The Righteous Player(s)

v1 Chapter 19: Ritual: Sniffing the Mysterious Door

Sniffing the moonlight with blood, you can see the afterimage of the mysterious walking in the world. But if you want to follow the path, you must first determine the three paths of seeking knowledge, seeking death, and solving liberation]. "

Nefertari chanted in a low voice the mysterious knowledge used in the opening ceremony: "I offer the ‘knowing thing’ to open the door of mystery——"

As her whispers sounded.

The ritual called "Sniffing the Mysterious Door" has already been accurately activated by it.

The breath from the mysterious lady emerged on the ceremony field.

In front of Nefertari's eyes, the heavens and stars appeared in a trance.

They are moving thousands of times faster in front of Nefertari's eyes in mysterious trajectories...Just trying to see those trajectories clearly makes Nefertari feel a headache.

Of course she knew that this was the influence of the "gravitation of the stars".

A high-level influence belonging to the mysterious realm-if left alone, it may fall into a very difficult nightmare.

The simple little ceremony she held naturally did not call for the will of righteous gods. But just the breath is enough to bring about a corresponding impact.

Influence is the residue of power.

This is the test given by the righteous **** to the users of the ceremony, and it is also a blessing to the capable.

The three "true knowledge insects" slowly stopped their swaying bodies.

Through the three lights of the topaz, Zhenzhi insect was gradually dyed into a clear color like moonlight.

Nefertari opened his right index finger with an iron dagger.

She squeezed a drop of blood and dripped it on the head of one of the true worms.

"First, [The Secret Eye is a real organization];

"Secondly, [the hidden eye does not exist];

"My three, [The Secret Eye can be said to exist or it can be said to not exist]."

After she gave three options.

The true worm that was stained red with blood slowly crawled towards the citrine at ten o'clock.

This means that the answer is three.

As expected.

Nefertari nodded silently.

She squeezed a drop of blood again and asked:

"First, [The Secret Eye has another name, and the ‘Secret Eye’ itself is just a synonym for it];

"First, [The Secret Eye is not an organization, but something else];

"Third, [The Secret Eye no longer exists, and those who bear its name are not the orthodox heirs]."

These are the three possibilities she came up with.

In this ritual, you can consume a true knowledge insect to ask a three-choice answer, and you can ask a question three times in a row-but although it is a three-choice one, it can actually give four answers, or countless answers. . Because if all three options are clearly wrong, the worm will stay there.

With the established "three", countless possibilities are hidden.

This is also the concept of "mystery" that the mysterious lady upholds——

This time the worm crawled towards the six o'clock direction, and finally hesitantly crawled towards the light in the two o'clock direction.

This means that the answer is the first one, but it may be a bit different from the second one.

Since it is a vest, there is no need to continue to question its identity...Since it comes with a vest, it must not be so easy to take off.

So Nefertari continued to narrow the scope of the problem:

"First, [The Secret Eye came here to take away my or my friend’s property];

"Secondly, [If the Secret Eye is not to take away the property of me and my friend, then what the Secret Eye will do may endanger our lives];

"Third, [In the case that the Secret Eye does not meet the above two possibilities, it is now trustworthy or temporarily trustworthy.]"

Because I can only ask another question about this, Nefertari adopted this tricky method.

She combined two similar answers together-although there are three options, there are actually six possibilities hidden.

Because of the large amount of information, the worm hesitated this time, obviously confused.

It thought for a while.

He hesitantly circled the ceremonial circle again, and finally slowly climbed up to the ten o'clock direction.

Nefertari breathed a sigh of relief when Zhenzhi insect gave the third answer.

"Friends but not enemies, Niussel."

Nefertari summed up his friends around him: "The other party may be a subordinate of a certain organization or some big boss, who came over with a name. But the organization itself can be assured for now.

"Oh...Also, you can talk."

After three inquiries, the ceremony has ended automatically.

It seems that they will not offend this ancient and mysterious organization for the time being.

If the opponent came for the purpose of asking for money or life, then even if they were only "temporarily harmless", they still could not reassure Nefertari.

But in the third answer, the first two may be excluded. Only in this way can Nefertari be friendly to him.

"It's a hidden eye, it's really hidden."

Niussel sighed.

Nefertari frowned, muttering in a low voice, "It's weird..."

... But since their purpose here is not to ask for money or life, and to be trustworthy, why would Zhenzhi Chong hesitate in the end?

Nefertari was a little confused.

This self-proclaimed "Secret Eye" organization does not covet our property, and what they do will not endanger anyone's life.

Under this premise, it should be very trustworthy-because there is no conflict of interest at all.

But why does Zhenzhi Chong think that the other party may not be trusted?

Forget it, no matter.

Just act according to the content of the question, don't swing around.

Nefertari made up his mind.

"Are they waiting at your house now?"

She sensibly and in great detail said: "Then gives the'Secret Eye' the second level permission, except for the forbidden area and my house, they can pass anywhere... but Don't tell them the matter itself. Bring some snacks and small gifts to sympathize with them, as a reward for not saying goodbye, and as compensation for you to find me to test them-don't tell them about this later.

"There are two girls among them? Then you bring them an agate necklace and a yellow sapphire ring from my dressing table, which are those two made of silver..., and then bring the young man a sapphire and silver brooch, See if they dare to wear it. Come back and tell me the news.

"Then place them near your home and find them two houses next to each other. Take a look at how they live, and come back and tell me the house allocation... well, that's all."

"Anything else? I wrote it down."

Niussel responded.

Nefertari thought for a moment: "Wait a minute, there is one more thing—"

She squinted her eyes.

"Give them the'key'."

she says.

"Although it is unlikely to really solve the nightmare for us, but... just in case, right?"

"Leave it to me, Nephi."

Niussel was like a big loyal dog, nodding his head repeatedly: "I wrote it down! I will do it!"

Seeing him hurried away with things, Nefertari smiled helplessly.

And above them.

Annan, who became "Gilandaio", has already found his next goal.

A spiritual thief who tried to steal the "curiosity" of Annan, a foreign traveler.

She is a werewolf.

What caught Annan's attention was that she and "Bella" looked...somewhat similar.

Chapter 2, the update is complete!

Please~ tickets~~

(End of this chapter)