The Righteous Player(s)

v2 Chapter 160: "Father of Stone" Pelicrito

   That was the story that Yaon himself told Annan when Annan found Yaon.

  The purpose is to warn Annan that the "sublimation ceremony" is not absolute.

   At that time, Shifu, who was still a mortal, was an ordinary bishop of Yaon. His sculpture level had surpassed Yaon in silence.

   At that time, he was called "Bali Creto". He was born in the Tower of Thousand Faces, and he decided to embark on the road of art when he was nearly 30 years old.

   But the art industry... is really talented.

   At the moment when "Belicrito" decided to embark on the road of sculpture art, the book of truth "Soul in the Stone" began to appear in the world.

  Belikrito himself was of course selected by the book of truth.

   The book of truth, the ritual used to show the "fragmented chapter", is actually a kind of artistic competition-that is, the two sides are gambling on a certain theme and creating sculptures or buildings at the same time.

   Finally, look at the results of the battle between the two sides to incubate the fragments of truth, and decide where it belongs and where to stay.

   Although Shifu was completely unknown at the time...but he was obsessed with art and he was really talented.

  -Twenty years later, when "Soul in the Stone" fully appeared, the level of sculpture of Pericritto had even surpassed that of Javon.

   He has become the bishop of Yaon more than ten years ago.

   just because he is not short of money or power. Therefore, he did not continue to be promoted at all...He did not exhibit his sculptures, but became a well-known "architect".

   It seems that Pelecritto is already pretty sure.

   But it is not.

  Because of the same period of Belicrito, there is a person who is not good at sculpture, but is very strong in PVP. He cannot be considered the weakest among all the candidates, but he is also at the middle and lower level.

   Although his level is not good.

   But he is really good at playing.

   So he uses the name of "gambling and fighting" to kill the other party before the other party has created the sculpture after agreeing on the theme of the sculpture. Even if it is an extraordinary person of the golden rank, he can kill the other party forcibly.

   Then he moved the corpse in front of him, used his finished product to fight the opponent's unfinished product, and completed the ceremony with this unilateral victory.

  Belikrito didn't even know about it.

   He didn't even know that he had surpassed Yaon, or that he was chosen by the book of truth.

  He is fascinated by the sculpture industry, too lazy to improve his strength, and has no time to collect the book of truth...

   So, although he is also a transcendent, he has just reached the silver rank.

   And his competitors encountered obstacles at this time:

   Although he has collected eight pages of the book of truth, he has already completed the sublimation long enough; his last enemy has not even reached the golden rank and cannot be regarded as his enemy.

   Another problem is that although "Bali Creto" is not well-known, he is known for his large number of works. He has ready-made works for almost any subject of gambling...This form of killing the opponent first is not reliable.

   So the opponent of Pericles thought for a long time-he thought it was unreasonable and dangerous to bet against Pericles.

   He decided not to bet against Palicrito, but to soar directly.

   But in the five conditions of the sublimation ceremony, except for "the highest crown", he has met all the other conditions.

   But only then did he realize that... It was Pelekritto who possessed the crown of "King of Architecture and Sculpture"!

   Then what should he do?

  ——He finally decided to kill Pelicrito directly.

   Do not hold a "gambling ritual" with the other party.

   but kill it directly!

   Just like the last fool on the test is diarrhea, the second to last will automatically be reduced to the first to last... As long as the person who is ranked first is killed, he will meet the requirements for summoning the crown block.

  ——Because he had already killed the second to sixth.

   But he didn't know... Jaweng had been eyeing him a long time ago.

   Although he is also the bishop of Yaon, or even the cardinal of Yaon.

   But he didn't want to improve his own level, but instead used this method of "preventing the first person from taking the exam"... really angered Yaon.

   Maybe the other righteous gods besides Mr. Yao will not care about this kind of nosy.

   But Yaweng is different. This old pigeon is already known for its perverse character.

   This seems to be an infighting in his own house, but Yaon still takes the shot.

   Yaweng did not use the same method to kill that person.

   He just saved Shifu's soul. And decided to secretly transform the dead Shifu into an apostle after the other party's sublimation ceremony began.

  ——This is actually Yaon’s last forgiveness for that person.

  Because he has no opponents in this period of time.

