The Richest Man is The Village Doctor

Chapter 300: :Make waves in the wind [7]


"My roommate was kidnapped, can you find it for me?"

Yang Chan is very serious and full of expectations, but more excited.

Because she never expected that Brother Yang would arrange so many... animals beside her!

"Crack quack~"

Old Hei croaked twice, and then flew away quickly.

Not long after Lao Hei flew away, Yang Chan, standing in front of the window, saw Qiu Bing and a middle-aged man with long hair coming in a hurry.

When the two arrived downstairs in the dormitory, they immediately saw Yang Chan standing at the window.

Lao Qiu breathed a sigh of relief immediately and waved to Yang Chan to come down.

Yang Chan nodded, and then immediately ran out of the dormitory.

After going downstairs, Yang Chan immediately said, "Brother Qiu, my roommate was kidnapped, and two people in the dormitory were also...and..."

"It's okay, don't worry, someone will handle it."

"Let's go to the base first."

"But... but I asked the crow to find it."

Qiu Bing smiled: "Then it will be fine, the crow will rescue them."

"okay then."

Yang Chan sighed, presumably the crow was also a crow-like spirit, right? Chen Shuang and Li Anran should be found.

The three immediately left the school and drove to the base instead.

At the same time, Crow Old Black really found Yang Chan's two roommates.

They were in a car in the parking lot near the school.

Therefore, Crow Lao Hei directly attached the impact, pecked the car window with his mouth, and immediately flew away after attracting the attention of nearby people.


After dozens of minutes, Yang Chan arrived at the breeding base.

Qiu Bing also led her to visit the base.

As for the ancient three links, he jumped to the top of the building to pretend to be forced.

"This is the aquatic area, and it is also the navy team of the boss. Now the water is mainly composed of several kinds of fish and frogs. I got some tortoises in it the other day."

"Among them, there is a carp weighing about 20 catties that can be transformed, has an IQ, and can understand what we are saying."

"The five peacocks here have also evolved, so quickly all say hello to... and sister-in-law!"

The five peacocks all turned on the screen instantly, and they made the cry of Li Li Li.

Yang Chan opened his mouth, is it amazing?

"Here, there are five squirrels..."

Qiu Bing took her to the dozens of transplanted big pine trees and said: "Five squirrels have also evolved. Say hello to my sister-in-law, are you stupid?"

Five squirrels merged into a row instantly, slammed and stood at attention, and raised a paw to salute!

Yang Chan's whole person is not good anymore, is this too fun?

"I tamed them all, so they have to be regulated."

Qiu Bing said triumphantly: "Never mind those owls. They have bad eyesight during the day. I am about to equip them with contact lenses. I don't know if it will work."

The two walked all the way and said, and then when they reached another area, Qiu Bing shouted: "All come out and stand."

"Two white foxes and two Huang Daxian immediately got out of the hole and stood up funny."

"Fox and weasel."

"Well, there's more, Sister-in-law, look over here."

Qiu Bing pointed at a small courtyard blocked by iron fences, and there were a dozen big dogs bullying a big Tibetan mastiff in that small courtyard.

The big mastiff was the largest, but was chased and bitten by more than a dozen dogs.

"Except for the **** tiger, everything else has evolved."

"By the way, there is another secret weapon of the boss."

"What secret weapon?"

"It's a stone, it should be a fossil. The boss said it was an egg of an ancient creature. He doesn't know the specifics. He said it will hatch soon. It's in his office. I'll show you."

They talked and went to the office on the fourth floor.

In the flowerpot on the windowsill of Chen Yang's office, there is a large oval egg. The egg is rusty yellow, and looks like an oval stone.

"Anyway, the boss said this is a secret weapon. I don't know how long it will be able to hatch."

"This is her office, it's so big."

"Yeah, I'm afraid you have to live here tonight, the boss will be home at night."

"I asked Old Han to bring his wife over and let her daughter-in-law accompany you."

"Thank you Brother Qiu."

"No, no, don't dare to be it." Qiu Bing waved his hand repeatedly.

"By the way, why is the person above so weird."

"I do not know either."

Qiu Bing whispered: "The boss said that I shouldn't mess with this person. This person can fly. He always stands on the rooftop. One stop is one day."

"And he didn't even eat any food, and he didn't even drink his saliva for several days."

"He can also fly?"

Yang Chan took a deep breath and seemed to be in the same way as Chen Yang.

"Sister-in-law, stay here at ease. If you have any instructions, you just need to tell the window. All the animals here will listen to you."

"Don't worry about someone coming over and asking for trouble. Whoever dares to come over will be looking for death."



At the same time, Qiu Bing called Chen Yang after he went downstairs.

"Boss, my sister-in-law is at the base safely, and I just took her around for a tour."

"Good job." Chen Yang's hanging heart was finally firm after receiving the news that Yang Chan had arrived at the base safely.

Once at the base, it is very safe.

Because he still left a lot of animals in the base, plus the ancient three links, there was little chance that Zhang Tingting wanted to capture Yang Chan.

"Well, there is one more thing you can do."

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "You send your No. 1 and Lao Han's No. 2 and the Lao Hei beside Chan'er to the airport to stare at Zhang Tingting."

"By the way, let the old black go find Jerry and Rat King, they know what Zhang Tingting looks like."

"At the same time, I asked Jerry and Lao Hei to keep an eye on Zhang Tingting. After I land, I need to know where she is."

"Okay, I will do it now."

"Also, don't be careless. After nightfall, let all the animals cheer up. As long as someone enters the base, they will be killed."


Qiu Bing hung up the phone in a hurry, and then immediately arranged for his mount No. 1 to find Lao Hei and then to Jerry and the Rat King.



At seven o'clock in the evening, Linbei Airport.

Zhang Tingting wrapped her shawl and stepped off the plane under the guidance of Mr. Jin, Mr. Huo and Mr. Tu.

And behind her are Zhan Tianxia and several other warriors.

After they got off the plane, they got directly into a few black Audi cars and drove out of the airport in a double flash!

However, what they didn't know was that they had been spotted by a group of animals from the moment they got off the plane.

There are crows in the sky, Jerry and Rat King and Jerry Rat King’s Rat Family Army on the ground.

Jerry and the Rat King are fighting for a hundred thousand because their master hasn't looked for them for many days, and it seems that they are not needed.

But now, the master finally has the order, so how dare they slack off? Must stare at that woman.

And Zhang Tingting, who was sitting in the car, was also listening to the phone.

The content on the phone was that the person who was sent to arrest Yang Chan had no news, he did not know his life or death, and there was no reply.

And Yang Chan was also connected to the breeding base in the development zone.

Zhang Tingting knew this was a failure.

Chen Yang also placed manpower beside Yang Chan.

"It's a vigilant little guy."

Zhang Tingting didn't care, she smiled and said, "Go directly to the base of the development zone. I have limited time and can't wait for Chen Yang to come back, so the time difference must be settled."