The Righteous Player(s)

v1 Chapter 129: Purifier detection device

The notebook in Shisanxiang's hands has been filled with three pages of various information.

Although Shisanxiang didn't want to admit it in my heart.

But these things brought back by the Huskies did provide a lot of information and intelligence.

——And indeed very important.

"These foods and drinks are hot and almost intact. When it comes to the unusually small amount of tableware, it can be roughly speculated...When these people disappeared, everything that they came into contact with also disappeared. "

Shisanxiang let out a sigh of relief, put down the pen, turned the book to the beginning, and said: "Except for the seat, there is only one thing that did not disappear with their owner. That is the gold jewelry."

Husky's short-range memory is fairly stable.

He remembered very clearly—some of the gold rings were not picked up from the cabinet or drawer, but from the ground.

To be precise, it fell beside the seat.

If there are only one or two, it can be said to be accidental. It happened to fall by the chair.

But three gold rings fell on the chairs in different rooms, and one ring and one gold necklace fell on the beds in different rooms-this was not quite right. After all, it is gold jewelry, how can anyone just throw it away?

As long as you notice this detail, you can easily infer the truth. After these people disappeared, only these gold jewelry fell directly where they disappeared.

"The room we are in is room 203. The number of occupants in rooms 201 to 208 are one, four, Justus, three, three, two, four, and one.

"If'Frederick' is counted as the occupants of Room 203, then the number of occupants on both sides of the room is completely symmetrical with Room 204 and Room 205 as the center line."

The shape of the "base room" resembles a double-layer cake. After cutting off a small circle in the middle, everyone's room is shaped like a fan ring. And rooms 204 and 205 are just the two rooms closest to the door.

If the entire stronghold is cut open in a completely symmetrical manner, then after adding Frederick, it is exactly symmetrical.

"If it is some kind of mysterious ritual similar to Xiaochuan's apartment... then the layout of room 206 should be related to room 203."

Shisanxiang looked at the notes and read them carefully.

He quickly confirmed one thing.

"...In fact, only rooms 206 and 203 have no gold utensils or jewelry at all."


Annan murmured.

He opened his eyes thoughtfully.

After a long time, he sighed.

"I understand."

At least the way Pope Trisino arranged this nightmare, Annan has fully understood it.

Yau Feng Ge looked away from the forum in front of him, and looked at Annan, who was immersed in meditation and "with an invisible sight" watching Shisanxiang and the others.

"Gold... does it mean Mr. Yao's realm?"

As an apprentice of a ritual master who has learned some furs, Tasty Fengge asked Annan modestly.

Annan shook his head.

"The metal'gold' really symbolizes the sun and heralds'coloring'. Just like silver symbolizes the moon and'condensation'.

"But when gold exists as jewelry, it has another meaning."

Annan explained.

"The transformation wizards of Zedi Black Tower believe that they are not transforming one substance into another substance out of thin air. Rather, it transforms the old subject into a purer subject from a'newer and stronger' substance. This is also the reason why the transformation spell becomes more and more powerful once it runs...

"This is not snowballing. Otherwise, the weaker and weaker the transformation wizard should be, the greater the power and the more difficult it is to control. Instead, iteratively transforms the subject more and more towards purification... Then the closer to the end, the greater the resistance will be. Great. This resistance is not based on spells, but based on spirituality-that is, the resistance to finding the right route is higher than the wrong one.

"Spirituality will tend to the direction of lower pressure, just as the fluid will flow to the side with lower pressure. In the end, the conversion of the wrong path will ‘return to the origin’. That is, a [circulation] occurs."

In other words, the transformation spell will continue to cycle and its power will continue to grow...because it is actually going in the wrong direction.

That is to say, a sudden "diving" occurred on the transformant at a higher level of spirituality.

When Annan said this, he glanced at Thirteen Incense.

——During his explanation, Tasty Wind Goose was repeating frantically, and he relayed what Annan said as a barrage to Shisanxiang as a reference.

But it's no big deal to let him know.

"Since this kind of purification has branches and can circulate, it naturally has the most ultimate end... the most stressful end. It is the so-called ‘sage’s stone’, [things that cannot be changed and cannot be changed]."

It is the "perfect essence of all elements". Some imperfect things can be transformed into treasures of their own perfect form.

This is what Annan obtained from Salvatore, the inheritance knowledge of Zediheta.

It used to be a top secret that only the children of the tower could know. But after the inheritance of the Zedi Black Pagoda was interrupted by the spiritual monk, Salvatore hoped that it would have a chance to spread, so as not to lose this knowledge after his own accidental death that day.

According to Salvatore, the perfect sage stone cannot be manufactured artificially.

Unless everything is perfectly mixed together-because the sage's stone was "created" in the same way as the world.

If you want to get a true sage stone, you must let animals enter plants, let plants enter rocks, let rocks enter the atmosphere, let the atmosphere enter the flowing water, and let the flowing water enter the animals again. They will lose their original definition and become a mixture that encompasses the entire world in a way that cannot be classified.

From this point of view, the sage stone of the Hermetic school will never reach the "ultimate".

Because the sage stone of the Hermetic School uses materials that symbolize everything in the world, creating a "thing that cannot be classified." It can be said to be a "sample" of the sage's stone...or a "model".

"When the'golden jewelry' is placed in the'circle' that represents the cycle, what it replaces is no longer the'sun' or'purification', but a sign of the'sage's stone'."

Annan said slowly: "The locations you are in are obviously carefully arranged.

"With ‘circle’ representing the cycle, ‘symmetry’ representing the mirror image, and ‘golden jewelry’ representing the sage’s stone-creating this symmetrical, cyclical... gap between dreams and dreams.

"And as the mechanism to start this ritual, a ‘key’ is needed. That is the last step in creating symmetry..."

"……I understand."

Thirteen Fragrance's pupils shrank.

When he saw this, he finally realized: "Because room 203 is Justus's room, he is usually alone. And the real Frederick would never treat this as his own room... So in real history, this mechanism has not been triggered.

"Only when we, as the purifiers of the nightmare, enter this nightmare from the future...because we have replaced'Frederick' without the memory of Frederick, we will enter this instance at the moment~ immediately caused the mechanism to be triggered.

"That's why those foods are warm and fresh! Because they have just disappeared...or rather, we have just entered the dream state."

Frederick’s dream and the nightmare they had just entered are completely coincident at the beginning!

The moment the player playing "Frederick" entered the instance, the mechanism was triggered and the dream of "Frederick" was switched to the position of "the gap between dreams and dreams".

——In other words, this is actually an organ ritual designed to detect "whether a purifier has entered this nightmare"!

As long as this period of history becomes a nightmare and a purifier enters, they will be thrown directly into the designed dream. They can't escape... can't enter the real history.

And Frederick himself, shouldn't have dreamed of this at all!

... Trisino, has it even predicted that this place may become a nightmare and be purified and peeped in the future?

Thirteen Fragrant's back is chilling.

Annan's eyes were bright.

Pure ritual-can it be done to such an extent?

Even a period of consciousness coming back in the future can be detected and sealed. Keep them out of the real history...

"...So, is there a fourth floor?"

"Sure enough, there is a fourth floor."

Annan and Shisanxiang said in unison.

That is, Justus "Death" and "Frederick" became the superficial world of Professor Wolf...

——The real historical node.

At the next moment, a new main mission appeared in front of Shisanxiang and Husky:

[Main task: Back to the real history]

[Break out of the third layer of dreams]

[Break out of the second layer of dreams]

[Break out of the first layer of dreams]