  He can hold rituals and ascend at any time-before that, he has a lot of time to improve himself.

   All his enemies are dead and clean.

   And dead people will not improve themselves.

   Even if his talents are worse, but the others are still, only he survives...In this case, he can actually become the true "world number one" sooner or later.

   He doesn't even have to surpass the level of sculpture that Pelicritona is already stronger than Javon. As long as he can surpass the level of the next level of architecture of Belicrito, he can be regarded as a "supreme crown."

   After all, "the highest crown" is only a mortal.

   It is actually not difficult to take.

  -but that person didn't.

   The day after he killed Polycrito, he could not wait to hold the ascension ceremony.

   And after he didn't hesitate to take the crane and enter the Light Realm, Javon sneered directly and resurrected Pelicrito as an apostle.

   Then there was a big problem.

  Because of the resurrection of Pelicrito, that opponent automatically lost his crown. After he was disqualified, he still didn't know it, and was directly burned by the fountain of light until his soul was scattered.

   The book of truth, which was almost completely formed, was broken again due to the failure of the ritual.

   But Bericritto, who became an apostle, certainly has no elemental power-he was just silver before.

   However, Yaon dragged Periclet to the church country on the spot, asked Suifu to borrow some sage stone, and personally sent Periclet to the door of the light world.

  Belikrito originally had a page of truth in his body that hadn't been activated... he entered the light world with this page and successfully sublimated into a god.

That is to say... if a saint inherits the sacred bones and obtains the true sage stone, then he can directly enter the light world as long as he believes in a righteous **** as a beacon; or like Elei , Has become an apostle, and although the power of the element has not yet awakened, but has obtained the book of truth... You can also skip the stage of accumulating elements and become a **** directly.

   Annan also quickly realized.

   in the five conditions of the sublimation ceremony.

   The "four wheels of rotation" are the source of the gods' infinite power and eternal life; the "work of creation" and "the supreme crown" are the fundamental requirements for the gods to enter the light world and use the fountain of light to reshape their bodies.

   The "prototype of truth" is an invitation to knock on the door of the light world. When sublimating, it will automatically select two of the pages to become a priest.

This purpose is to prevent "the overlapping of the priesthood" and "multiple gods mastering the same priesthood" from happening, so as to avoid the war of gods to the greatest why the gods cannot obtain the complete book of truth after the completion of the sublimation ability.

  Because that was originally a key. It is to prevent someone from failing to pass the crown block and rushing to the light world by themselves-to verify that the other party is indeed qualified to become a god.

   As for the last "perfect essence of the element", it is the least important thing. It is because the “crane” currently operating automatically does not have backup energy, so passengers have to sublime to the light world at their own expense...

  Here, the second and third are actually the necessary conditions-if you don't meet these two conditions, you will never become a god.

   Even if it is sent directly to the Light Realm by the crane, and the door of the Light Realm is opened with the Book of Truth or the sacred bones, it is impossible to obtain the **** body and authority.

   The lack of "four rounds of rotation" does not mean that you cannot become a god-at best, you will become a **** who has a longevity and is not so strong.

   is missing the "prototype of truth". The biggest problem is that even if it is delivered to a place, it cannot be entered. Then only need a fake key... For example, the sacred bones can actually get in.

  The "perfect essence of the element" can be directly replaced by the sage's stone.

In fact, the original sublimation did not have such precise requirements. The crane can accurately transport talents to the only after the death of the crane...In order to prevent any bugs in the world, so the crane With the last energy, the sublimation ceremony was locked and the crown block was changed to automatic transmission.

  In other words, all requirements must be met before the crane will appear, which saves energy to the greatest extent.

   The reason why Annan’s ceremony is the most troublesome... is that it is not as simple as "the crane meets the conditions and send him to the light world", but directly transfers the control of the "crane" itself.

  ——Annan needs to send himself to the Light Realm!

   And as long as Annan ascends into the light world, regains authority...

  His six hundred apostles, as long as there are players who can meet the two conditions of "creative work" and "supreme crown", Annan can skip other needs and directly promote him to be a little god!

   There is no need for the power of the awakening element at all!

   Following this line of thought, Annan thought for a while.

   Then he discovered a fact in shock.

   If this is the case...

   I am afraid that the first player to become a **** will be...




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