The Richest Man is The Village Doctor

Chapter 458: Torture Chen Yang

The scene of Chen Yang releasing the beasts was seen by the man in the green robe.

So... the man in Qingpao didn't look at Jiang Yuxue and Yang Chan who were in the distance.

His eyes have been fixed on Chen Yang.

He seemed to be smiling but not smiling, but his eyes revealed that this person is definitely a person who often kills.

"What magic weapon? Senior said..."


While Chen Yang was thinking about tactics and quibbling, suddenly, a huge breath enveloped him!

Chen Yang was horrified. Just when he was about to react, suddenly a hand appeared in front of him and pinched him in his hand with a light pinch!

That's right, only a thousandth of an instant, the man in the green robe 30 meters away grabbed him directly!

He was a phantom hand that was illusionated. When he pinched Chen Yang, Chen Yang instantly lost contact with Dongtian, his blood stagnated, and his whole person was instantly imprisoned!

Chen Yang only felt cold on the soles of his feet, and he had a feeling of scaring pee!

This particular person is definitely a powerful person in Sanxian!

How could I be so unlucky when I came across such a monster as soon as I came out?

At this moment, the man in Qingpao pointed out a finger, as if to point Chen Yang's forehead!

However, halfway through the probe, he raised his eyebrows and suddenly turned his body and slapped a palm out of thin air!

There was a "boom".

This palm was shot, and it was obviously the void, but suddenly there was a splash of water above the void, and a figure made of water appeared from the void!

She is a woman, her whole body is transparent, just a woman formed by a puddle of water!


When the man in Qingpao shouted wildly, he slapped it again!


The water man shattered in the trembling and turned into a drizzle falling down!

However, after falling to the ground, the water drops flowed towards the middle, as if to shrink into a human form again!


The Qingpao man took one step at this time and did not continue to kill.

And Chen Yang only felt dizzy, the opponent's quick step!

That's right, the Qingpao man was a thousand miles away from one step, and after a few breaths he was completely far away from the place where Yang Chan and the others crossed the calamity!

Chen Yang thought of various methods in his blurred palm, but... useless!

He couldn't even adjust the flame of his dantian.

Mind can't stimulate the technique of thunder.

Everything is imprisoned!

If the woman made of water hadn't appeared just now, he might have been pierced by this person at this time!

Chen Yang was horrified, his lips bite out blood.

He was very careful, and one accidentally suffered such bad luck!

He left, what will Chan'er do?

Who is that woman made of water? Will they attack them?

When Chen Yang thought of this, he suddenly roared!


Although he was here, there was no sound, and the man in the green robe didn't even look at him!

Five hours later, the man in Qingpao didn't know how far he had walked, or how many cities he passed by, and finally landed in a mountain!

In the mountains, there are endless palaces. In the palaces, there are some young monks wearing white clothes practicing swords, jumping in the mountains, and driving the fog!

Here, it seems to be a fairyland, and the people here also seem to be fairy, because they are really flying in the clouds, really driving the fog!

Seeing the man in the green robe flying over the palace, all the disciples gathered at the same time and bowed to salute!

"I have seen Master!"

The man in Qingpao did not speak, but stepped to the entrance of the Houshan cave!

The entrance of the cave was written with the words'Chengyuandong', and there was a child and a tiger outside the entrance. The child looked twelve or thirteen years old, and the tiger was ten feet long!

This is a tiger demon with a slave beast ring on his neck.

"Don't let anyone disturb Benxian!"


The boy and the tiger responded at the same time, and then guarded at the entrance of the cave.

The man in Qingpao carried Chen Yang into the cave!

The cave is not big, but very luxurious. The ground is covered with green jade, and there is a large white bearskin carpet under the innermost throne, and a huge tiger skin is spread on the throne.

There is a bed, a square table, books and oil lamps on the table.

After the Qingpao man sat on the seat, he looked at Chen Yang and said, "Resist, die, don't resist, live!"

With that said, he once again pointed at Chen Yang's forehead with his finger!

Chen Yang couldn't resist, so he could only fiercely, watching the other side point his finger on his forehead!


An extremely domineering spirit rushed into his mind.

Chen Yang only felt a sharp pain in his soul, and the pain made him feel that life is better than death.

Even at this moment, he wanted to die sooner, sooner, because he couldn't take it anymore.

However, at this moment, the man in Qingpao frowned: "Huh?"

He unexpectedly found nothing, including Chen Yang's memory, soul things, etc., nothing!

He saw Chen Yang's soul was just a cloud of fog!

"what happened?"

He once again rushed in with domineering spirit.

This time, Chen Yang's whole body even looked at Dan Tian and Yuan Ying.

However, when his spiritual thought passed, Chen Yang Yuanying's flame and Shennongding were gone.

He still didn't detect anything!

"Give me your cave, immortal!"

The Qingpao man said coldly.

Chen Yang rolled his eyes in pain at this time, his whole body was soaked with sweat, and he looked at the man in the green robe viciously and cursed, "Grass mud horse!"


The green-robed man raised his eyebrows fiercely, this little hard bone was repaired!

"It looks like you don't cry without seeing the coffin!"

As the man in the green robe said, he suddenly took out a golden rope from his spatial ring, and when he flicked the rope, he automatically bound Chen Yang!


He threw Chen Yang to the ground!

Chen Yang was overjoyed, the feeling of being imprisoned disappeared, and he could feel the sky, the system, and everything about the body again!

This man in the blue robe is very strong, and his imprisonment technique has actually imprisoned everything about Chen Yang!

"Come here."


The kid came in quickly!

"Take him into the Hades, and peel him first!"


The child seemed to be only twelve or thirteen years old, but he picked up Chen Yang with only one hand.

Then he walked out of the cave and threw Chen Yang on the tiger's back!

Chen Yang did not change anything at this time, because as long as the slightest change, the man in the green robe would know.

So he bears it!

Peel it? Come on, let's see if your brother Yang can stand it!

Naturally, at this time, Chen Yang was also ruthless, because he wanted to kill and destroy the door!

His anger has already burned.

When did his brother Yang suffer such a big loss? When was someone killed and skinned like a poor worm?

So he is full of revenge at this time!

Naturally, he also knows that he must become powerful, powerful, and super powerful!

He wants to step on the top of everyone's head, so that everyone can only see him in fear!

"A demon? The demon head can make people scared and scared!"

"Then, Lao Tzu is here to be the demon and destroy you Xuan Huang Tai Xu Tian!"

Chen Yang was quiet, without shouting or screaming, and was taken by the tiger and the boy into a dark, damp basement!

However, even if he entered the basement, Chen Yang did not change anything, because he had long felt that there was a divine consciousness always hanging over him!

So he was waiting, waiting for this moment of relaxation!