The Righteous Player(s)

v1 Chapter 167: Contact with Taboo Northland Nobles

"It seems that the news on the Principality of Winter is not very well informed."

Annan couldn't help but laughed, "They should know that I have an extra silver necklace after a little investigation."

That kind of look doesn't look good.

It can only be a bearer.

These assassins must think that they are still a ritualist.

It was specially selected for the assassination in the Fourth Exhausted Collection, precisely because this is the site of Vasika.

Although Annan does not have a deep grasp of the occult knowledge.

But he also knew...It was almost impossible to use the power of ritual on the ritual field of another ritual master.

This is like a program that has no comments but is written very green, and only the person involved can understand it.

If you try to directly insert a piece of code written by yourself... it will inevitably make infinite jumps.

The stronger the personal style and the stronger the ritualist, the more so.

In their ceremonial field, all other ceremonial ceremonies will be excluded.

For example, the "cat's heel" seen by Annan.

In popular ceremonies, "cat heels" usually herald "silent steps" and "dead life of the prey."

But because Vasika “used a fusion card” with a female cat, she almost shouted Big Brother... This directly led to the meaning of “cat’s heel” in her ceremonial venue. Sika stands here".

Vasika can then be teleported to any position of the cat's heel in the hall; it can also directly cause damage to the enemy in the air, as if she was standing there.

There are many cases of this type.

Under certain circumstances, the inner meaning of something will naturally change...Typical examples are weddings and funerals.

For the convenience of the owner of the ceremonial venue, the definition of "ceremonial pointer" will be revised. For example, for ceremonies that require special external conditions, starlight in a special location, or a special date and special state to complete, this inconvenient element can be replaced by substitutes in the ceremony venue Drop.

And this substitute can no longer be used as the content of other rituals. Any universal ritual involving this guideline will inevitably be impossible to succeed...The failure of the ritual brings either death or disability.

"But... aren't they afraid of you?"

Annan didn't understand.

Although I can't use rituals here, can Vasika be here?

Did they send the silver rank assassins to give away their heads?

Or... they think the ritual ability to seal Annan is more important than the ritual ability to seal Vasika?

"You don't understand, they are planning to kill me together."

Vasika sneered.

If outsiders do not fully understand all the elements in the ritual field, they cannot use the ritual in the ritual field. Similarly, the best way to kill a ritual master is to manipulate his ritual field.

"I found out as soon as I entered the door today. Although the collection itself has not been moved, the positions of a few vases have been quietly moved. I have a ritual pointer, which is the sailor's eyes with thirty-three years of sailing experience. It was replaced with human eyes of the same color; I also missed a bottle of "black cat's footsteps", the reserved footsteps have been secretly released...that's why I lost my footsteps.

"Their purpose is obviously to hope that I will fail in the ritual against them. Afterwards, sabotaging the wizard will cause an explosion, which can be planted to the point that the explosion was caused by the failure of my ritual."

Vasika snorted: "But they thought... this kind of trap could kill me?

"A group of stupid people. I walked farther on the road of the ceremony than they combined. As early as the moment I walked in, I had noticed that the layout of the interior hall had been changed...

"[Fool's Eye] opened before I entered the door, but it only opened its eyes when someone approached it; [Cat Haze] has an unusually high frequency of scrolling, which means that there is a [cat] in the room. The cursive material of the elements has been out of balance... and I have placed them to the point of complete balance. So many holes are left behind."

Catwoman sneered: "Only the reckless men of the Northland Alliance can be so stupid.

"Their territory has been invaded by the gray fog, and the distance is reduced by more than ten meters every year.

"In other countries, this may not be a big deal."

Vasika glanced at the three assassins who had lost consciousness, and explained in a cold voice: "But our winter city is protected by the temperature-controlled barrier of the small barrier. The city closest to the edge of the large barrier.' Watch Fortress', has begun a large-scale relocation inland... Because when the large enchantment is close to the small enchantment that protects the city, the small enchantment that only provides heat preservation will be immediately beaten by the large enchantment that can intercept the curse. broken.

"The wind blows in-this means the complete demise of a city. Other cities will be pressured by the refugees from the North.

"According to the current data, it is estimated that the cities protected by small barriers in the six provinces of the Northland will be in contact with the large barrier in May next year at the earliest, and the latest one will also be in contact with the large barrier within five years. Among them, the Watch Fortress is located. In Wrangel Province, there will be a second city in contact with the Great Enchantment in the third year.

"This means that within five years, there will be seven cities in the six provinces of the Northland. This will directly lead to an increase in the number of refugees, a decline in stability, and a sharp decline in taxation and power. And there will be nobles and officials in seven cities losing their money. status……"

"……I understand."

Annan nodded and interrupted Vasika's narration in a low voice.

He had already fully understood why these people were connected and wanted to grab power in such a panic and rush. Even anxious to the extent of being a little confused.

Although the chaos of losing seven cities will only erupt completely in five years.

But the nobles of those seven cities are not stupid—even if they are really, the scholars who are raised by them are not stupid.

They will naturally explain to their master that their happy life in the place will only last for less than five years.

When the Great Enchantment shrinks, they will immediately lose their power, population, land... and everything.

The nobles in the interior would only gloat over misfortunes, or be bored with the chaos brought by them. It is impossible to separate their fiefdom and authority.


They can get more.

For example, an entire principality.

"But within them, they are still fragmented. Although all the six provinces of the Northland are in the northern part of Frost-speaking Province, there are commercial districts that are more south, and some are more north... The more south, the greater the barrier. The greater the survivability under the condition of constant contraction."

Catwoman said leisurely: "After all, no one knows how long this contraction will last. So the big nobles in the southern core of the territory, and the little nobles whose own territory is safer, are not very panic... or even gloat. . And the six or seven city-states that are the farthest to the north are already in a hurry to start jumping."

She shook her tail and put it on the table-Annan realized that Vasika actually had a very long tail.

Vasika said with deep meaning: "In order to keep her power. These dull and stupid nobles are willing to try any taboos.

"The assassination of the heir of the Grand Duke is one of its kind, the communication between the Winter Adversary and the Icebreaker is also one, and the stealing of military frost beasts self-developed is also one...

"And, dare to try the power of the devil. It's reasonable."

"The power of the devil?"

Annan frowned: "You mean the path of depravity?"

"There are. But only part of it."

Vasika replied briefly: "I mean curse power."