The Rise of Iceland

v2 Chapter 38: Holding a musket is an Indian god

     was doing civil engineering in the city of Herrut, and when the slaves were in full swing, Hadar and Hagrid had led their Viking militias to leave the peninsula and entered the hinterland of Wenland.

   This time, both legions took the newly captured slaves. They didn't need to wear plate armor along the way through them. They only relied on the number of people and muskets to push dozens of small savage tribes horizontally.

Said it was a savage tribe, in fact, it can only be said to be a few savage families, most of which are the places where the Kismos live together. There were a dozen to twenty people. They were killed by white slave pikemen and Icelandic Musketeers. The strong man obediently lay down and surrendered.

   was led by the new savage captives, and soon the two legions were advancing to the northeast and southwest along the upper and lower coastlines of Wenlan.

   kept destroying any savage tribes of any size that could be found along the way, killing brave and strong male savages, and capturing the remaining savages.

   In less than ten days, the team of Hadar and Hudik on the North Road doubled, and more than 100 Akismo and nearly 200 Beotuk were added to the auxiliary army.

   When it rained heavily at the end of August, Hadar and others took the rain and went to the place named Waterfall Valley in the northern part of Vinland at the end of the autumn of last year.

   There are also houses built before, which look very strong after a year, but the food that was previously planted has been ruined by animals.

So Hadar and others got into large and small long houses to take shelter from the rain, and prepare to explore the big waterfall upstream of the southern river after the rain stopped. According to the captive savage, there was a huge tribe on the upstream waterfall. .

   While Hadar was sheltering from the rain, the south of Wenlan was cloudless and the sun was shining brightly.

   The militiamen and the white slaves driving under the sun were sweating profusely, Hagrid and Kadir discussed and ordered a rest under the shade of the lake in front of them.

   "The savage tribe that was wiped out last month is not far ahead!"

Hagrid pointed to the huge lake in front of him and said: "There is a place called the land of the galaxy by the savages. The water system is developed and the lakes are everywhere. It is said that there are hundreds of savage tribes in the depths! Especially the core Bakkens. There is one of the largest tribes by the Long Lake, with the co-owner of the Beotuk Alliance.

"The area of ​​Vinland is about to be bigger than Iceland! The environment and climate here are better than Iceland. Will the total number of wild people exceed Iceland? If there are tens of thousands of people, we may not be able to conquer their big tribe!" I haven't seen the Viking militia destroy the savages in person last month, so I am still a little worried about the huge savage tribe that I will face.

   "Indian savages have no smelting technology. They only have wood, stones and animal bones as weapons. Our soldiers are immune to all damage when they wear plate armor. Musketeers are even more powerful!"

Hagrid wiped the sweat from his face with a silk handkerchief, feeling cool and comfortable, and then continued: "The Indian savage has never seen a musket. He heard the sound of the gun. When he saw the fire and white smoke, he thought it was a sky fire. Tianlei, they are ignorant, and they will give up resistance in their hearts. Our weapons, equipment, and fighting qualities are thousands of times better than that of wild people. Even if they face ten times the enemy, they will surely win easily!"

There are abundant species on Wenlan Island, and savages can obtain sufficient food by hunting and gathering. Therefore, there is no condition for the formation of large tribes on the island. Generally, there are small tribes with a dozen to dozens of people living in a certain water system. Live a leisurely and contented life.

   But the arrival of Hagrid's army completely changed the life of the savages in southern Wenlan. He searched for tribes, large and small, and then broke through the tribes, turning all the savages into slaves, and soon the team became huge.

   As the southern part of Wenlan is far superior to the northern part of the environment and rich in products, there are basically no Ekismos in the south. They were all driven by the Beotuks to the bitter cold land along the northern coast.

   Hagrid broke through a Beotuk city walled by a half-moon-shaped lake that night, and eventually killed more than 80 adult men and captured more than 100 men, women, teenagers and children.

   Living in the large wooden house of the original tribal priest and chief, Hagrid lit the oil lamp made of seal grease placed in the house, then sat down quietly and waited quietly while whispering to himself.

"It's been almost half a month since I came out. Because of the sweeping savages like touching a carpet, the distance to walk is shorter than last month, but now there is no savage tribe in the back! But my Bai Nufu There are more than 300 Indian savages under the soldiers and savages, and more and more of these people will have a great burden... and there are some unsafe factors..."

After a while, while Hagrid was thinking about it, Kadir walked in bloody, wearing a half-length plate armor, sat down and said with a grin: "That old thing has been shot to my head! It's for all the savages to see with their own eyes. Now, they all believe that I am the **** who masters the power of sky fire and thunder and lightning!"

Hagrid laughed, thinking about what his second nephew Olaf told him when he wanted to leave. He didn't quite understand it at the time, but it became clearer and clearer now, so he said, "Okay! You kill them with your own hands." If the chiefs and priests of the gods are respected, the savages will question their gods, but at this time tell them that we are mortal gods, to deal with the liars, and then spread the right gods, they will definitely submit to us!"

Both Kadir and Hagrid are not good at scheming minds. After hearing Hagrid's words, he pondered for a while before he was surprised and stared at him and asked, "Hagrid, when did you receive the Lord's favor and the apocalypse? Listening to what Biheine and Hadar said, reveal the taste of wisdom and knowledge slowly?"

In the city of the most intelligent person is recognized as Heine Williams, and the most minded person is Hadar, the bravest and strongest is Hagrid, the most outrageous It is Keldy, the most potential is Ulav, and the most mysterious and invisible is Olaf.

  Kaidier absolutely does not believe that Hagrid, who is as big and rough as himself, will suddenly become smart and cunning, unless he is drowned half-dead by the fountain of wisdom...

   Hagrid spread his hands and sighed, "Why can't I think of smart means?"

Feeling the strange look in Kadir’s eyes, Hagrid laughed, "Okay! I admit that this is not what I thought of, Olaf! It was Olaf who quietly told me how to use the savages to control me before I left. Savage!"

"That's right!" As the deputy commander of a Viking militia, Kadir knew very well what his good friend, the old man Hagrid, was good. After hearing his words, he smiled and clapped his hands. "Olav's head It is the treasure that has been soaked in the fountain of wisdom! He is definitely a genius! Using faith to subdue savages is much better than your original cruel method!"

   The Vikings treated their enemies and slaves very cruelly and harshly. Even after they converted to the benevolent and kind Lord, they did not become very kind.

   Similarly, the Europa countries that believe in the Almighty and Loving Lord have not become gentle and polite gentlemen. They are still greedy, barbaric and willing to help people in the backward areas of the world to accept the "advanced culture" "influence"!

   In fact, if Hagrid’s treatment of savage slaves is compared with the treatment of the local indigenous colonization by the East India Company in South Asia, the West India Company in Central and South America, and the West African colonists, Hagrid can definitely be called a benevolent master.