The Righteous Player(s)

v2 Chapter 76: I am his accomplice

"...Why do you want to achieve this level?"

   Salvatore lowered his eyes.

   His voice seemed a little choked: "Even if... I will still follow the path of your teacher."

   In the blazing sea of ​​fire, Salvatore felt his chest tightened by invisible force and his nose a little sore.

   He deeply felt his powerlessness.

   At that moment, he seemed to have returned to his childhood.

   He stood in front of his grandfather's hospital bed, watching his grandfather dying helplessly, but he could do nothing.

   He has no way to relieve his grandfather’s pain, nor can he cure his grandfather’s illness. He can only try to wipe his grandfather sweat with a wet towel, other than that, all he can do is company.

   watched the arrival of death quietly, don't avoid, don't flee.

   just watched quietly, the fire of life gradually extinguished...

   It is not the sudden transition between the state of "life" and "death" that comes as it is when you are attacked or killed by someone.

   Death is like layer after layer of veil, falling from the sky, gradually covering people. I don't know when I can be surprised that the body has already turned into a temperatureless, hollow pupa shell.

   Salvatore didn’t even know the exact time when his grandfather died—his grandfather had almost lost consciousness in the early morning. But he still hasn't died.

  Because even his own fingers have become cold due to constant contact with water...He can't realize when Grandpa's body started to get cold.

   In the end, he was still at the sunset, when the dim sunset light shone on Grandpa's bloodless face, he realized with hindsight... I don't know when, Grandpa was already dead.

   At that time, Salvatore was less than ten years old, and he still didn't understand what death meant.

   But he remembered deeply the feeling of being powerless in the face of the pain of others.

   This is the original motivation that pushed Salvatore onto the wizarding road.

"If I just watched you die like this, and didn't do would violate my deepest desires. I think this will definitely hinder me when I advance to gold... You definitely don't want it, right? ?"

   Salvatore said softly, "So, can you tell me? I just want to know-why do you want to do this?"

   Even if it is also death.

   However, even the soul is ignited, the body is cracked due to the high temperature, and flames are drilled in the cracks... and dying peacefully and peacefully surrounded by people are two completely different situations.

  ——In the most awake situation, watching myself being burned to ashes alive.

   The vitality of a golden rank transcendent can make him not die immediately even if he is burnt half of his body. He can also have a clear mind and ability to cast spells-and he clearly has a way to stop his suffering.

   You can do it whether you end your life immediately or put out the fire.

   However, I watched the flame slowly burn myself to death... This is undoubtedly the most painful punishment.

   If the world really has hell, this is the torture that only people with serious sins can bear.

   But Hugo is a great person.

   Hugo has devoted all his talents and energy to helping others since he was a teenager.

   Even a villain like Bernardino, Hugo can wholeheartedly help him solve his difficulties and become friends with him. During the period when Hugo became the lord of the tower, he did not know how many inventions he created and optimized, which brought great convenience to people and greatly improved the lives of millions of mortals.

   And he himself has taught many outstanding students, all of whom are trying their best to help others in their respective fields. If this can be regarded as Hugo's feat, Hugo can be said to be the "best person" in the world.

  ... But why should such a good person suffer such pain at the end of his life?

   "—— Thrall."

   Hugo, who has collapsed in half, is still not dead.

   His right arm collapsed from his shoulder, and the youthful youthful face was hard to lose water and became old, and his head centered on his right eye collapsed inward.

Inside    is a looming dark red fire, and the collapsed face has turned into gray ashes.

   "When I was young, I was on the streets of the United Kingdom and saw two old gentlemen who were probably acquainted with each other. I didn't know what caused a duel."

He looked at Salvatore with that kind of broken and asymmetrical body. Without moving his lips, he made an unusually dry and rough voice: "They are all extraordinary... although the ranks are not high. , They are all bronze ranks, but they are indeed extraordinary."

   Bronze rank transcendents, if the erosion degree is not so high, the body is much better than ordinary people of the same age. Because after all, their physique is different from that of mortals

   "They were probably really angry at that time-they tried their best to raise their swords and attack each other with the sword skills they used to be good at.

"But because their bodies have become bloated and aging, they haven't touched their weapons for a long time, and their movements are deformed to a comical level. Because the swordsmanship is too ugly, not only can't attack the enemy correctly, but they almost cut several times. Myself... Even a person who has never used a sword before, just holding a sword and slashing in the past or even patting the past, is much more useful than this kind of fancy and ugly swordsmanship.

  "Finally, the two old men were stopped by their children before they had a victory or defeat. One of them sprained his waist and the other lost his breath. The people around them laughed at their funnyness and watched them with relish.

"But I feel sad for them. I can see that they were indeed masters of swordsmanship—or at least they had learned swordsmanship seriously. However, they weren't swordsmanship for the elderly, and their bodies became aging. At that time, these experiences actually harmed them.

"Who is wrong? I think there should be nothing wrong with swordsmanship and human beings, but the problem is also not because of'aging', but because of unawareness-wrong experience is even more deadly than lack of this experience. Only the most fatal mistakes can break their old self-confidence and wake them up... the times have changed, not the same as in the past.

   "But how much does it cost? How many misjudgments will there be?"

   Hugo calmly recounted the scene he saw when he was young.

   For his splendid life as a wizard tower master and a golden-level transcendent...this should have been a very short episode.

   But Hugo remembered it all his life.

   "I have known from that time that the experience brought by the years is not entirely beneficial. When I leave the front line, it means that the judgments I made using the old experience may be wrong at any time.

   "I thought Bernardino would not do anything unusual about Zediheta because of my friendship with him... so I let him in.

   "But I was I was still wrong."

   Hugo sighed.

   just made this action, and his chin fell off as a result.

   ignited in the air and turned into ashes.

   The red and black boy is like a burnt firewood... it turns into gray embers from the inside out.

   "I thought...I was already vigilant enough about it. I have been wary of having wrong and old experience since a long time ago. But I still failed."

   "Your classmates, mentors... they died because of my wrong judgment."

   After the destruction of the old black tower, although Hugo did not say anything. But he has always regarded it as his responsibility in his heart.

"It was I who rescued Bernardino from the Tower of Hei Yao... It was also the magic that I was teaching him and the principles of life; I let him go and let him pursue the freedom of life; it was also my nostalgia. , And finally put him back.

   "This is indeed Bernardino's crime... but I am his accomplice."

   At this time, Hugo's face had become extremely old.

   He lost his eyes, and his pupils were burning with dim, gem-like flames. His skin was dry due to loss of water, and the wrinkles on his face were more and deeper than Bernardino.

  Hugo, who had become an old man, made a dry and hoarse voice, the same as that of the spiritual monk Bernardino: "I... can't forget.

   "I will never forget."