The Richest Man is The Village Doctor

Chapter 998: To Taoyuan Town

"The news has leaked!"

Chen Yang, Yang Wanche, and Mo Long looked at each other. The three people in Taoyuan Town had a big secret, but now they have leaked the news.

So obviously Taoyuan Town must be very lively at this time, and masters are like clouds!

At this time, Chen Yang smiled bitterly: "As soon as the news is leaked, the old man in Taoyuan will definitely think that the three of us deliberately spread it out, so if the three of us go there again, the old man in Taoyuan will probably have to swallow our bones. ."

"It's not necessarily." Yang Wanche said with a smile: "Big brother, you pretended to be Zhou Yuhuang's person before, so he can't think that Zhou Yuhuang spread the news?"

"Yes, yes, he also doubts Zhou Yuhuang, right?" Mo Long also said.

Chen Yang thought for a while, the old man in Taoyuan was a super Dao ancestor, he probably wouldn't easily believe what others said.

Naturally, no matter who leaked the news, the old man in Taoyuan would definitely regard the three of them as enemies, so the three of them will definitely arouse his anger.

Naturally, Chen Yang now also wants to find someone to practice his skills, and the old man in Taoyuan is undoubtedly the best touchstone.

He has now cultivated two kinds of supernatural powers. Although his realm hasn't increased, he is not yet a second-rank Taoist ancestor, but his personal strength has increased a lot.

He is confident that when facing the old man in Taoyuan, he will never be as embarrassed as last time.

In addition, the realm of Yang Wanche and Moron has also risen by a large margin, and their strength has doubled compared with two years ago.

So after a brief discussion, the three decided to go to the Qiongzhi Forest in Taoyuan Town.

The fruit of destiny is even better than the stone of destiny. It can be said that the fruit of destiny has the hope that people can fulfill the law of destiny.

Even if the law of destiny cannot be fulfilled, there will still be some sense of the truth of destiny.

No matter how bad it is, you can change your fate against the sky, increase your luck, and maybe even more.

Therefore, the three Chen Yang also wanted to get the fruit of fate.

This time Chen Yang was also tempted.

Because you can increase your cultivation base and strength, why not grab it?

He is not a saint. Although he has no shortage of magic weapons and supernatural powers, he can strengthen himself. If he is strong, he can better protect his relatives and friends. He can also walk sideways wherever he goes, so it is good to be able to get nature.

The three hurried to the Taoyuan town.

After tens of thousands of miles from Taoyuan Town, the three gradually slowed down.

You know, there are not only old people in Taoyuan, but also Zhou Yuhuang and the Qingbeard monk.

These are their enemies. Once the enemies come up, or even join hands, then the three of them may not be able to retreat.

Therefore, the past must not be rash, and we must proceed with caution.

"Big brother, how about I go to check on the reality first?" Mo Long offered to offer: "I went over by myself, it may not be able to attract the attention of others!"

"No, they all know you, wouldn't you be more dangerous in the past?" Chen Yang flatly refused.

"It's okay, just change in disguise, look at me!" Mo Long said, suddenly his body shook, and then his whole body grew by two feet and became a tall giant.

His face also changed to another face, and finally he took out a bead and held it in his mouth, and then the body immediately showed a demon breath.

Chen Yang was taken aback, because Mo Long was completely different at this time, and even if he hadn't transformed in front of him, he would never recognize him.

Because even the breath has become a demon breath, not a human breath.

So who can know him?

"Well, it's all right now, right?"

"Brother, let him go, it's okay, Old Mo has this ability."

Chen Yang arched his hands and said: "Be careful!"

He no longer said more, and at the same time he sighed that every person who has become a Dao ancestor is actually not simple.

People can become the ancestor of Taoism, the ancestor of Taoism, and realize two Taoisms, so how can they be simple?

"Let's change our dress too." Chen Yang suggested: "If you can't be recognized either, we will split up!"


Yang Wanche laughed, and then he changed his appearance in an instant and became another person. Although there was no demon aura, it was not the same as before, and his appearance changed drastically.

At first glance, I really can't tell.

Chen Yang was amazed. This is the Taoist ancestor. Which one has no little secrets?

On the contrary, he has really few magical powers. After changing his appearance, he has no breath, and others can't distinguish his strength from weakness.

After the two changed, they waited for Moron to return.

And Mo Long went quickly, and came back quickly. He flew back before a stick of incense before and after, and then laughed: "I didn't see the old man Taoyuan, nor did I see Zhou Yuhuang and that guy."

"There are some other Dao ancestors, about a dozen, all of which are first-grade, and no second-grade exists."

Chen Yang nodded, the second-rank is really hard to find, because the three ways are not so easy to practice.

However, Zhou Yuhuang and the Green Beard monk would definitely come, maybe hiding in the dark, or maybe not yet.

As for the old man in Taoyuan, he should be in the depths of the Qiongzhi Forest. He is the landlord there, and he is probably guarding it there.

"In this way, the three of us act separately, pretending that we don't know each other, and we can win by surprise when necessary."

"Yes, just do it, let others think that we are all But when we really fight, the three of us teamed up instantly, and everyone got hit."

After the three discussed again, Mr. Mo Long took a step, and after an hour, Yang Wanche passed.

And Chen Yang waited until dark before it passed.

Taoyuan Town is still the same, with dozens of families and only one tavern.

The tavern is already overcrowded, but fortunately a lot of tables have been added.

When Chen Yang entered, he saw that Mo Long and Yang Wanche were both present, and they were both sitting alone at a table drinking alcohol.

There are other people inside, and they are all in the Dao Ancestral Realm. Some two people are sitting together, but most of them are alone.

There are no other people waiting here, because the Taoist level is not qualified to come in and drink.

On the street, or in the tea pavilion outside the town, there are some Taoist emperors, and there are also groups of them.

But there is no one in the tavern.

Chen Yang sat at a separate table and drank silently after asking for a pot of tea.

In fact, everyone here is paying attention to each other and paying attention to other people.

Everyone looked at him up and down, including when Chen Yang came in.

The tavern is quiet, no one communicates with each other, only the shopkeeper is busy with it.

This shop Xiaoer was him the last time he came, and this time he was still him, and he didn't look scared, he was stupid.

But this time Chen Yang felt that this shop's Xiaoer was absolutely different.

He can shuttle among the many Taoist ancestors, and he has a stable mentality and no fear. How can this be a simple shopkeeper?

He is an old man from Taoyuan.

Although the cultivation base is only in the realm of Dao Zong, this shop Xiaoer probably has a higher cultivation base.

He is definitely the eyeliner of the Taoyuan old man.

It's just...what are these Dao ancestors sitting here doing? It's getting dark.