design and lamented that people have changed.

Whether it is Han Jun or Qiu Bing, the two of them were just blunts and thugs.

And it's still not the kind of thugs.

But now?

One became the director of Xiangyang Meat Industry, and the other became the top leader of Xiangyang Base.

The pattern and vision of the two gradually increased.

"Boss, there are a crowd of crows outside, circling in the sky, and if you take them away, the workers are out of work."

When Chen Yang was visiting the room, Qiu Bing found Chen Yang bitterly.


Chen Yang looked out the window, and was also taken aback.

Let alone two or three thousand crows, the darkness obscured the sky. The workers working in the yard and the decorating workers in the house all looked at the sky in shock.

Some people are also taking pictures with their phones!

Chen Yang's face was pale, what's the matter with the old black? Why don't you find someone to fly here?

However, what Chen Yang didn't know at this time was that the city was also in chaos.

In Linbei Provincial City, at some point, there were rats scurrying on the street, and a large number of rats ran out from the lawn in the community.

They don't seem to be afraid of people anymore, running around.

However, there was no attack, and he still ran away from them!

But there are too many rats.

Even in the yard of Yang Shanghu's house, several mice crawled onto the windowsill.

Some even entered the corridor.

Also, ran to the roof of the parking lot, and some even appeared in the takeaway boy's food delivery bag.

Etc., etc.

Rats, mice and rats can be seen everywhere in the Linbei provincial city.

TV stations have been launched, many small videos, self-media, etc. have also issued various jokes about rats crossing the street.

In Yang Shanghu's house, Mo Long, Shangguan Feiyu and Yang Shanghu also stood at the door.

Their faces were solemn.

Calls kept coming in, reporting rat infestations and rat disasters!

I heard that some time ago there was a bird disaster and a rat disaster in Australia.

But this kind of disaster is normal in places like Australia, because there are too many.

Camels in Australia have to be shot by helicopters, or they will flood.

Local Australia also rewards hunting of kangaroos and hares, because they are also flooded.

However, China has not flooded.

Why are there still a large number of rats flooding the streets and appearing in thousands of households?

There are rumors everywhere, what is this an earthquake precursor, there is a vision in the sky, etc.

In short, if you don't control it, something will happen.


Naturally, these Chen Yang are not clear.

After he walked out of the base office building, the old black who was leading the circle in the sky kept croaking!

When Chen Yang heard its croak, his eyes lit up.

Qiu Bing is tired, and I know you did it.

You old bird, old snake!

Chen Yang walked quickly to the east courtyard wall and jumped out, then began to run.

Because Lao Hei just reported to him that last night the eldest cousin of the second aunt of his third uncle's daughter-in-law was waiting... The crow saw this woman and went to the mountains.

Direction southeast.

Chen Yang stepped fifty meters, and in a few minutes he was already deep in the mountains and forests.

As he left, the crows circling in the sky left collectively, also heading southeast.

The crowd of crows dispersed and flew in all directions, much faster than Chen Yang.

And Chen Yang also continued to march southeast.

Tan Xue entered the mountain and did not return to the city.

But why did she run into the mountains?

From noon to dark, there was no news, and Tan Xue was not found, and Chen Yang also sat under a tree in the mountain to rest.

I wanted to grab some game to eat, but I just thought about it. He is now the ancestor of all game, and it feels too guilty to eat.

And in the provincial cities, at night, news came out to refute the rumors, claiming that the citizens should not panic, this is a natural phenomenon, etc., and will soon The mice are crazy, in the elevator in the high building Both have appeared on the thirty-odd floors.

What's more, rats scurry around in various restaurants.

When Chen Yang was resting, Feng Siyu finally made a call.

"I ask you one thing, do you know the rat infestation in the provincial capital?"

Feng Siyu, a woman with a delicate and delicate liver, guessed that the animal disaster in Australia was related to Chen Yang.

And now, after appearing in the provincial capital, she also thinks that she can't get rid of the relationship with Chen Yang.

Although she has not confirmed it with her own eyes, she believes that her guess is not wrong.

"What kind of rat infestation? I'm not in the provincial capital. Is there a rat infestation in the provincial capital?"

"Six animals came in my house, and countless vehicles were crushed to death on the street. Rats are everywhere in high buildings, restaurants, and the whole province is panicking now!"


Chen Yang opened his mouth. He had never thought that this would happen.

He just asked Jerry and Rat King to find someone, but he didn't let them run around blatantly.

"Ahem, what does it have to do with me."

"Is it clear to you, I advise you to let them go."

"Ahem, I have something else to do, let's hang up first."

Chen Yang wouldn't admit this kind of thing, so he hung up the phone immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yang immediately jumped up and said, "Old Black!"

"Crack quack~"

"You go to the provincial capital... Forget it, you can't find them, let me go back."

Chen Yang sighed, this is a nuisance, he has to go back and get rid of the rat infestation, otherwise it will be a big deal!

However, just as he turned to leave, there was a croaking sound in the distance!

"Crack quack~"

The old black also quack~

Chen Yang's eyes brightened and he found it!

I found Tan Xue, in the front left, less than twenty miles!