The Richest Man is The Village Doctor

Chapter 806: Big World and Small World

"The key to Changshengtai? There is a great destiny in Changshengtai?" Chen Yang understood the importance of the key.

The first law among the heavens is the law of destiny, so if there is a chance to get the law of destiny, then no one will let it go.

Competition is also inevitable.

At this time, the big toad continued to spread the voice: "It's just that the legend may have the law of great destiny, and it is also said that there is actually a godhead in the legend. There is also a map in the legend!"

"There are many versions of the legend, but no matter which version, as long as you can get 33 keys, you can enter the longevity platform and get the inheritance of the longevity platform."

"That's it, by the way, what's your name?"

"In response to the master, Xiao Nu Jin Wu Chi."

"Then which world are you from?"

"In fact, we are all in a big world." Jin Wuchi replied: "Master, you should be from the 33rd continent, right?"


"That is a big world! It's just that we are different planes of the gods."

"You talk about what's going on, I don't understand."

"That's it." Jin Wuchi thought for a while and said: "The vast and boundless universe contains many plane worlds, including big worlds and small worlds. According to legend, the entire universe has three thousand big worlds. And there are many small worlds in every big world!"

"We all belong to the Xuanhuang great world plane, but we are not in the same small world. Our small world is called the ‘Tianhai Realm’, and your small world is called the ‘Wild Realm’, because you have many savage beasts."

"All our small worlds have a gateway to the gate of longevity, and then they can enter here."

"That's it!"

Chen Yang was shocked. This was the first time he had a clear understanding of the structure of the entire world!

The so-called heavens, I am afraid, refer to the entire vast and boundless universe, and then the heavens are divided into three thousand planes, each of which contains many small worlds!

There should be gods, immortals, demons, demons, mortals and so on in every small world.

For example, the entire universe is like a country, and then this country has many equivalent provinces, and there are countless counties and cities under the same province.

Naturally, this analogy is not appropriate. It can also be compared to three thousand cages, and then there are layers of small cages inside the three thousand cages.

People, immortals, even gods, all live in small cages.

They practice, they practice against the sky, in fact, they are actually trying to jump out of this layer of cages, so that their destiny will not be controlled or manipulated!

Naturally, people living at the bottom will never know that they are living in a cage, because their cage is really big!

"Then is there a **** in your Tianhai small world?" Chen Yang asked again.

"No." Jin Wuchi shook his head and said, "It is said that God is dead long ago, and this new era is also the era of choosing a new God, and everyone is fighting for it!"

"Then what did you say to others about the lord?"

"That's the force of our allegiance, the realm of the Great Venerable, I am the little demon under his command!"

"How many great lords do you have in the Heavenly Sea Realm?"

"Like you, no less, just eight great lords!"

"Also eight?" Chen Yang wondered, why is it such a coincidence?

"Because Heaven will only allow people in a small world to appear eight nobles and one supreme realm, and one more person will not appear again, unless the eight nobles or the supreme die, and then someone will become a substitute for being promoted!"

"This is the rule!"

"Who made the rules?"

"I don't know, anyway, it is said that this is the case, generation after generation, no more than eight nobles!"

"Then do you have any enemies in the Heavenly Sea Realm? The enemy of our savage realm is Barbaric!"

"Naturally," Jin Wuchi replied, "Although we don't have wild beasts in the Heavenly Sea Realm, there are alien races, mainly the Sea Race, and the Sea Race has a demon veteran!"

"Sea Race?"

"Yes, it is also called the Sky Sea Monster Clan. Their Sky Sea Monster Clan can only live in the sea, and cannot survive after going out to the sea. Even the Sky Sea Monster Venerable cannot survive on the sea. Only when they reach the Supreme Realm can go out to sea."

"Then it's not an enemy, right? Don't your human races just go to the sea?" Chen Yang said.

"But there is a sea tide. Every three hundred and sixty-five years, there will be a high tide, and then the tide will appear. On the day of the tide, the Sky Sea Monster Race will enter the mainland and can survive for one day."

"And once they are given the holy water of Tianzun Mountain in our Tianhai Continent, they will transform into human beings, and then they can live amphibiously."

"So every three hundred and sixty-five years, there will be an ocean tide, large or small, and all the Tianhai monster tribes will desperately attack Tianzun Mountain, because they all want to drink a sip of Tianzun holy water."

"It turned out to be like this!" Chen Yang took a deep breath. There are wild beasts in the wild world, and the sky sea monster clan in the sky sea world!

The two are different in the same way.

But both small worlds are dominated by humans, and they both want to destroy humans, but there are many restrictions.

"The main purpose of your visit to the Longevity Portal this time is to grab the key?" Chen Yang asked again!

"Yes, the main task of our group is to **** the keys, and there are other people who want to get the treasure on the Thirty-Three Mountain!"

"What are the treasures in Thirty-Three Mountains?" Chen Yang asked curiously.

"I don't know the details, because the treasure hasn't really opened yet!"

"Isn't it turned on yet?"

"No, in time, we can only move around the periphery of Sansanshan Mountain, and only the peripheral organs are opened."

"When will it turn on?"

"It seems that we have to wait for eighteen years. Eighteen years later is the beginning of the day."

"At that time, people from all small worlds will swarm in."

"Then do you know Tianquan Mountain? Do you know the Shenshui of Tianquan Mountain?"

"I Jin Wuchi replied: "There is a stalactite-nipple cave in a secret place in Tianquan Mountain. Legend has it that there is a huge stalactite that will condense a drop every ten thousand years. Nitto drops, that is the so-called divine water, divine water can also increase life span, increase mana and realm cultivation. "

"Grass!" Chen Yang yelled. Why didn't he touch the stone bell cave?

"Then how far is it from Tianquan Mountain?"

"Very far..." Jin Wuchi thought for a while and said: "This is Sandaoling, in the northeast of Changshengdongtian, and Tianquan Mountain is in the southwest. We want to fly there, maybe it will take two or three years. Time, two or three years may not be there, because this spans the entire longevity cave."

Chen Yang was speechless for a while, and it would take more than three years to go to Tianquan Mountain? How did he feel that God was pitting him, teleporting him so far.

"By the way, has your Patriarch come in?"

"The Venerable can't come in!" Jin Wuchi smiled: "If the Venerable does not have a longevity order, he will die if he enters the eternal cave, so the venerables cannot enter temporarily unless they get the longevity order!"