The Rise of Iceland

v2 Chapter 1: Overseas visitors

     Julian calendar November 20, 1627

   It has been more than 20 days since Hadar led the people of Iceland to Vinland. The walls of Hadar Manor have been increasing and becoming stronger. There are more and more Icelandic-style long houses in the manor, and at the same time they are becoming more stable.

  Hadar and other big and small leaders take most of the men to train and go hunting every day, while Yot takes the remaining men and women to fish and pick pine nuts, hazelnuts and other nuts before the harsh winter.

   When Hadar and his party came to Vinland, the food they brought was limited. If they sat in the mountains, even if they had eaten all the animals, they would have nothing to eat after the winter.

   So since they settled in the waterfall valley named by Hadar, people in Iceland have been trying hard to get food every day. Except for daily consumption, the rest is salted and dried in coarse salt for storage.

   Originally, the children had to do some work for the manor, but Olaf wanted to teach children knowledge, so in the past ten days, more than 20 children of the manor have followed Olaf to learn words, listen to stories, and play games.

Whether it is these children or adults such as Hadar, they don’t understand why Olaf takes the younger generation to play every day, but Hadar, Yot, Hoskard and others trust Olaf. After many events, they all No longer treating Olaf as a child, so their unanimous opinion is that Olaf must have a different meaning, so he let him do it.

In fact, Olaf did have many goals. He felt that since he came to the Americas in the age of great voyages, he could not let go of the opportunity to colonize the Americas. Taking advantage of the fact that Britain has not focused on colonizing North America, his father and son may be able to work hard for decades. Cessation of land and founding of the country will also be a figure in the history of the future.

For the future, Hadar Manor must constantly recruit white people from Europe. As the number of white people from all over the world increases, and as the number of savages slaves increases, Olaf feels that it is the most important to help his father and control the manor. Good candidates are the villagers who also moved from Herut Village.

   These children and adolescents will be able to grow up in less than ten years. Now I teach them more culture and brainwash them with loyalty thinking. In the future, they will be their own team.

Olaf buried his ambitions and thoughts deeply, using loyal stories and team building activities to slowly unite the children in the manor with him. He is ready to let Heine and Kadir have time to train these children. Fighting skills and knowledge that can only be contacted at the noble level of the leader help them to enhance their vision, increase the upper limit of their abilities, and lay the foundation for their future management of the manor.

The current status and property of European countries are implemented in accordance with the biblical eldest son inheritance system, but in some countries daughters can also inherit, but in Northern Europe such as Iceland, the eldest son inherits, and the second son can only get a little bit of poor inheritance and then make a living. road.

   Olaf is now starting to lay out his confidantes, so that in the future, if his father's estate wealth is passed on to his eldest brother Ulav, someone under his own can lay down another place.

   If Hadard lives for a few more years, and when Olaf grows up, he will confidently support him in establishing a new colony with his father. This will also require manpower.

   The children of Hadar Manor are the confidants of the future Olaf.

In addition to colonizing Vinland and even North America, Olaf actually wanted to wait until he had the strength to plan ahead of time in the future European Thirty Years War, the Seven Years War in the Great Northern War, the Portuguese War of Independence and other battles in advance to take advantage. Smooth, maybe Olaf will be able to surpass his father's achievements in his lifetime.

   Early in the morning on the 20th, Hadar took six people including Kadir and Hoskud to hunt, leaving Yot and Heine at home.

In the morning, Olaf was telling the more than 20 boys in front of him that loyal people can enter the Hall of Valor and Ascend to Heaven. At the same time, he explained a few stories of loyalty, both ancient and modern, both at home and abroad. Suddenly, he heard the sound of drums on the watchtower of the manor not far away. When it sounded, he frowned and walked out quickly.

  Western drums do not have a timekeeping function, so there is no Drum Tower Bell Tower, but Western drums are used in the military, and drum beats control the marching speed and have a warning effect.

   The drum of Hadar Manor is the only snare drum brought, and it is placed on the watchtower to remind everyone if there is an enemy attack.

   Since the establishment of Hadar Manor, this is the first time the snare drum has been sounded.

Olaf knew that his father went out a few days ago and came back and said that there was an Indian tribe on the Great Falls Plateau on the upper reaches of the waterfall a dozen miles south of the camp. This was the only savage tribe they found around after they approached quietly, and this tribe The population is about four to five hundred people, which is much stronger than Hadar Manor.

   Since Hadar brought back the news three days ago, the people in the manor have become nervous, lest they be attacked by wild men.

   Now that the snare drum is sounded, both Olaf and others in the manor think that the Indian tribe has attacked, and many men, women and children in the manor rushed out with weapons.

   On the lookout tower was Karl Hu. He slid down from the four-person tower, and Yotte and Heine, who happened to stay in the manor, came over with a dozen males.

"what happened?!"

  The wrinkles on Yotte's face that were deep in the wind and sun all the year round became deeper and deeper. He clenched the big axe in his hand and looked at Calhu with piercing eyes.

   Heine also held the sword at his waist, with a solemn expression. Although the Icelandic men behind the two did not have little training, they had never experienced battlefield after all. looked a little worried.

   "I saw two large ships approaching the estuary of the Waterfall River in the distance, the Thor Hammer in the front, and a large ship in the back. Now both ships are parked at the estuary, and people have come to pull their fibers!"

   Carl Hu pointed to the north estuary outside the woods and said anxiously.

   "Oh?" Yotte frowned and looked at Heine, "Hudik is back? What ship is behind him? Did he meet a pirate?"

   Thinking of Hudik's mission, Yotte's eyes lit up and he asked, "Carlhu, what kind of captain is behind Thor's Hammer?"

   Karl Hu scratched his head and described the second ship he saw in his eyes.

Yotte's eyes brightened as he listened, and at last he laughed and said, "Brig mixed sailing! That's right! That is Hadar's Hope! It was given to Hagrid seven years ago, and now Hope is following Thor's Hammer. Coming behind the number, Hudik has found Hagrid! Hurry up! Carl, go to Grape Valley to find Hadar on horseback!"

   Karl Hu agreed and left on horseback.

   Yotte laughed, patted Heine on the shoulder and said, "Hagrid is probably here in person. We have to learn from him how to make a fortune in Wenlan!"

   Olaf walked to Yot at this time and reminded: "Should I send someone to meet him?"

  Yote clapped his hands and smiled: "Yes! I will go personally, don't go out in the manor with you and Heine!"

   "Heine, if I don't shoot the arrow to warn, then it means that it is Hudik and Hagrid who came back. If I fire the arrow, you will guard the manor!"

   When he was cautious when he left the house, Yotte reminded Heine in a low voice, then opened the door, riding horseback and bows and arrows, and greeted the two big ships that had been faintly seen on the northern river bank.